Ch 5 Follow Up on arrest of Gun Dealer

That comment bothered me quite a bit as well. Was that necessary?

"This gun is capable of killing babies"
Fear mongering & playing with people's emotions. Cloud their judgment so that common sense and rational thinking are taken out of the equation.


perfectly good upper, BCG, and rails gone to waste... [crying]

1) I'm glad they caught the b@stard. Lock him up.

That too... if he broke the law... lock him up...
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"could penetrate two school buses parked together 250 yards away"

To put this in a more understandable context (using my liberal-logic convert-o-matic wheel).

that equates to:
4000 beautiful babies lined up head to toe.
2000 cute fuzzy bunnies lined up nose to tail.
1500 adorable little kittens (head to tail)
1250 happy little puppies
450 mental ill people lined up by psycosis (neurotic in front, ocd middle, schizoids end).

That is ALARMING, it puts it all in perspective..
(please note, women and minorites will be hardest hit by this)..
Riverside, nope, don't agree. Even the title is offensive.

Huge Weapons Cache?


Even more scary.

Yep, let's start the next attack on the Internet and ban all firearms parts and sales via mail order too.

I did not read as much bias in the report posted by Nickle as I did in the one presented by Channel 5. Forty-Four weapons or $40,000. worth of firearms is a lot of firearms. A Huge Cache? That's a matter of semantics. People who don't own any probably consider it an ungodly amount of firearms. Stating that one gun's range of fire power is up to two miles isn't any where near as dramatic as stating it could penetrate two school buses. The only thing scary in the report is that this guy was involved in illegal sales of firearms, selling to known felons. Armed with this information, any number of mASSachusetts state representatives are going to call John Rosenthal and ask for his help in writing up and passing more anti-gun laws that will only harm law abiding citizens.
Best Regards.
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