Coakley on WTKK


NES Member
Sep 10, 2007
York county Maine
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I was on my way to drop my truck off for some service this AM (around 9:45 or so) TKK was on, and Coakley was on with Jim and Margery.

This is when I almost swerved off the road and into oncoming traffic, Martha (Marcia) was actually denouncing the governer's one-gun-a-month bill. She was clear that illegal gun in MA DON'T come from licensed mass gun owners unless they are stolen. She continued to defend why someone would want to and should be able to buy a number of firearms in one transaction, not to have to wait 30 days between purchases.


I was at a loss for words...

Any one else hear this?

I would never dispute that...

I was thinking maybe it was just political posturing or something of the sort.

Oh you're right, it has nothing to do with taking the correct side of an issue, she obviously has something personal to gain by this.
Her husband probably put her up to it.
She was on after I arrived at work. Maybe she should write a letter to Bill Fine at WCVB and Derrick Jackson and Yvonne Abraham at the Glob advising them that their support of Coupe Devals bill is misguided..
She talked for a few minutes pretty accurately (I believe) about what the root of the violence was, and when asked about the bill she said she believed it wouldn't do anything to curb violence. I think she wanted to just leave it at that. When Braude started to dig that is when she actually stood up for the "law abiding gun owner" in Massachusetts.

We know her office reads this site, so she probably knows how much we supported/gave to/volunteered for Scott Brown.

Maybe acting as if she supports law abiding gun owners is just her ham-fisted attempt to grab the support of what she sees as a bunch of single issue voters (us).

If this is true... "HEY MARTHA. WE WANT TO BUY GLOCKS!"
I don't trust that hosebag one bit. How can she not believe in OGAM but yet at the same time, still believe in CMR 940?

My bet is she knows that OGAM is not going to have a lot of traction behind it, so it is more politically expedient and safer to oppose it.

She talked for a few minutes pretty accurately (I believe) about what the root of the violence was, and when asked about the bill she said she believed it wouldn't do anything to curb violence. I think she wanted to just leave it at that. When Braude started to dig that is when she actually stood up for the "law abiding gun owner" in Massachusetts.


If she was standing up for law abiding gun owners that bullshit AG's list would be gone. That bullshit AWB would be gone. That bullshit hi-cap mag crap would be gone.

She doesn't care about any of you subjects in MA. She hasn't accomplished anything as AG other than being the lame duck in a slam dunk of an election. Instead of going after criminals her minions are on here daily trying to string up law abiding gun owners by liberal interpretations of the current over bearing gun laws.

I lost all respect for her when she blew off Jim and GOAL right after she beat Larry in the election. Let her walk the skyline.
If she was standing up for law abiding gun owners that bullshit AG's list would be gone. That bullshit AWB would be gone. That bullshit hi-cap mag crap would be gone.

She doesn't care about any of you subjects in MA. She hasn't accomplished anything as AG other than being the lame duck in a slam dunk of an election. Instead of going after criminals her minions are on here daily trying to string up law abiding gun owners by liberal interpretations of the current over bearing gun laws.

I lost all respect for her when she blew off Jim and GOAL right after she beat Larry in the election. Let her walk the skyline.

this. repeal the BS lists and work on actually reducing crime and then we'll talk.

if only...
I didn't hear the part about OGAM, but I did hear her say she would vote (if she could) to extend unemployment benefits.

When I heard that, it brought back the level of disdain I have for her.

Everytime she spoke, I was squinting at the road ahead of me as if someone was trying to sell me a crappy product.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not praising the women. That said, it is a matter of fact that on the broadcas she told the host of the show he was wrong, and there was no reason a licensed MA gun owner shouldn't be allowed to buy as much as they want, and that they aren't the problem.

Of course by her reasoning on the show she should be working at least to repeal the AWB and High Cap law.

The thing is, shes a politician, for the democratic party at that. Even if she "saw the light" shes not gonna change crap, because it will hurt her politically. If she honestly doesn't believe that law abiding gun owners in MA are a problem, then why would she have any reason to continue a ban on high-cap mags and "assault weapons."

Politicans are scum. Hence why Deval needs this law "for the children" but won't do anything about the illegals caught committing crimes.

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She probably does not believe in the 30 day rule and would rather opt for an complete ban. Everyone knows that is what is really needed.

The Democrats are simply whoring themselves now. The gun issue has become a point of contention, so it's time for them to pretend that they are on board. Don't believe it. As soon as the tide turns they will yank the carpet out from under us.
We know her office reads this site, so she probably knows how much we supported/gave to/volunteered for Scott Brown.

Maybe acting as if she supports law abiding gun owners is just her ham-fisted attempt to grab the support of what she sees as a bunch of single issue voters (us).

If this is true... "HEY MARTHA. WE WANT TO BUY GLOCKS!"
Been saying for a while now that the "say anything to get elected" Democrats have been sending out trial balloons on a "pro-gun" stance to their party...

