Could today's Gay Pride Marines Take Pork Chop Hill?

That's not how that works. And I'm gonna bet your $ is still up from Inauguration Day. (Not a Biden apologist, but let's live in reality where a president has very little to do with short-term effects of the stock market.)
There's always finding silver lining but even that only goes so far. Have you ever tasted a spoonful of BS you didn't like?
OK. So we all know we are re-living Jimmy Carter’s 1979: crappy foreign policy, inflation, violent liberal-run cities, etc. but guess what came after? Ronald Reagan: tax cuts, deregulation, the end of the Soviet Union and 20+ years of prosperity. Let’s hope history repeats!

Quite true, but Dominion vote creating machines were not a factor in the Carter era. If they were used, they weren't used as effectively then.

Plus, the Supreme Court was different then. Today - the results of an election have national implications, yet one state cannot sue to investigate the shenanigans in another state?

My son can't get out of the Marines fast enough. They have already missed their retention numbers the last few months and its getting worse. He said no 1st termer in his company is re-enlisting not a single one. June 27th is coming quick, can't wait to have him home again.
besides the obvious SJW woke stuff that hits the news, are there any other reasons?

I'm pretty out of the loop, I got out almost 15 years ago now. I don't know the current issues going on for the guys. I luckily missed almost all of the SJW stuff and I wasnt in either when texting got big, which seems to REALLY suck. Having your squad leader up your ass 24/7 in text messages. F that.
My biggest issue with this, gays being in front line units, and maybe I’m a caveman for thinking this way, it’s just plain truth to me.

I’m pretty sure the highest percentage of HIV/AIDS is still in the gay community, and when you’re in a position where getting covered in other peoples blood is a great possibility, then that’s a big issue for me and should be for everybody involved.

Be gay all you want, 100% doesn’t bother me, but it should be a cause for great concern in particular jobs IMO. If you have 3-4 young troops trying to piece together a fellow servicemember in an ambush or vehicle wreck or whatever, who end up covered in other peoples blood while possibly sustaining their own open wounds, and they needing an almost immediate anti cocktail to keep from getting the virus themselves, and having to Charlie Mike without that cocktail, is going to cause a lifetime of worry if you’re going to end up with it.

The first gay person to respond here please tell me why you think I’m wrong about that.
Not only that but the Military wont discharge soldiers even if they DO have AIDS.

I hear Marines swap everything - from girls to toe nail clippers.

I'd be pissed if I had to carry my buddies intestines with wounded hands like they do after IED's and he was a pickle puffer who had HIV.

I actually think gays can still get along with other Marines in the unit but their extremely high rate of STD's and HIV should keep them out for everyone else's safety.

If a gay Marine goes out and gets it in the boot - HIV might not show up for weeks. As a result - he could infect others in the mean time.

When Marines were getting blown up left and right by IED's you may as well become blood brothers with everybody.

I'm glad I was never in or had to worry about this stuff.

I'm too fat.

Ever been to the VA?

Lots of HIV in there.

Of course, it's just a treatable illness now.

How would you like to be a young man with a fiance who wants to have kids some day and get HIV? Then infect your beautiful fiance?

They care more about being woke than the health of the troops.
Not sure if anyone has mentioned it yet, but the old-school Marines didn’t take Pork Chop Hill either. It was the Army, 7th ID.
For 2nd year in a row Biden Admin had no statement on D Day but celebrates Homosexual pride month. What a disgrace these people are. 🤬

Joe gets too choked up on the anniv of D Day thinking about all those guys in his platoon that didn't make it to the beach:rolleyes:
We watched Heartbreak Ridge w/ Clint Eastwood last night.

I didn’t see any woke or fags.

An on-point documentary. Incredibly realistic.

My son can't get out of the Marines fast enough. They have already missed their retention numbers the last few months and its getting worse. He said no 1st termer in his company is re-enlisting not a single one. June 27th is coming quick, can't wait to have him home again.

The Marine Corps has always had dog shit retention because the organization hates the people who comprise it. Even going to the Army (let alone AF, CG, etc) from the Marine Corps makes you realize how poorly the organization treats its people.

