Chapter 135’s Affect on Hunter Participation

Jan 21, 2007
Southcoast, MA
Feedback: 11 / 0 / 0
I took the week off for the first week of shotgun season and have noticed a drastic reduction in the number of fellow hunters. The first Saturday of shotgun is usually a shit show but I didn’t see another soul at my spot today. Has anyone else noticed this?
I don't hunt, but I am wondering what it will do to state shoots involving clay targets and shotguns. Mass has been hosting Mass, NH, and RI state Trap Shoots with shooters coming in from all over New England and a large group of kids with a lot using semi auto shotguns. We shall see......
I took the week off for the first week of shotgun season and have noticed a drastic reduction in the number of fellow hunters. The first Saturday of shotgun is usually a shit show but I didn’t see another soul at my spot today. Has anyone else noticed this?
Agreed on all fronts. I was also off this past week and I felt the same.

I was hoping for pressure from other hunters today (being the first non-weekday) but I only heard 5 shots from any distance.

But I don’t think that necessarily is from Ch 135. Didn’t change my behavior. I think there are less and less of us each year.
The non-resident competitive event/gun show exemption was removed with the latest law. Now, out of state competitors either take their changes, get a non-resident LTC (which is made invonvent via the MA training requirement and in person interview requirement), or just avoid the MA events.
The non-resident competitive event/gun show exemption was removed with the latest law. Now, out of state competitors either take their changes, get a non-resident LTC (which is made invonvent via the MA training requirement and in person interview requirement), or just avoid the MA events.
Most will choose the third option and say f*** MA. I can’t blame them.
Hunting pressure has been trending downward for many years. We saw a boost during the wuhan thing and then it dropped off again. Sad. None of my 3 sons are interested and only one of their friends actively hunts.
FWIW, both bird season and shotgun deer season have been a shitshow in my neck of the woods. I'm in central Mass near Mt. Wachusett. Yesterday by 9am I had heard 6 or 7 series of shots in the woods, coming from various directions. Some were single shots, a couple doubles, and a couple tards blasting away like the Danny DeVito meme.


I've never seen my bird hunting areas picked quite so clean as this season. Friday after Thanksgiving I covered over 5 miles with a dog that is a total unit. Only found one hen. Glad I didn't miss.
I haven’t come across another hunter all season in my local spot. None of the old regulars and no new folks checking it out. So I’ve been wondering if with the license fees increasing if more folks are opting for out of state options. I hunt a border town to NH. So pressure and deer movement had been challenging. Friday night my kid and I jumped a 4 pointer on the way in and he ended up shooting it. You don’t see to many younger folks in the woods so we’re losing hunters to that.
or just avoid the MA events.
More trophies for me and other ma**h***s!! (If I ever decide to pick up competitive

This is just sarcasm. I realize that without out of state participation, many of these events will go away. But at least we stopped ghost guns. :-/

I took the week off for the first week of shotgun season and have noticed a drastic reduction in the number of fellow hunters. The first Saturday of shotgun is usually a shit show but I didn’t see another soul at my spot today. Has anyone else noticed this?
Agreed. I ALWAYS took opening day of shotgun and the first Sat off. That's like going out drinking on the Wed before Thanksgiving... amateur hour. But this year, while it was still the busiest day(s), the participation was down. I usually will take an hour or two to "scout" on those days by just driving around and peeping how many cars are in the lots, parked off the highway, etc. so I know which pieces of woods get hammered the hardest. This year, there were noticeably fewer of them. I wouldn't say it was a drastic reduction, but it was noticeable. So instead of maybe 10 cars in the lot on average, this year there were maybe 7.

Can't say it was the new law, but something was different this year - for sure.

Someone else made the point about the increased license fees. Between the new law, and the higher costs, it is a double whammy... It has to have had some effect. I'm seeing it.
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