Comm2A on Nightside Again


Director Comm2a
NES Member
Jun 20, 2010
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Be sure to tune into Nightside with Dan Rea on Thursday January 7th at 9pm.

Dan's guests will be Comm2A President & Co-founder Brent Carlton as well as Stop Handgun Violence Founder John Rosenthal.

WBZ can be found at 1030AM or online. The WBZ listener call-in line is (617) 254-1030.

If you can't make it, check out the Podcast
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Brent, try to keep Rosybag from hogging all the air time. He tends to pontificate to excess to make a point.

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I tried previously and again just now to listen to the last show (and ANY show for that matter) and the play button just spins...


Are the podcasts working for anyone else or am I doing something wrong?

Here is one more or less at random...

(Changed link to one less likely to cause thread drift)

I don't see a link for the podcasts on that page, but I can play any of podcasts on this page:
Does Rosenthal ever tell the truth? For the life of me I can't figure out why he is always on the show when guns are the topic.
Have to join Comm2A asap.
Does Rosenthal ever tell the truth? For the life of me I can't figure out why he is always on the show when guns are the topic.

All he does is rattle off his list of talking points.
7000 of these, 40% of that, 100000 of something else

edit for spelling
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