Speedloader Safariland Comp III Modification
The process is this: With the Safariland comp III’s have a two piece top with a pin hole on one side. Heat a straightened paperclip and push it through the existing hole to mark the other side and drill a small hole back to the steel roll pin. The Jet loaders have the hole all the way through.
Push the roll pin through the hole and remove the top so that the shroud and large coil spring can be removed. Toss the shroud, I don’t know why t is there in the first place.
In the center of the loader is another pin, push it out carefully as there a small coil spring in the trigger mechanism. This should allow you to separate the part that the rounds fit into from the rest. Using a belt sander, or similar device, remove the part down to about .3 of inch
Use an exacto knife or similar to remove the plastic that will fill the holes where the rounds fit.
And then reassemble paying attention to the right tension of the coil spring before putting the top back on. I would disassemble and work on only one at a time until you get confident with the process.
Bill used a dremel and cut the parts down with a cutoff wheel. I could not keep the surface flat and it will take several wheels to do the job.
When completed there is usually a hole in the trigger mechanism that I fill with epoxy or a steel pin to engage that much sooner.