Carrying while skiing... Need suggestions!

I agree. Why the need to carry a piece when skiing?

Why do you assume nothing bad can happen while you're at a ski mountain?

Do criminals send you a memo on when and where they're planning on working each day?

Because I certainly do not get that memo.

So I carry 24/7.

Everywhere I can.

(If you do happen to get that memo... please forward it on [wink])

Because it's a hell of a lot easier to carry while skiing than my crystal ball.

This too.
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Can you imagine the look on some snow-boarding ding-dong after he does something rude to grandpa out on the slopes, and the old guy hauls a rod out of his a**h*** and points it at the kid way the hell up and gone beyond the treeline? I'd pay to see that.
Can you imagine the look on some snow-boarding ding-dong after he does something rude to grandpa out on the slopes, and the old guy hauls a rod out of his a**h*** and points it at the kid way the hell up and gone beyond the treeline? I'd pay to see that.

hehe, I try not to do rude things while boarding, but i'd be carrying too most likly (unless i'm at the trick park. dont have to wory bout them, they're too stoned usualy to be a threat... Theres a reason why they call it a "half pipe" [laugh]
Carrying while skiing? R U sreus?

Please give me an even remotely likely scenario where you'd ever need that weapon on the slopes. I've never even heard of a crime that would require deadly force on the slopes and I've been skiing since 1976! Leave it in the friggin trunk. If you fall, you'll just have one more big, hard thing to land on. I broke a rib falling on a ski pole in Austria one time. Can't even imagine how much it would hurt to fall on a wheelgun on New England ice/snow.
Carrying while skiing? R U sreus?

Please give me an even remotely likely scenario where you'd ever need that weapon on the slopes. I've never even heard of a crime that would require deadly force on the slopes and I've been skiing since 1976! Leave it in the friggin trunk. If you fall, you'll just have one more big, hard thing to land on. I broke a rib falling on a ski pole in Austria one time. Can't even imagine how much it would hurt to fall on a wheelgun on New England ice/snow.

Well, therein lies the problem. I agree, the chance of needing a gun on the slopes is quite remote. Unfortunately, I'd put the chances of a car break-in at a resort at quite good. So, there's no way I'm leaving my piece locked in the vehicle, even in a safe. It either goes with me all the time, or doesn't leave the house. So, I've developed the habit of carrying on the slopes vs. not carrying at all on the way to/from there.
Carrying while skiing? R U sreus?

Please give me an even remotely likely scenario where you'd ever need that weapon on the slopes.

Why? Because everyone at a ski mountain is just there to ski?

Please give me an even remotely likely scenario where you'd ever need that weapon at a school... isn't everyone just there to learn?

Please give me an even remotely likely scenario where you'd ever need that weapon at a mall... isn't everyone just there to buy stuff?

OH WAIT [rolleyes]

...I DID post this in a gun forum didn't I? *looks around* [thinking]
what ever happened to just punching someone in the face?

IF you are walking back to your car and someone points a knife or gun in your face, you are WRONG! you let them...

crack a _______________ over thier skull and they will relax fast.

situational awareness and ALWAYS be prepared...

edit: the reason i wrote that is because IMO, the same rules apply as if I was carrying. the goal is to NOT have to use it. right?
what ever happened to just punching someone in the face?

IF you are walking back to your car and someone points a knife or gun in your face, you are WRONG! you let them...

crack a _______________ over thier skull and they will relax fast.

situational awareness and ALWAYS be prepared...


So, I guess we really don't need CCW laws in this country, eh? As long as we have situational awareness, there's no need for guns.
It either goes with me all the time, or doesn't leave the house. So, I've developed the habit of carrying on the slopes vs. not carrying at all on the way to/from there.
On a more serious note - I was assuming this was the reasoning for the OP as well, rather than the "Bond" scenario of needing to level a train of well armed 8 yr olds in ski school gunning for you...

Seems like this is one of those rare scenarios where the dreaded "fanny pack" is
perfect. Keeps it away from your bones when you wipe out and accessibility and looks should be a non-issue under winter clothes...
edit: the reason i wrote that is because IMO, the same rules apply as if I was carrying. the goal is to NOT have to use it. right?

Of course. The gun is always the last resort.

On a more serious note - I was assuming this was the reasoning for the OP as well, rather than the "Bond" scenario of needing to level a train of well armed 8 yr olds in ski school gunning for you...

Hehe... correct. I'm not leaving the G26 in the cabin as there's no safe. I'm not leaving it in the car. So it's going to be on me.
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quite frankly, i have never had an issue on the slopes, and the one time some idiot decided it was a good idea to hassle me in the parking lot, that snowboard of mine has a long reach and sure looked like it hurt looking at the guys face

i only carried on the slopes just to try, haven't since
So, I guess we really don't need CCW laws in this country, eh? As long as we have situational awareness, there's no need for guns.

Of course. The gun is always the last resort.

Hehe... correct. I'm not leaving the G26 in the cabin as there's no safe. I'm not leaving it in the car. So it's going to be on me.


i probably could have written better, i'm just saying do NOT give up YOUR manhood.

go skiing and have a great time... leave the gun at home.

my view MAY be skewed.... but it is what it is....

craftiness at its finest!


LOL, baseball bat SOB in a he-man holster or something... think outside the box!
quite frankly, i have never had an issue on the slopes

Well... I've never had an issue at a school, nor at a mall, nor at work either.

Actually, I've never had an issue anywhere yet where I even remotely needed a firearm.

Does this mean I don't need to carry at all? [rolleyes]
My mind is boggled.

I can't believe I'm actually having to justify carrying a gun... to people on a gun forum.

