Ch 5 Follow Up on arrest of Gun Dealer

What I am not getting from the article is why the "gun show loophole" has anything to do with this, it was already illegal to sell the gun to someone from out of state. So if they "closed the loophole", then the seller would have broken two laws instead of one?

What I am not getting from the article is why the "gun show loophole" has anything to do with this, it was already illegal to sell the gun to someone from out of state. So if they "closed the loophole", then the seller would have broken two laws instead of one?

But you're not thinking of the children, and guns that can shoot through schoolbuses. [rolleyes]
I think it is high time that someone took action against these double schoolbus shootings. It seems like you hear about another one every day in the news.
What I am not getting from the article is why the "gun show loophole" has anything to do with this, it was already illegal to sell the gun to someone from out of state. So if they "closed the loophole", then the seller would have broken two laws instead of one?

Precisely. Wasn't the FFL system part of the GCA? And was signed into law by President Nixon. I'm looking at my calendar now. That's over 40 years ago.

Obviously facts are not part of the equation.

"This loophole could be closed tomorrow if Congress and the president said all gun sales have to undergo a background check regardless of whether you're a private or a licensed dealer, and I think the number of guns sold to criminals would be dramatically reduced," said John Rosenthal, of Stop Handgun Violence.
", and I think the number of guns sold to criminals would be dramatically reduced," said John Rosenthal, of Stop Handgun Violence.

That's it, based on cold hard facts. "he Thinks" - I doubt it
I find it a lucky coincidence for channel 5 reporters that they just happened to be there on the scene when this guy was arrested. [wink] John Rosenthal sees this arrest as a feather in his cap. He will continue to scheme as best he can to make all law abiding citizens pay the price for the criminal's activity.
Too bad Bernie Matloff didn't run Rosenthal's investments.
Cant say that I know of anyone or anyplace that is setting up shooting two school buses at once from over 250 yards unless its a MythBusters episode or a car shoot. That has to be the most pandering emotional example that was possible to place in print at the time.
he was pulled from his home by federal and state authorities along with his .50 caliber assault rifles and 40 other guns.

Woah... a .50 caliber assault rifle! I hope they brought that out in handcuffs too.

if Congress and the president said all gun sales have to undergo a background check regardless of whether you're a private or a licensed dealer

Yup, if you told this dude illegally dealing firearms that he was supposed to run a background check on those illegal sales, everything would be all better. [rolleyes]
Makes a lot of sense to me to continue punishing those that don't break the law to keep those that do from breaking it![frown]

Whan are we going to close the loophole on idiot politicians?
Guy has guns. Sells them illegally.

....Guy robs bank (Does that mean every one walking into a bank is a robber?).

....Drunkin Driver gets caught (Does that mean every driver is a drunk?)

....Accountant is caught hiding income/not payin taxes (Does that mean that every accountant is a thief or tax cheat?)

I could go on and on,.....sounds like they are just capitalizing on the current angenda of guns and the whole mythilogical(sp) "gun show loopholes".

Obviously, this is not a case of a loophole, but a case of an alleged crime, just like the others I mentioned earlier, that certainly doesn't mean the whole group of people are guilty, or that there are huge gaps in the system....

Ugh...the media makes me sick...
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Reporteer caught making things up as he/she goes......Is every reporter a piece of shit? Most are.
How about an article about long haul trucking which said "One of these vehicles could squash 600 babies if they were placed next to each other on the roadway."

Maybe the trucker drivers should be allowed to drive only sedans. It's for the children.
I have a question..By this new terminology. If I do not have an ffl and I buy a gun (legally, of course, either through an ffl or an fa-10), since I do not have an ffl, am I now "an unlicensed dealer"? and is any firearms transaction now considered a "gun show"?

Am I getting this straight??
And was signed into law by President Nixon.

First off, the FFL system was more likely part of NFA '34. Can't really remember, but I'm about 99% sure it existed prior to GCA '68.

