CMP Service Rifle Matches at Braintree R&P

Len-2A Training

NES Life Member
NES Member
Feb 26, 2005
Feedback: 76 / 1 / 0
Braintree R&P runs CMP Service Rifle Matches monthly (except Winter months), typically on the 3rd Saturday at 9AM. The club can supply an M1 or AR15 and ammo if someone is interested but doesn't own their own gear yet. Cost is $5.00 if you BYO gun & ammo or $15.00 if you use the club gun & ammo. More details can be found at

Saturday, March 19th
Non-Members, experienced shooters AND first-timers are more than welcome.
Matches are now shutdown until March (IIRC). I worked the last match of the season as RO. It was the first time I had seen one of these matches.

I suggest sending Ross (he runs the matches and knows the rules) an Email and ask him about the '03. His Email address is on the website: I recall seeing someone shooting an M1 Carbine at that match. I think (but didn't get close enough to confirm what it was) that someone was shooting a bolt action, but I'm not 100% positive.

There are club loaner guns if you need them to shoot this match. Just in case they don't allow what you already have or if you want to try something else out.
1903 and cmp

You can use a 1903 for a service rifle match (or a Krag for those really brave). The rapid fire stages can be challenging but it can be done and is done with great success.

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