Civil Service exam



Anyone taking the civil service exam next Saturday on the 19th? I hear the exam is going to give us non-vets a chance this time. what do you all think about the new scoring format?
I will be there. My test is at Duggan Junior High in Springfield. My friend who I was gonna car pool but he thinks his test is somewhere else. Anyone know if there are 2 Springfield sites?
Yup, I'm taking it also. I got called for Boston, but haven't heard anything since the home inspection. Anyone know what's going on in Boston for the next acadamy?
Good luck with the resting. Its been many years since my test taking day. Don't miss them at all. I truely believed that the board on my promotional tests had it in for me personally..
I'm taking it on saturday as well. Going to the high school in Waltham.

Any advice from previous test takers here? Do most people taking the test have a relationship with a town/city they want to work for before taking it? Any insight on the overall procedure, like take test, towns look at your scores, and then they call you?

Home inspection? [thinking]

Do they do a proctology exam too? [rolleyes]

I'm not sure.....I haven't had the physical exam yet[shocked] The home inspection is just to make sure you live where you say you live and I imagine that you keep a "decent" home? They interviewed my wife and I for a few minutes and were on their way. They were extremely pleasent and it was a pleasure to meet them.
I'm taking it on saturday as well. Going to the high school in Waltham.

Any advice from previous test takers here? Do most people taking the test have a relationship with a town/city they want to work for before taking it? Any insight on the overall procedure, like take test, towns look at your scores, and then they call you?


It has been some time since I took these tests but here is the advice from someone that never scored above a 98 and never below a 94% on any standardized Civil Service or promotional exam.

Plan a good nights sleep.
Do not figure on driving a long distance as the added stress of traffic, flat tire, etc can effect your scores.
Get there early.
Keep the AM coffee to a minimum but have a good breakfast.

If you are supposed to bring anything have extra.

When you start taking the test, use your best judgment on each answer. Don't fret over the answers and never go back and change answers. Your first response is usually the correct one if you know the answer.

If you do not know the answer and feel you should skip, make sure you skip on the answer key also.

When you are finished, check it over and then get the hell out of there before you decide to change answers.

Best of luck on the tests and remember, there are many PDs that are NOT civil service.


PS: Below a 96 is a pretty low score and usually will not get you a job (or at least not when I was taking tests)
Take the fire exam! Firefighters eat better, get paid to sleep and "everyone loves firemen".

Seriously, good luck to everyone taking the exam.
Good luck everyone.

I took the test back in...

[scratches head]

...the early 1990s.

Read the directions very carefully...

Get plenty of sleep.

Plan on 2X as much time as needed to get there - you're MUCH better off getting there an hour early than 5 minutes late.

Excellent advice on the good breakfast. Nothing too heavy, else you'll be nodding off halfway through the test.

Best of luck!
I heard on the radio today there's over 1,000 minorities that have signed up to take it on Saturday. [shocked] How many folks are signed up total? And is where it's being held large enough to hold that many?
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