Clinton needs to keep his trap shut.

Asshat...... well as long as you don't call our former CIC an AssCLOWN.

As a former assclown I would take offence to that.
Well...... wearing an ass as a hat is never good, but at least a clown can be funny.... and some time scary. So.... my vote is that ass hat is worse.

Only two Marines would be having this discussion instead of working.

How do you get world pease? Screw that, Asshat or ass clown. Now THAT is an important discussion!
JonJ said:
Hey, check out the G'itmo Wear over on Rush's site
I gotta get me one of them tee shirts.

derek said:

"If we get a reputation for abusing people, it puts our own soldiers much more at risk," Clinton said.

He's the last person that should be talking about putting soldiers at more risk. Oct 3rd, 1993

What an asshat. [evil]

You're being too kind, Derek. He's WAY more than an asshat. I could never figure out why women loved him. Oh gosh...I feel that gag reflex coming on again just thinking about him....
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