Chapter 180 Part 2

It was then I came to a sad realization about Massachusetts. In the state where revolution was born, the state where people gathered, stood up and said: NO MORE! - the state where blood was shed and freedom took hold, people have forgotten their roots. They have become sheep to the mongers on Beacon Hill and have learned to just "roll over, grab the sheets and take it"....Never have I seen so many who talk the talk, but won't walk the walk than in The Bay State....One person standing on the steps of Beacon Hill screaming about their rights is a maniac - 10,000 is a voice....

For the record, if you protest, I'll join you.
Why does nobody ever ask why is that the rest of the citizens of the commonwealth have to suffer for the sins of what the Boston Police and community activists have come out and said are at best a couple of hundred youths in the illustrious cities of Roxbury and Dorchester?

Maybe we ought to start a decession movement to throw Dorchester, Roxbury, and maybe all of Greater Boston out of the Commonwealth. Then they would be free to pass whatever ridiculous laws they want to opress all the liberal lugnuts who live there - and we can be left alone.
You might be surprised at the bedfellows the ACLU has been keeping lately.

Now THAT'S amazing. The ACLU backing carry of a firearm in a vehicle while "traveling" by Texans w/o a CCW permit - who'd a thunk it?

Allowing anyone to carry a gun while traveling to make sure they get to where they are going OK... now there's a progressive idea!
Why does nobody ever ask why is that the rest of the citizens of the commonwealth have to suffer for the sins of what the Boston Police and community activists have come out and said are at best a couple of hundred youths in the illustrious cities of Roxbury and Dorchester?

Maybe we ought to start a decession movement to throw Dorchester, Roxbury, and maybe all of Greater Boston out of the Commonwealth. Then they would be free to pass whatever ridiculous laws they want to opress all the liberal lugnuts who live there - and we can be left alone.

Or....just erect an eighteen foot high, wire topped wall and just turn it into the prison that most of the population there belong in anyway.

Politicians don't want to stop crime, it is their life blood. It greases the wheels of the legislature, the judiciary, law enforcement and countless other peripheral entities.
Politicians would have nothing to "grandstand" about if it weren't for criminals.....they love them and all they do.
Every crime gives them ten more reasons to justify their very existance. Truth of the matter is, the politicians are the biggest criminals as they violate the rights of law abiding citizens with impunity.
Removing the ability of good people defend themselves against thugs is as dispicable an act as any man could commit. If half the population of these areas were issued guns and told to clean up their neighborhoods.....the place would be at peace in 48 hours.
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I love that they want to ban a handgun that we can't even buy but "any ammunition that could penetrate body armor" should worry the poo out of anyone who realizes what that easily means.

We must keep the children safe from all those Five Sevens roaming the Boston streets,those things are flippin' dangerous- good thing my PS-90 is so well behaved.
Why does nobody ever ask why is that the rest of the citizens of the commonwealth have to suffer for the sins of what the Boston Police and community activists have come out and said are at best a couple of hundred youths in the illustrious cities of Roxbury and Dorchester?

Maybe we ought to start a decession movement to throw Dorchester, Roxbury, and maybe all of Greater Boston out of the Commonwealth. Then they would be free to pass whatever ridiculous laws they want to opress all the liberal lugnuts who live there - and we can be left alone.


The violence in boston is just a facade. Even if only a handful of
drug dealers shot each other every year in boston (say 20 deaths or less)
mumbles and friends would still be calling for more gun control. Violent crime
is just the most convenient "excuse" for gun banners. Their objective is not to stop crime,
it's to ban guns. I'd go so far to say that some of them know that disarming the populace
increases crime and thus the (perceived) need for a nanny-state government and its attendant

Just heard on the radio news that this load of dung has now been filed as a Bill........

I guess my letter looks good just as written so I will be sending it to my Rep and Sen today. Folks, get off your butts and write to yours as well. We are in a heap of trouble here and we cannot count on somebody else stepping up for us. Take ten minutes and write a letter or email. Use your brain and facts, dont write as if you are a ticked off 10 year old.

Every person who participates on this website/message board should now be formulating a letter.
Just heard on the radio news that this load of dung has now been filed as a Bill........

