carry gun with a safety

Mar 6, 2006
northshore, ma
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god i hate seeing posts like this but i need some help on this one...

i got my father his LTC and after a few months has decided he finally wants to start carrying...but heres the problem...he's gun shy! well...kinda

he only wants to carry a gun with a safety...i told him most defensive pistols and carry guns dont have safeties and we are really limited in MA

i was gonna get him and m&p and he liked it until he realized theres no safety...same thing with my glock 23...and same as with a sig 232 he fell in love with...he liked them all until he realized they had no safeties

so now i dont know what to not about to give up my hk compact cuz its my baby...if i had another then maybe...only guns i can think of in MA with safeties are the beretta 92/96s...which are too big to carry...ruger 345...which is ok if you have gorilla sized hands...sr9 which i think is junk

so that leaves 1 option that comes to mind for a compact carry gun...walther ppk/s...any other suggestions?

for those of you with them would you recommend them? i carry a .45 and the smallest id carry is .40 but thats just me...i carry a .380 as a back up gun sometimes but thats it...i know the old adage of having a gun rather than not yada yada

and no dont suggest revolvers he wont carry one i already tried
take him shooting? i'm not sure of what his experience is.....

guns w / the wretched SAFE button that you did NOT mention:

* 1911's
* S&W 4000 series

i can't think of anymore off hand for us mass holes.
How about the S&W CS 45, 40, or 9mm? In fact S&W makes a bunch of single stack carry size pistols and some double stack. I had a 6946 double stack 9mm which was a great gun.
CS line are overpriced...and too fat for a carry gun imho...

he has shot all of my guns...including my 1911 which he likes but its too big to carry and para 1911s are junk so that rules them out!

its his first gun and i know he will bitch like a mother if the gun is too bulky which is why i ruled out the cs line
i'm assuming CS = chief's special????

if so, those felt great in my hand.... [laugh]

those S&W "scandium" (sp) models and Para Warthogs or slim hog variants come to mind.... although i can't keep track of all thier model numbers
The other option is to carry without one in the pipe. Meaning that you would have to manually work the slide to load the first round before the firearm would fire. It adds time to the process of reacting in a critical situation but I would trust it much more than a safety.

Just a thought.

Have him carry around the house/yard etc with your G23, unloaded with the slide racked. This will make him much more comfortable with the difficulty require to actually fire a round. Also, a bit of education on the three safetys the glock offers, and the fact that its more than found on any revolver may ease his mind a bit.
Unless you do a hell of a lot of practice, it takes two hands to rack the slide on a semiauto, which you might not always have available when needed, and always takes more time than just toggling the safety off. Anybody who ever trusts their safety to either a supposedly empty chamber or a mechanical safety is a fool courting Darwin's inevitable reward for fools. There's only one safety anyone should ever trust.

How does he feel about wheel-guns? No safeties, but police managed to carry them for about a hundred years with hardly any problems. My choice (ruling out a Glock because of no manual safety) would be either a 1911 or a S&W .357 snubbie.

he just cant seem to wrap his head around the fact that proper care and handling of the gun should negate any kind of accidental discharge

ive taken my guns and dropped them kicked them and everything to show him they wont go off but he just wants that friggin safety on there...but hey if it gets him to carry i cant complain

i was really hoping hed buy a new gun like a m&p or a sig so i could shoot it! not too fond of the walthers though so i guess itll be just his if thats what he decides on
like a above poster said, what does he think about carrying a glock without a round in the chamber?
instead of moving the safety lever, he can rack a round into the chamber.

but i know, i know. many people on NES are under the assumption that theres some sort of chance below 1 in 10 million that if you ever had to pull your gun out, one of your hands would be already disabled and you couldnt pull rack the slide back. right.
I wouldn't carry without a round in the chamber.

Maybe help break his insistence that he carry a gun with a manual safety. That would open up many more options for him.
CS line are overpriced...and too fat for a carry gun imho...

he has shot all of my guns...including my 1911 which he likes but its too big to carry and para 1911s are junk so that rules them out!

its his first gun and i know he will bitch like a mother if the gun is too bulky which is why i ruled out the cs line

How about a commander or officer instead of a government sized 1911. Expensive here in MA, but maybe worth it.
Ruger P series has safeties available. I think the Sig 220 also.

Here is a P95 (polymer frame, compact size):

(Yeah, some people complain that Ruger's "compact" is kind of big, but they are smaller than 1911's, Beretta 92's, and Ruger P89's, all of which get carried.)
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I have a CS9 and I don't find it too fat to carry.
I also have carried my S&W 1911sc with a 4 1/4 barrel and it's OK for me at the 5 o'clock position...

CS line are overpriced...and too fat for a carry gun imho...

he has shot all of my guns...including my 1911 which he likes but its too big to carry and para 1911s are junk so that rules them out!

its his first gun and i know he will bitch like a mother if the gun is too bulky which is why i ruled out the cs line

Shouldn't it be fairly simple to retrofit an M&P with the thumb safety?
Shouldn't it be fairly simple to retrofit an M&P with the thumb safety?

On good authority, we've been told that it isn't possible.

Rumor has it that S&W will be adding the safety option to other M&P models soon.

The M&P 45 is a very large gun, probably not what he's looking for. Even the M&P 45 Compact, I am told is large by anyone's standard.

The M&P safety is NO WHERE near a "positive" safety as that on a 1911! I have seen it flip on/off just by picking up/putting down on a piece of carpet covering the bench at the range!
I would suggest a DAO -Khar makes one with a decent trigger and you can find a few. The other - much more expencive option would be a P7M8 Grip Cocker.

If he MUST have a safety, go with a Sig.
If he likes the 1911, but is concerned about size/weight, have you considered a Smith 1911PD? The commander size and scandium frame make for a relatively like and compact carry piece.

smith and wesson still makes the 4513 (note that one is for sale here)

i have one is 45acp... with defense ammo its easy to shoot, has one in the
pipe, is dao on the first shot and has no safety. unless you pull the trigger
by complete accident it ain't going nowhere. it also carries well with
the proper holster. in the summer it may be difficult to hide.

ask hime to try one.

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