Secondly, GCA '68 was signed into law by President Johnson, not Nixon. Nixon took office in Jan 1969, the law went into effect Dec 16, 1968.

Other than those 2 minor flaws, you're right.

Here's a better link to the story, from the TV station where it happened.

Funny thing is, none of the crap your Boston station mentions is in the NY story. Imagine that.
1) I'm glad they caught the b@stard. Lock him up.

2) This article is typical Globe crap:
Vermont, one of 32 states where unlicensed dealers are allowed to sell privately under certain circumstances at gun shows to people without a background check.
Said circumstances do NOT apply in this case. The guy was from out of state. He was selling illegally. No 'loopholes' at all, the guy was committing a felony by selling the gun in VT. They don't need any new laws to close any loopholes to make the world safe from this, the guy's already breaking the law and - oh! got arrested and is going to jail! Fancy that!

b) the 'shooting through school buses'. Enough here have registered their disgust at this pandering allegory. Why not talk about how many babies lined up the gun can shoot through[rolleyes]

c) Obligatory Rosenthal quote at the end. Does the Globe give this guy a retainer or something?

God I hate that paper.
Here's a better link to the story, from the TV station where it happened.

Funny thing is, none of the crap your Boston station mentions is in the NY story. Imagine that.

Wow! A news story not overly charged with drama and quotes from fools. The story just gives the facts of this man's alleged illegal trafficing and doesn't try to instill fear.
1) I'm glad they caught the b@stard. Lock him up.

2) This article is typical Globe crap:
a) Said circumstances do NOT apply in this case. The guy was from out of state. He was selling illegally. No 'loopholes' at all, the guy was committing a felony by selling the gun in VT. They don't need any new laws to close any loopholes to make the world safe from this, the guy's already breaking the law and - oh! got arrested and is going to jail! Fancy that!

b) the 'shooting through school buses'. Enough here have registered their disgust at this pandering allegory. Why not talk about how many babies lined up the gun can shoot through[rolleyes]

c) Obligatory Rosenthal quote at the end. Does the Globe give this guy a retainer or something?

God I hate that paper.

Don't worry, there's going to be a big empty building on Morrissey Blvd soon
The main issue is the continued use of "Gun Dealer" in these stories prefixed by "Illegal". By definition a law-abiding "Gun Dealer" is someone who is a licensed FFL.

"Illegal Gun Dealer" is just that - illegal. What laws weren't on the books to arrest this idiot then? Tell me. What laws were missing Rosenthal?

That's what I thought...

What's really sad, is that Channel 5's is actually paying for these well educated people to write this stuff? What a laugh.

How about "61 Year Old accussed of dealing in firearms illegally"? Oh, but that wouldn't confuse the public or push their disarmament agenda now would it! It's sickening that a high school student could write a more grammatically correct and accurate story for 1/10th the cost of what these fools get paid.

This was SUCH AN EASY ARREST too. Where has the BATFE been while all this was going on? It's an embarrasement for them and the FBI as the guy was placing flyers on telephone poles for God sake!

Makes you feel safer doesn't it? Glad they got him - finally! We need to continue this trend and lock them all up.
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Wow! A news story not overly charged with drama and quotes from fools. The story just gives the facts of this man's alleged illegal trafficing and doesn't try to instill fear.

Riverside, nope, don't agree. Even the title is offensive.

Feds Seize Huge Weapons Cache In Plattsburgh
Huge Weapons Cache?

"ATF agents, and one of the weapons - a 50 caliber rifle with a sniper scope -- had a range of two miles."


Some of the guns were similar to weapons used by soldiers in Iraq.

Even more scary.

Police said Moccio bought some guns from other people, or would buy the parts over the internet and build them himself.

Yep, let's start the next attack on the Internet and ban all firearms parts and sales via mail order too.
So wtf is the story? Some idiot knowingly breaks well established federal law...

Wish they did this kind of "investigative reporting" on Beacon Hill.

When some idiot breaks the law it must mean we need more laws to ensure they don't break the laws that are already in place.
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