Comm2A and Black Guns Matter in MA week of 12/10/18


Director Comm2a
NES Member
Jun 20, 2010
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Black Guns Matter
Welcome to the Black Guns Matter. Discussions on all community issues in hoods across America. Enjoy, share, tell a friend and SUBSCRIBE!

I don't think enough people look into these sub forums. To our detriment, too.

He didn't post anything until yesterday, the same as this post. I don't know if I would attend but more notice would of helped with that decision. Great to see Comm2A involved in all communities.

For $6 even if I don't end up going its worth the support

You're going to “DOMESTIC DE-ESCALATION”_Solutionary Roundtable w/ Maj Toure!
Thanks for posting this Comm2A.
I had no idea who Maj Toure is, so I did a quick search. Sounds like he is one of the good guys who educated himself and is working to make positive change. I really like that he is very clear that he is not a firearms expert. He is simply a guy that kept seeing his friends and neighbors jammed up for having a need for protection, while living somewhere the .gov doesn't like to let people protect themselves.

Interview with Maj Toure, Founder of Black Guns Matter.

Read more: Interview with Maj Toure, Founder of Black Guns Matter
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
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John: What is your background when it comes to firearms?

Maj: It is limited. I am a beginner. I'm not a gunsmith. I am not a gun guy. I would never disrespect the time those gun guys put into learning. What I am though is a freedom guy. I am a guy who understands the importance of the Second Amendment. Buck Doyle is a gun guy. I am more of a guy that galvanizes people. I am more of a person that wants to get people together to preserve the right that gun guys learn and share.

John: How did you start black guns matter?

Maj: I started it because I kept seeing guys across my community catching the same case. People were all getting possession charges. Not like robbing the liquor store. It was crazy to think that the mere act of having a firearm would be a crime. I'm not talking about criminals. I am talking about people who might work at a bank or live in a rough neighborhood, and they're not allowed to carry guns. Seeing that, I decided I needed to do something about that and we had a class in Philly, and so many people came from New York and New Jersey.

People were like “we would love to have this in our town”, and I already have the information since I know a lot of lawyers and I know a lot of trainers I said, “why not.” I have always been interested in firearms and firearms training, but sometimes it's looked as so taboo you do it in secret
Whoever is picking that subdomain for the links... Are they intentionally attempting to make search engines mostly useless for the content?

Just curious why the weird design. Having to make a DNS edit whenever there is a new event seems pretty kludgy .I guess it makes removing the content easy afterwards though .
What happened?????

Order REFUNDED for “DOMESTIC DE-ESCALATION”_Solutionary Roundtable w/ Maj Toure
Due to unforeseen events, this week's events with Maj have been postponed until February. We will post more when dates are confirmed.
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