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That sounds like a rather good move. Do you have the lcr? I know it's as light as a bastard, how is it on controllability for follow-ups? I carry it with Golden Saber 125gr jhp. How about as a straight pocket pistol?
Gen4 G19 most of the time in a Comptac CTAC or Raven Phantom.
And when I can't carry that... I carry an MK9 Elite 03 in a Smart Carry.
Sadly no. My suggestion was merely the first thought that popped into my head based on my aforementioned limited knowledge. I have heard only good things about the LCR, including that recoil is pretty manageable even with full power 357 loads. The Hogue Tamer grips supposedly help quite a lot, but do impede pocket carry a bit. A standard boot grip would lend itself better to pocket carry.
I'm sure there are a few guys on the board with more first-hand LCR experience to share.
How does the M&P carry in that holster? Anything you don't like about it? A friend has one and is looking for a holster to carry.
sig p229 9mm in a Comptac Minotaur Spartan. This basically year round.
I sometimes carry a glock 19, though I am more comfortable with the sig (most likely due to the holster, I shoot both equally) and have high caps for both.
I dont carry extra mags, though after reading this thread and seeing how many of you do I am kind of tempted. You guys just slip them in a pocket, or carry a seperate mag holster?
I dont carry extra mags, though after reading this thread and seeing how many of you do I am kind of tempted. You guys just slip them in a pocket, or carry a seperate mag holster?
I have one of those Deep Concealment holsters. Love it. Works great under a nice heavy flannel shirt in the mid spring and fall.Ruger SR9c. I'm currently testing out the Deep Concealment shoulder holster. It's not pretty, but so far it's proven quite comfortable and concealable. I wear a suit (or at least shirt/tie) 4-5 days a week, and I don't have enough room in my pant for an IWB.