Coast Guard, Air Force or Nav

Pilgrims Pride

NES Member
Dec 26, 2005
America's Hometown
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My daughter is considering the military. She's very intelligent and could get a commission easily.
Since she was a kid she always said she wants to be a Marine like daddy is. She says it would be awesome to have her boot camp pictures next to mine.
I do the best I can to discourage her of that. I was an 18 year old infantry Marine at one time and I sure as hell don't want her meeting the guy I use to be!
That said, any thoughts on Coast Guard? Navy? Air Force?
Coast Guard seems like a good option. But I'm toldits hard to get in these days. Is that true?
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The biggest question that SHE needs to answer is, "What do I really want to do with my life?"

Is she very athletic and driven to excel physically? Is she more intelligent and thoughtful? What is she good at?

Wanting to be just like daddy is commendable but joining an outfit like the Marines takes an awful lot of hard work and desire, As you well know.

Maybe a good recruiter can help her understand why the Marines may or may not be right for her.

All branches of the military are good for some people. But, not all people are good for the military.

Whatever happens I wish the best for both of you.
It is harder to get into the Coast Guard these days.
Navy and Air Force offer more chances for advancement ( typically ) because they are much larger than the CG or USMC.
But as mentioned...She should really consider what she wants to do with her life... then talk to a recruiter and take the ASVAB. Lots of smart kids bomb the test. And lots of dumb ones ace it.

I left for Parris Island right after graduation. I turned 18 in boot and was stoked to be an 03 Marine. But those are not very marketable skills. Sure, I learned discipline and to never quit, but I have never employed a horizontal butt stroke or repelled down the side of a building, after the Corps. Wish I could type faster....
It is harder to get into the Coast Guard these days.
Navy and Air Force offer more chances for advancement ( typically ) because they are much larger than the CG or USMC.
But as mentioned...She should really consider what she wants to do with her life... then talk to a recruiter and take the ASVAB. Lots of smart kids bomb the test. And lots of dumb ones ace it.

I left for Parris Island right after graduation. I turned 18 in boot and was stoked to be an 03 Marine. But those are not very marketable skills. Sure, I learned discipline and to never quit, but I have never employed a horizontal butt stroke or repelled down the side of a building, after the Corps. Wish I could type faster....
I feel your pain Brother.
I carried a pack, a rifle and a dragon missile (ya I'm that old) for my uncle with the funny hat and the long white beard for 7 years.
There wasn't much need for our qualifications when I got out.
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