Had a Soldier who decided to be a full time NG recruiter 2004/2007. Most boys in the Western Ma. area who were interested in joining were disqualified because of either Ritalin, smoking weed or just physically and mentally unfit. School administrators hated him having access to HS's and kids but had no problem brainwashing them into anti-Military fools thou. Studies show well over 50% of eligible citizens are physically unfit for military service.

Most people are not qualified. Furthermore, MA schools would rather see kids spend 200k on a useless degree than have them join the mass Guard and get their entire education paid for. Then they campaign for “free” college.

I remember being in boot camp at FT. Benning in 1988, a pregnant MAJ. in maternity BDU's walked by and my Drill SGT. looked at us and said "that's just wrong". [rofl] I was an old man, older than my Drill SGT. so behind closed doors he used he used to vent to me.

I serve with some phenomenal women, they are also mothers.

My biggest issue with this, gays being in front line units, and maybe I’m a caveman for thinking this way, it’s just plain truth to me.

I’m pretty sure the highest percentage of HIV/AIDS is still in the gay community, and when you’re in a position where getting covered in other peoples blood is a great possibility, then that’s a big issue for me and should be for everybody involved.

Be gay all you want, 100% doesn’t bother me, but it should be a cause for great concern in particular jobs IMO. If you have 3-4 young troops trying to piece together a fellow servicemember in an ambush or vehicle wreck or whatever, who end up covered in other peoples blood while possibly sustaining their own open wounds, and they needing an almost immediate anti cocktail to keep from getting the virus themselves, and having to Charlie Mike without that cocktail, is going to cause a lifetime of worry if you’re going to end up with it.

The first gay person to respond here please tell me why you think I’m wrong about that.

Dude we regularly get HIV screens. There aren’t a bunch of HIV positive people running around in the military. Gay, straight, or otherwise.


Except when good soldiers/sailors/airmen/Marines were getting kicked out if it was discovered.

Not only that but the Military wont discharge soldiers even if they DO have AIDS.

I hear Marines swap everything - from girls to toe nail clippers.

I'd be pissed if I had to carry my buddies intestines with wounded hands like they do after IED's and he was a pickle puffer who had HIV.

I actually think gays can still get along with other Marines in the unit but their extremely high rate of STD's and HIV should keep them out for everyone else's safety.

If a gay Marine goes out and gets it in the boot - HIV might not show up for weeks. As a result - he could infect others in the mean time.

When Marines were getting blown up left and right by IED's you may as well become blood brothers with everybody.

I'm glad I was never in or had to worry about this stuff.

I'm too fat.

Ever been to the VA?

Lots of HIV in there.

Of course, it's just a treatable illness now.

How would you like to be a young man with a fiance who wants to have kids some day and get HIV? Then infect your beautiful fiance?

They care more about being woke than the health of the troops.

Your stream of consciousness is crazy.
Ha. The guy with the lisp isn't the guy who will be joining the Marines.

About 3-5% of the population is gay. Always has been, read about the Romans and then the Europeans. So if 1/30 are gay, what % are in the armed forces. Also, gay population is highest college educated, so that reduces number even more.

I am an old guy. I remember when they wouldn't allow women on the Police Force. A cousin my age who was in with the NYPD was so against it. Fast forward to 10 years ago when he was about 58 and retiring. His niece was joining. She was 5'9", 175 lbs and a black belt in Karate. Saved her partner when she took down a dude about to hit him with brick from behind. My cousin could not have been prouder of his niece. Quite a turn around in attitude

Point being that if you have the skills, shouldn't really care if you are black/white/yellow/green/gay/straight/bi etc.

IDK the exact numbers today, but about 8 years ago when the Marines opened up pretty much all women failed to pass combat training test. Even today with way more applicatants, I think they have like a total of 50 and considering making just a womens group. Even the Army with an easier test, the women only get to maybe 40% passing, and most of them don't go onto combat positions. Most "women combat positions" in the armed forces are drone pilots.
Ha. The guy with the lisp isn't the guy who will be joining the Marines.

About 3-5% of the population is gay. Always has been, read about the Romans and then the Europeans. So if 1/30 are gay, what % are in the armed forces. Also, gay population is highest college educated, so that reduces number even more.

