Carrying question

Jun 21, 2006
Lawrence MA.
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Hey Its me again...

ok, Say your driving, have an LTC and you have a gun on you in a holster, You get pulled over by pd. what do you do? show him the license, tell him/ her ur packin or just act like its not tthere?

2nd question, say its on you and your at like target you reach in ur pocket to get your money, and the girl happens to see the butt of the gun. do u show her the license before she calls PD
1) Do a search, this has been dealt with many times. Basically, in a routine stop, it's not an issue. HOWEVER, if you are asked to get out, calmly tell the officer that you have an LTC and you would like to know how to proceed. DO NOT say "I have a gun". Do whatever the officer tells you to do.

2) First off, you failed. The whole deal with concealed carry is that NOBODY KNOWS. Not your friends, not your priest. MAYBE, your tailor and doctor, but that's about it.

That said, most sheep don't realize what it is. If they do, and make a coment or act odd, just say 'It's licensed.' Anything more than that will involve the boys in blue and you do what they ask.

Do not take this at all lightly. If you carry, that is YOUR knowledge only. The object of the game is to go through life without EVER having another person find out. If you are anticipating the moment to use it, you have the wrong mindset. You should be looking for ways to AVOID ever using it. You will become meek and humble and say a lot of "I'm sorry" and "My error" and leave places that don't feel right. You will be alert, but avoid confrontation.

A gun is the VERY LAST answer. The number of times it is the correct one is statisticly insignificant. So why bother? Because when it IS the proper answer, no other answer will do. Same reason I have Fire insurance on my home. I never ever expect to use it, but I'll be damned if I don't prepare.

Take some training. You sound like you still have a lot to learn, and forums are not the place to do it. Suck it up and spend the week up at LFI in New Hampshire. Then, you might have enough knowledge to ask the important questions.
Chris said:
OK, that came across a little harsh. Sorry. Please ask questions. Just understand that written dialog can't take the place of practical training.

Sorry if I was more curt than I should have been.
A little harsh???? gees they were questions thats all. yea I do still have to take my certificate class to get an ltc my first one was too old.

I had to get a doctors note and by the time I found a doctor to sign a prescript my cert. was outdated.
I'd suggest that you accept the apology as it was almost certainly intended. I seriously doubt Chris was implying that hadn't asked questions, but was simply urging you to continue to do so. Sometimes those who've been around the forum for a while tend to become irritated when they read a question for the 12,000th time. Unfortunately the search features don't make it as easy as we might like to look for one of those previous iterations. Some of us are much better than others at dealing with that minor irritation, but since we're all human (at least I think so) we all occasionally have a bad day.

The training Chris was suggestion was in addition to the minimal required by Massachusetts. As an instructor (I just did another class earlier today), I realize fully that the 4 hours somebody spends sitting a classroom doesn't even begin to teach you what you need to know to carry a gun safely and effectively for personal protection. Anyone who believes it does is a dangerous fool, which I don't believe you are. LFI is a damn good start in picking up the additional knowledge and skills you should have, and fine-tuning your attitude. I've only been shooting for about 50 years and teaching close to 25, so I'm no where near knowing everything I should.

BDDonovan said:
I had to get a doctors note and by the time I found a doctor to sign a prescript my cert. was outdated.

Why would you need a "doctors [sic] note?" And how does a "prescript[ion]" relate to a safety course certificate?
Scrivener said:
Why would you need a "doctors [sic] note?" And how does a "prescript[ion]" relate to a safety course certificate?

after you pass the course and get a state police certificate, you have to get a doctors note saying your mentaly stable to carry a firearm..

(not my rule)
BDDonovan said:
after you pass the course and get a state police certificate, you have to get a doctors [sic] note saying your mentaly [sic] stable to carry a firearm..

(not my rule)

Not by statute, either. Hence my question about the town, as I believe you are being jerked off.

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