Cop fired in Somerville?

A Somerville police officer with more than 20 years on the force resigned this week after he was caught stealing a bag of Halloween candy from the station, according to multiple sources.

Robert Vozzella’s resignation was effective Tuesday, according to city spokesman Michael Meehan. Vozzella had worked as a patrolman since 1988. Meehan declined to release any other information regarding Vozzella but multiple sources said Vozzella was told he could resign or take a polygraph test in connection with the missing bag of candy. Sources said Vozzella chose to resign.

The candy was donated to police for a Halloween event at the department’s Broadway substation, sources said. The sources said city officials told Vozzella he was caught on camera removing the candy later that day.

Reached by phone on Monday, Vozzella said he had no comment on the matter.

Vozzella’s brother, Sgt. John Vozzella also left the Somerville Police Department recently. He stopped working for the city in December 2008, Meehan said.
Epic fail. You throw your LE career away for a bag of candy?

This reminds me of the guy stealing the money from the copy machines.

I wonder what his salary was, probably greater than 85% of the people on NES.

It's like stealing candy from a..... never mind. [rofl]
A bag of candy?
People take office supplies worth more than that. Must be another reason for his termination.
A bag of candy?
People take office supplies worth more than that. Must be another reason for his termination.


My guess would be that they were waiting for him to F-up so they would have a valid reason for termination. It was probably a set-up. [laugh]
So, the Brother got "Fired / Retired" too! WTF! What do our resident Somerville informants know about this? What did He do....Steal the candy out of a Baby's Mouth? Somerville equals corruption for sure. Remember the $10,000 of evidence money that disappeared from the SPD evidence room. They had it stored in a desk, and they cleaned the room and threw the desk away...allegedly without checking the contents of the desk?? RIGHTTTTTT !!
I think the point is the bad cops will just take anything they want when they want it. Candy money or what ever.
He will still get his pension and medical paid for by us. There should not have been the option to resign, if he was being investigated for theft then he should have to have the case cleared before being allowed to resign.
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