What's sad is that the logic used in the statements below is exactly the same logic the anti's use in telling us why no one needs a gun. [rolleyes]

Don't take this the wrong way or anything, but why do you feel the need to carry while skiing? I know, some carry 24/7/365, but I've never had any kind of life threatening experience

I agree. Why the need to carry a piece when skiing?

Carrying while skiing? R U sreus?

Please give me an even remotely likely scenario where you'd ever need that weapon on the slopes.

quite frankly, i have never had an issue on the slopes


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I'm not even going to go into the likelihood of needing a gun while skiing/in the lodge argument.

The biggest question is: How experienced a skier are you? When was the last time you've fallen? If your answers aren't I'm a complete expert, I ski everything on the mountain, and spend most of the day making double-black-diamonds look like a walk in the park on a difficult mountain, and I haven't fallen at all in many years, (from purely the risk of serious injury standpoint) you're pretty much crazy to carry a significantly sized metal object on your person while on the slopes.

I've been skiing 40+ days per winter since 1984 on difficult mountains. I could answer yes to both of those questions before I blew out both my knees in freak falls. I would never carry on the slopes.
Put it in a back pack and wear it on when you get up to get food in the lodge. No big deal. Pro pick pockets will assume there is treasure in there no one else will notice.
My mind is boggled.

I can't believe I'm actually having to justify carrying a gun... to people on a gun forum.

What's sad is that the logic used in the statements below is exactly the same logic the anti's use in telling us why no one needs a gun. [rolleye


No justification is necessary if you feel you need/want to then do it. It's your choice and your right. You just need to find a method that's comfortable for you. Which if I remember correctly was your original question. So far the pocket holster seems to be your best option. Have fun skiing.
My mind is boggled.

I can't believe I'm actually having to justify carrying a gun... to people on a gun forum.

What's sad is that the logic used in the statements below is exactly the same logic the anti's use in telling us why no one needs a gun. [rolleyes]

That's such a stupid response I can't believe it. Several of us, very experienced skiers have told you that the gun presents a very real risk to you from falling on it. It's been made explicitly clear.

If, given that you have no reasonable likelihood of possibly needing the weapon, (and to compare the slopes with a mall shows you don't have the slightest idea WTF you are talking about) you are willing to risk serious injury to yourself, have fun. I'd take a fanny pack, worn in front.

To me, and I'm an expert skiier who's skiied the Alps, the Sierras, the Rockies, the Cascades and the Canadian Rockies, there's not the slightest reason in the world to be so GD paranoid you need a take your weapon on the slopes. If you feel so inclined, then do so. But don't come back and assert that the experienced skiiers who've responded to you are like the Brady Bunch.

It's insulting and patently stupid. Carry and be damned for all I care. I hope you enjoy the broken hip/leg/ribs etc.
Why would you carry a gun? A criminal could take it away from you and use it against you! [rolleyes]

How about dealing with wild animals on or near the trail (what's the closest you've seen a baby bear with it's mother on a ski mountain? I've been closer than I liked)? Or a crazy ex-husband shooting his wife and kids in the ski lodge because she divorced him but he LOVES her still?

If I'm laying on the ground with a broken leg on the side of a mountain, I'd rather be armed than stay un-armed for the emotional well-being of the responding EMT's.
Having hard objects in any pocket while skiing isn't the absolute greatest idea but it's not the end of the world. If I had to do it, I'd put my PM9 in a pocket holster and then carry in a pants pocket. My ski pants are like cargo pants and have pockets on the side of the leg. At least if I fell, that wouldn't do a lot of damage.

That said, you're free to carry wherever you want but a ski area is one of the last places you'd really need to.

EDIT: I wrote that last sentence without reading the whole thread. As I said, no justification is needed. I'm just stating that based on odds.
I'm not even going to go into the likelihood of needing a gun while skiing/in the lodge argument.

The biggest question is: How experienced a skier are you? When was the last time you've fallen? If your answers aren't I'm a complete expert, I ski everything on the mountain, and spend most of the day making double-black-diamonds look like a walk in the park on a difficult mountain, and I haven't fallen at all in many years, (from purely the risk of serious injury standpoint) you're pretty much crazy to carry a significantly sized metal object on your person while on the slopes.

I've been skiing 40+ days per winter since 1984 on difficult mountains. I could answer yes to both of those questions before I blew out both my knees in freak falls. I would never carry on the slopes.

I asked the forum for suggestions on HOW to carry on the slopes. Not WHETHER to carry or not. That being said, I appreciate your input. And it's been noted, as the physical risks of carrying on the slopes have been mentioned by many already. I am FULLY aware that falling on my g26 could rupture my spleen, break my arm, crush my ribcage, snap my spine, give me whiplash, leave a nasty Indian rug burn on my arm, and give me a huge charlie horse on my ass. And I'm not even going to mention the hemorrhoids.


I've been skiing for 23 years... I know my limits on the slopes... and rarely push them. I don't ski to go as fast as I can. I ski because I love being on the mountain, on the snow, and carving nice S turns. I'll be okay if I carry while skiing. Really. And if I fall, and get a bruise... so be it.

BOGGLED be not. grab your balls. go skiing and have a great time is all i'm saying.

Jay... I've always got my balls on me. Until MA finds out how bad ass they are, though, and legislates a safe storage law requiring me to lock them up in a safe at all times. [smile]

I initially wanted to have my G26 on me for the 3.5hr drive there and back. And like I mentioned earlier... there being no safe in the cabin, and not wanting to leave it in the car... I figured keeping it on me was the most responsible option while on the slopes.

In the end, I may just decide to go Pelosi on this ski trip. Unarmed, that is. I'll make it a game time decision tomorrow before I leave.
These are like the ski pants I have.


Purely from an injury standpoint, I'd want the item in a lower pocket like these pants have.
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