I am an old guy. I remember when they wouldn't allow women on the Police Force. A cousin my age who was in with the NYPD was so against it. Fast forward to 10 years ago when he was about 58 and retiring. His niece was joining. She was 5'9", 175 lbs and a black belt in Karate. Saved her partner when she took down a dude about to hit him with brick from behind. My cousin could not have been prouder of his niece. Quite a turn around in attitude

Point being that if you have the skills, shouldn't really care if you are black/white/yellow/green/gay/straight/bi etc.

IDK the exact numbers today, but about 8 years ago when the Marines opened up pretty much all women failed to pass combat training test. Even today with way more applicatants, I think they have like a total of 50 and considering making just a womens group. Even the Army with an easier test, the women only get to maybe 40% passing, and most of them don't go onto combat positions. Most "women combat positions" in the armed forces are drone pilots.
The Army made a new PT test with the (in my opinion) intention of making females in combat MOS's legitimate. The old female PT scale is a joke, and trivially easy to score high on. The new ones minimum score for a combat MOS is justtttttttt about where a really in shape female will hang out. This was not a coincidence. Meanwhile, those same minimum numbers are still very unimpressive (again in my opinion) for line unit MOS's.

Essentially, the new minimum for hard dicks was the maximum most in shape females can reasonably get to. From what I've seen that new system has been a rough ride so far.

At the end of the day the biggest factor isnt effort, it's base muscle mass that resides on the body. Don't tell the left that. They only follow some of the science.
Let me back in, commission me and promote me and make me the freakin Commandant. Here would be my statement:

Are you mission capable? Can you win battles? That is all I care about. Beyond that, have at it with whatever consenting adult that strikes your fancy. A few conditions though. Your conduct, both publicly and privately must reflect the highest standards at all times. You will be safe and responsible at all times because a failure to do so has a detrimental effect on unit cohesion, moral and ultimately your mission readiness. You will abide by all Marine Corps orders regarding fraternization, as this also has an impact on moral and unit cohesion. There is no such thing as gender fluidity. If you believe yourself to be, we will arrange for you to consult the Navy psychologist and process your medical discharge. If your lifestyle choices, while not causing a poor reflection of the Marine Corps in of itself, require medical support, the provision of such support places an undue burden on the resources of the Marine Corps and impacts your mission readiness. As the fictional Colonel Jessup would say "We are in the business of saving lives." We have but one goal: to fight and win battles. If your life choices are incompatible with our goal, then for the sake of your unit, the Corps, this country, and yourself: find somewhere else to express yourself.
Watch a women's softball game on TV. You can tell which ones you wouldn't want to get into a fight with ;-) I think these women are 'physically' different than other women, more testosterone and less estrogen. I coached soccer when my kids were growing up. One boy at age 8 or so you just really thought was going to be gay. He turned out to be so. I think some people are wired differently but in the wrong body gender.

A coworker's husband is a firefighter. He was cool with any woman who could carry 200lbs on her shoulder down the ladder.

Pic of all female Marine combat test. The woman on the right doesn't look super model sized.

An on-point documentary. Incredibly realistic.

The Marine Corps has always had dog shit retention because the organization hates the people who comprise it. Even going to the Army (let alone AF, CG, etc) from the Marine Corps makes you realize how poorly the organization treats its people.

Most people are not qualified. Furthermore, MA schools would rather see kids spend 200k on a useless degree than have them join the mass Guard and get their entire education paid for. Then they campaign for “free” college.

I serve with some phenomenal women, they are also mothers.

Dude we regularly get HIV screens. There aren’t a bunch of HIV positive people running around in the military. Gay, straight, or otherwise.

Except when good soldiers/sailors/airmen/Marines were getting kicked out if it was discovered.

Your stream of consciousness is crazy.

Judge strikes down military's limits on service members with HIV: Pure Bloods BANNED - AIDS Welcome - MERICA!​


A timely update just from today:

Defense Department reverses rule, allows HIV-positive members to serve​

The Department of Defense changed the policy after losing its defense of the practice in federal court​

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