Correct me if i'm wrong


NES Member
May 1, 2008
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At the last general membership meeting at one of my clubs, when legislation commitee head spoke he said that of all the bills that were proposed which would have screwed gun owners or hunters etc. ALL of them went down in flames. The only one that was waiting for a vote was KATRINA BILL which we called Governors office about and spoke to the nice young lady who answered phone.

The most disturbing thing about this is the fact that while at any club, during legislative report there are so many members talking that you can hardly hear report. And to top it off they get only a few people clapping over what was said.

Is this the norm at other clubs, and if so are you as pissed about it as I am? Any thoughts on this? [angry]
At the last general membership meeting at one of my clubs, when legislation commitee head spoke he said that of all the bills that were proposed which would have screwed gun owners or hunters etc. ALL of them went down in flames. The only one that was waiting for a vote was KATRINA BILL which we called Governors office about and spoke to the nice young lady who answered phone.

The most disturbing thing about this is the fact that while at any club, during legislative report there are so many members talking that you can hardly hear report. And to top it off they get only a few people clapping over what was said.

Is this the norm at other clubs, and if so are you as pissed about it as I am? Any thoughts on this? [angry]

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Fixxah, SOME of the clubs, as we have found, care less about the politics and more about the BBQ than other clubs.

As to your most recent meeting, I think I've been there... couldn't figure it out myself. Funny club.
I definitely feel the same. While I haven't been a member for long, and I have only attended 2 meetings, it's very apparent that it is more of a social club that anything else. The bar is the club's prized possession. It's unfortunate, but I don't feel like things would ever change. Half the members in attendance are lit, and even the president seemed to have a glow on. Other than that, it is a very nice club with decent facilities. I only joined because it is very close to me, and the dues are reasonable. Seems like the most intelligent decision is to enjoy the club's facilities, and stay far away from the politics.

Can only speak for my club...membership meetings are pretty straightforward.
We start with the "Pledge Of Allegiance". No booze of any type is allowed in the meeting hall. An agenda is followed...and that by no means that there is not heated discussion on any given item. The President reigns in the topic when appropriate and no one is allowed to shout anyone else down. Its a damn civil way of conducting a meeting. Of course, I may be prejudiced.[wink]
Can only speak for my club...membership meetings are pretty straightforward.
We start with the "Pledge Of Allegiance". No booze of any type is allowed in the meeting hall. An agenda is followed...and that by no means that there is not heated discussion on any given item. The President reigns in the topic when appropriate and no one is allowed to shout anyone else down. Its a damn civil way of conducting a meeting. Of course, I may be prejudiced.[wink]

I wish I could say the same for my club Mr. President. (I'm making an assumption, which may or may not be extremely irrelevant to what you were insinuating.)
I"ve been the legislative person at 3 clubs for a total of ~20 years.

One club gave me the time, but almost nobody cared (almost nobody "carried", they were all "sport" gun owners). At least they did support GOAL while I was there.

BR&P gives Don Kusser (VP and GOAL BOD Member) and myself whatever time we need, is very generous towards NRA and GOAL. Many CCW members and the interest is there in what is going on.

Another club had members that were interested, but the president gave it short shrift, not wanting anything legislative to run >5 minutes at any time and always just before the end of the meeting and monthly drawing.

Another club currently has nobody giving legislative info to the members.
I wish I could say the same for my club Mr. President. (I'm making an assumption, which may or may not be extremely irrelevant to what you were insinuating.)

Grin, not insinuating anything, and no, I am for sure not the president of the club....just a regular member. Meetings can sometimes be long....especially with guest speakers....but all is done with civility, no matter the topic. [grin]
I'm looking to join a local club at some point myself. This sort of thing bothers me and would make me not want to be apart of the club. It sounds like a great deal of disrespect to me.
Do many people actually go to meetings? At my club, I only went to the 2 required meetings to join, and from that point on it has been trips to go shooting and then cleaning up after myself (and other people... not sure why some people never clean up their mess). The meetings otherwise seemed well run and purposeful to me.
There's no booze at my club so we don't have that problem, but there's definitely an "inner circle" group of folks who seem to get their way on most things.

One of the members (a local FFL) convinced the club to buy a bunch of trap equipment bought by members back in the day when the club couldn't afford it. I had no problem with the purchase, I just felt due diligence should have been taken to ensure the stuff was as valuable as he claimed. Also, I did have a problem giving the check to him so he could "disburse the funds" to the members (and former members) who had made the purchases originally.

Whenever I or anyone else asked a question he took it like he was being accused of pulling a scam. I can't say it was a scam but I was shocked at the amount of "old-timers" who just went along with it.

The whole episode almost caused me to quit the Board of Directors but figured what the hell, if people are stupid enough to do this, I can't be blamed.
I've belonged to 3 clubs that each had ~300 members. Typically 30 or so come to each meeting, most are never seen at the club (at all). Only thing that I've seen change the numbers significantly is for those clubs that serve dinner before the meeting . . . attendance can almost double.

[No booze allowed at any of the 4 clubs I've belonged to at any meetings.]

Most can't be bothered to come to meetings, participate in any way, etc.
3 friends of mine recently joined clubs (one at my club) in the last 2 years like I did. To date, all 3 of them have each only been to the club a single time. I don't get it. 1. It costs a fair amount to join so might as well utilize the benefit, and 2. Especially today, practicing is really important... the anti's just keep at it.

I keep reminding them too and inviting them to go shooting with me, but they keep having excuses. (Well, one is really broke so I guess that's an excuse, but still... I offered to pay for his ammo.)
Nextech, I kind of warned you, didn't I?
  • Yes, there is an "inner circle".
  • Yes, they have booze at meetings, and often get up to get refills during the meeting.
  • No, they don't allow carry in the club house (what kind of "gun club" is this?).
  • Yes, they closed the ranges for family day (isn't the point to introduce your family to what the club is about?).
  • Yes, their banner for "Family Day" said:
    Family Day
    Ice cold Bud and Bud Light
  • Yes, they are convenient and not too expensive.
  • No, they don't allow shooting at cans/jugs/anything on the ground.
  • Yes, they have spinning targets.
  • No, you can't shoot at the spinning targets unless you get "special permission".
  • Yes, they do pin shoots, 3D archery shoots, and black powder woods walks.
  • No, they aren't an all GOAL club.
  • Yes, they published the newsletter with important statehouse deadlines AFTER the deadline passed.
  • No, it wasn't always like this. Some older members wish it could go back to "the old days" where sporting meant sporting. I don't see these members at meetings.
  • Yes, they are better than the other club in town.
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