Colorado House Takes Up ‘Most Sweeping Gun Control Bill Law’ in State History


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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Senate Bill 3, described by the Denver Post as the “most sweeping gun control law” in Colorado history, will come before a House committee this Tuesday.

SB 3 is a semiautomatic firearm ban which targets numerous gas operated semiautomatic rifles and shotguns.

The bill says:

The bill defines a “specified semiautomatic firearm” as a semiautomatic rifle or semiautomatic shotgun with a detachable magazine or a gas-operated semiautomatic handgun with a detachable magazine. The bill prohibits knowingly manufacturing, distributing, transferring, selling, or purchasing a specified semiautomatic firearm; except that a person may transfer a specified semiautomatic firearm to an heir, an individual residing in another state, or a federally licensed firearm dealer.

Well every single Anti State feels completely emboldened by the impotence of our "conservative" Supreme Court. We're going to see a plethora of Anti State's trying to leap frog each other this year for most restrictive on gun rights. CO, CA, MA, RI, etc. Until the highest court in the land finally does it's job and put's an end to this attack on Americans 2nd right, then the Anti's are going full on
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