cold & warm rifle barrels

Feb 11, 2007
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Years ago I shot a .22 whose point of impact would change 6" at 15 yards between a cold and warm barrel. I have no real rifle experience so is this common? I'd think it isn't for an AR or M1 type rifle but did observe someone at the range taking a break between mags with a mini-30.

The S&W i-bolt at 4 seasons for $399 is tempting as a first informal target centerfire rifle.

Advise/thoughts appreciated.
Six inches at 15 yards is 40 minutes of angle. I can't believe that's possible from barrel heating alone, especially in a .22 (by which I assume you mean .22 rimfire).
I am probably exaggerating and yes it was a rimfire.

I am asking more about general expectations regarding common bolt action rifles.

I have a Winchester M70 in 30/06 and after I clean it I shoot a fouling round because at 100 yards it will be low and right by an inch or two. Heat however does not effect the point of impact.
It is well known that barrel heating will change the point of impact (though not necessarily the "accuracy" -- i.e., ability to maintain a given group size).

This is why hunting rifles are sighted in for cold barrels, while National Match rifles are sighted in for warm barrels.
See what you can get for a price on the Savage 10FP. It's a tactical rifle but the barrel profile would be better for target shooting. Thinner barrels are accurate but don't like getting too hot. You mentioned informal but still it's frustrating to spend the day at the range waiting for a barrel to cool so it will shoot where it's supposed to.

Joe R.
Years ago I shot a .22 whose point of impact would change 6" at 15 yards between a cold and warm barrel. I have no real rifle experience so is this common? I'd think it isn't for an AR or M1 type rifle but did observe someone at the range taking a break between mags with a mini-30.

The S&W i-bolt at 4 seasons for $399 is tempting as a first informal target centerfire rifle.

Advise/thoughts appreciated

Original Mini's are a complete joke as a target rifle. The new model is supposed to be more accurate; it's certainly a lot more ugly.

Get an AR with a heavy barrel or, as suggested, a Savage FP 10. I certainly enjoy mine.
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