It's scary because its a lie, but its a lie that will sell... You buy the faux-pro-gun wrapper and bite into the chunky putrid socialist center.
It's scary because its a lie, but its a lie that will sell... You buy the faux-pro-gun wrapper and bite into the chunky putrid socialist center.
Sadly you're right. I'm afraid to check out a New England hunting forum because I'm sure there is a thread in there with fudds talking about how awesome Marcia is.
If she was standing up for law abiding gun owners that bullshit AG's list would be gone. That bullshit AWB would be gone. That bullshit hi-cap mag crap would be gone.

She doesn't care about any of you subjects in MA. She hasn't accomplished anything as AG other than being the lame duck in a slam dunk of an election. Instead of going after criminals her minions are on here daily trying to string up law abiding gun owners by liberal interpretations of the current over bearing gun laws.

I lost all respect for her when she blew off Jim and GOAL right after she beat Larry in the election. Let her walk the skyline.

When that douchenozzle took over the AG's office I spoke to her when she appeared on Howie Carr's radio show. I asked her about the AG list and if she would be changing it to allow more firearms to be sold in MA.

She said something about her husband being a cop (or some such nonsense) and said she'd definitely be "taking a look at it."

Since then, she's done zero, zip, nada about the list.

She's interested in one thing and one thing only: getting reelected.
They dropped the KKK and claimed to the be party that championed civil rights despite all prior action and evidence to the contrary.

+1. To this day, I can't convince some people that Abraham Lincoln or Martin Luther King Jr were republicans. The fact that the KKK historically was and still is (for the most part) a Democratic organization doesn't seem to sink in. Hell, even after showing that they're registered democrats (some holding public office), people still refused to believe that the Westboro Baptist Church was a Democrat organization. As far as they're concerned, it's the conservatives are the only people capable of hate, racism and discrimination, when in reality, it's the left that are the biggest hate mongers.
We know her office reads this site, so she probably knows how much we supported/gave to/volunteered for Scott Brown.

Maybe acting as if she supports law abiding gun owners is just her ham-fisted attempt to grab the support of what she sees as a bunch of single issue voters (us).

If this is true... "HEY MARTHA. WE WANT TO BUY GLOCKS!"

Since she has no opposition, she can get elected just by having her family vote for her. She has nothing to worry about.

However, this is just "glad-handing" gun owners. One of the candidates for governor was doing that at the GOAL banquet. His comment to me (w/o introducing himself as he was not wearing a button) set my alarms off and I'm sure that my facial expression showed it.

Someone told me that she said to a reporter once that her husband wanted to buy a glock and was peeved he couldn't. YMMV on the accuracy of that. It would be funny if it was true.

No idea who she said it to but it's correct. Her husband is a retired deputy supt of police at Cambridge PD and MGLs/AG Regs give no comfort to retired LEOs, none at all. In fact, MGL gives no comfort to active duty LEOs . . . if it ain't on the EOPS List, it ain't legal to sell/transfer a new gun to an individual LEO (only PDs directly can purchase non-EOPS List guns)!! This wasn't accidental, as Sen. Jacques (major author of Ch. 180) had a hair across her fat ass for cops.

I know a retired Boston PO that attempted to buy a new Glock. Boy was he pissed when the dealer told him that he should have made the purchase before he hung up the shield!

Been saying for a while now that the "say anything to get elected" Democrats have been sending out trial balloons on a "pro-gun" stance to their party...

It's scary because its a lie, but its a lie that will sell... You buy the faux-pro-gun wrapper and bite into the chunky putrid socialist center.

I saw tons of that at the GOAL banquet. 90% of the politicians in attendance will never show their faces at another GOAL function. Our true supporters try to attend all the GOAL banquets (assuming one/year).
No idea who she said it to but it's correct. Her husband is a retired deputy supt of police at Cambridge PD and MGLs/AG Regs give no comfort to retired LEOs, none at all. In fact, MGL gives no comfort to active duty LEOs . . . if it ain't on the EOPS List, it ain't legal to sell/transfer a new gun to an individual LEO (only PDs directly can purchase non-EOPS List guns)!! This wasn't accidental, as Sen. Jacques (major author of Ch. 180) had a hair across her fat ass for cops.

Glocks are on the EOPS list......maybe don't pass AG regs whatever they are, but they are on the EOPS list. Since his wife is the AG maybe he could ask her permission to own one. [smile]
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It is and it wasn't to a reporter.

When she was running for Senator I had the opportunity to question her at a Newspaper Editorial Board meeting. I asked about the AG regs and she said "You mean Glocks? My Husband asked me about that". So yes she has stated it more than once. I went on and stated it was not only Glocks. Her answer was that she met a nice gentlemen from Goal (Jim Wallace) and that she wanted to look at reviewing them but did not have the manpower. So anyway, Her husband did indeed want a Glock and she thinks Jim is a gentlemen. And we agree.
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