I guess my letter looks good just as written so I will be sending it to my Rep and Sen today. Folks, get off your butts and write to yours as well. We are in a heap of trouble here and we cannot count on somebody else stepping up for us. Take ten minutes and write a letter or email. Use your brain and facts, dont write as if you are a ticked off 10 year old.

Every person who participates on this website/message board should now be formulating a letter.

You wouldn't happen to know the bill number or where I could find the bill...
Just heard on the radio news that this load of dung has now been filed as a Bill........

I guess my letter looks good just as written so I will be sending it to my Rep and Sen today. Folks, get off your butts and write to yours as well. We are in a heap of trouble here and we cannot count on somebody else stepping up for us. Take ten minutes and write a letter or email. Use your brain and facts, dont write as if you are a ticked off 10 year old.

Every person who participates on this website/message board should now be formulating a letter.

My school blocks the GOAL website; however, the Brady site is fully functional. Figures...

The Mass .gov wonders why people are leaving the state...

Someone should call the school's filtering on that, doesn't sound very legal to me. If it's a public school that is.
I'm glad to see some think this is funny. I for one do not think this is a joking matter. Legal gun owners in this state are in serious trouble. Pretty soon you wont be laughing.

The violence in boston is just a facade. Even if only a handful of
drug dealers shot each other every year in boston (say 20 deaths or less)
mumbles and friends would still be calling for more gun control. Violent crime
is just the most convenient "excuse" for gun banners. Their objective is not to stop crime,
it's to ban guns. I'd go so far to say that some of them know that disarming the populace
increases crime and thus the (perceived) need for a nanny-state government and its attendant


You and I might realize that - but the vast portion of the other citizens of this state buy into a lot of the gun banners arguments. I am coming to the conclusion that a good part of the reason why we as gun owners keep losing our rights is because we keep playing their game. It is long past time to turn the tables and play a different game. If Menino and his ilk want to use the gun violence in Boston and surrounding towns as an excuse to force more laws on the rest of the law abiding citizens of the commonwealth then maybe it is time for us to divorce ourselves from them entirely. Tell Menino and the rest of the liberals in Boston - guess what - you no longer get to have any influence on the rules of this game because you have hereby been banned from playing - you can go play in your own sandbox and make up whatever rules you choose - but you no longer get to have any influence over us.

Bye Bye.
Tell Menino and the rest of the liberals in Boston - guess what - you no longer get to have any influence on the rules of this game because you have hereby been banned from playing - you can go play in your own sandbox and make up whatever rules you choose - but you no longer get to have any influence over us.

Bye Bye.
And how do you propose to do that?
These asswipe polaticions could care less what the legal gun community has to say. I'm afraid this state is just plain DOOMED![angry]
It absolutely is, if we choose to roll over and take it....Perhaps it's time for actions and words speaking together eh? [hmmm]

Something has to happen - some of these new laws being proposed are eerily similar to stuff enacted by the Nazis, and the communists in Russia etc. It will never get better unless we start taking action - which is where the idea of deceding Boston from the state comes from. I realize it might be crazy talk - but it seems like we are slowly moving towards a totalitarian state here.

Remember April 19 is coming up - and I am sure there were plenty of whiners back in 1775 telling those farmers they are crazy for standing up to the British Empire. We all know how that turned out.
We all need to write letters AND make phone calls. Don't put it off, don't think someone else will do it for you, etc. Everyone needs to get off their butts and make your voices heard.
It would be great if the NRA or GOAL offered pre-written form letters that can be emailed, faxed, or mailed to our reps. People are inherently lazy. Having well-written letters that require an address (can also be automated) for the rep and your signature may go a long way to getting some action out of the gun owning populace.

Form letters are ineffective. The staff of your state rep or senator knows what a form letter looks like and they are given very little weight. The NRA or GOAL should put out talking points, but the actual letter construction has to be up to the individual writer.

We all need to write letters AND make phone calls. Don't put it off, don't think someone else will do it for you, etc. Everyone needs to get off their butts and make your voices heard.

Not too much can be done until a bill number is issued. I don't remember the time frame for that, but it could be a few weeks. Once you have that, you can start lobbying against the bill.

Not too much can be done until a bill number is issued. I don't remember the time frame for that, but it could be a few weeks. Once you have that, you can start lobbying against the bill.


With all the press this one is getting, I'm sure that most of them know about it. Contact them now and then again when the bill # gets assigned. The more they hear, the better for us.
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