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What about Garands?
So I wonder.... If I have a vz58 with a ten round mag attached in such a way that I have to disassemble the rifle to remove the mag, is that CT legal.
sounds like the Garand may be making a comeback in Ct. You guys got porked and IM sure us guys in Ma are next.
If its named, its banned. In any incarnation.
The VZ58 is not named by name, it is in fact considered an AW because it has a detatchable mag and a pistol grip. My question is that if I make that magazine non detatchable and 10 round limit, is it legal? Despite the fact that it has a pistol grip.
The VZ58 is not named by name, it is in fact considered an AW because it has a detatchable mag and a pistol grip. My question is that if I make that magazine non detatchable and 10 round limit, is it legal? Despite the fact that it has a pistol grip.
I would like to stress that compliance with the law does NOT equal safety from being arrested for it anyway. The real problem here is most cops are not even going to know what a VZ58 is, let alone whether its compliant. So they'll arrest you anyway.
Also note that the law clearly states you may not own any combination of parts that may be used to constrfuct an AW. Therefore if you already own a centerfire AR, you CANNOT purchase another lower, period. Because you would then have constructive intent to create a new AW by having the ability to transfer parts from your exiting AR to the new lower.
Basically, I appreciate DCMDON trying to clarify how you can comply, but when it gets down to it you're going to be arrested anyway and forced to prove your innocence. Good luck.
Just the pistol grip makes it an AW.
If you want to keep it, you will need to register it.
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I find your post to be unnecessarily alarming.
Nothing ever equals safety from being arrested. Don't try to discourage someone from exercising his rights WITHIN the law by massively exaggerating a very minimal amount of risk.
CT LEOs will for the rest of eternity have to deal with hundreds of thousands of LAWFULLY owned ARs. The 4th Amendment prevents them from going on fishing expeditions. However, even if they do decide to go on an illegal fishing expedition, the registry provided for in the statute will allow them to check the status of any firearm deemed to be an AW and still in the state.
Absolutely worst case is that you will be detained while the s/n is run against the registry.
With that said, I've LEGALLY owned and shot all kinds of firearms, for many years, that might appear to an ignorant LEO to be illegal. I have never had any of them say anything about the legality of the firearms. This includes a situation where I refused to my show ID and my ATF Form 1 while shooting my machinegun and telling that LEO to get off of private property. All while a registered SBR sat on a table unused.
Nothing is going to change. Nobody is going to be harassed. You have 3 choices with respect to this law:
1) register the gun. Go on using it until they decide to confiscate them or a legal challenge succeeds.
2) move or sell the gun out of state
3) engage in civil disobedience at a state law that violates your natural rights. Do this with full understanding that you could end up in jail over this.
I personally will comply. Not only because I have to remain out of jail to parent my 2 children, but because I derive great enjoyment out of tweaking ignorant LEOs. You can only do that if you are 100% in compliance with all laws.
In fact, the only thing better than tweaking an ignorant LEO is watching a well informed LEO set an ignorant one straight. I've seen this happen twice.
Just the pistol grip makes it an AW.
If you want to keep it, you will need to register it.
- - - Updated - - -
I find your post to be unnecessarily alarming.
Nothing ever equals safety from being arrested. Don't try to discourage someone from exercising his rights WITHIN the law by massively exaggerating a very minimal amount of risk.
CT LEOs will for the rest of eternity have to deal with hundreds of thousands of LAWFULLY owned ARs. The 4th Amendment prevents them from going on fishing expeditions. However, even if they do decide to go on an illegal fishing expedition, the registry provided for in the statute will allow them to check the status of any firearm deemed to be an AW and still in the state.
Absolutely worst case is that you will be detained while the s/n is run against the registry.
With that said, I've LEGALLY owned and shot all kinds of firearms, for many years, that might appear to an ignorant LEO to be illegal. I have never had any of them say anything about the legality of the firearms. This includes a situation where I refused to my show ID and my ATF Form 1 while shooting my machinegun and telling that LEO to get off of private property. All while a registered SBR sat on a table unused.
Nothing is going to change. Nobody is going to be harassed. You have 3 choices with respect to this law:
1) register the gun. Go on using it until they decide to confiscate them or a legal challenge succeeds.
2) move or sell the gun out of state
3) engage in civil disobedience at a state law that violates your natural rights. Do this with full understanding that you could end up in jail over this.
I personally will comply. Not only because I have to remain out of jail to parent my 2 children, but because I derive great enjoyment out of tweaking ignorant LEOs. You can only do that if you are 100% in compliance with all laws.
In fact, the only thing better than tweaking an ignorant LEO is watching a well informed LEO set an ignorant one straight. I've seen this happen twice.
i recommend that any CT resident that still needs an ar15 or other rifle needs to jump into their time machine and pickup an 80% lower for cash using anonymous email address from out of state. register your homemade ar15 so you wont have to have the gay california grip.
And when your done with that time machine I need to borrow it to go back and change a couple bets I made! Thanks
So what you're saying is no one has ever been hassled by the ATF due to the ATF loosing or "misfiling" paperwork?
You yourself have advocated "burying them in paperwork". You think they're not going to mishandle so of it? Do you think just normal human errors will cease to exist?
We both know that's not true. We also both know it will be abused by the authorities to meet their ends. To claim the system will protect you is a naive at best when there is case after case of the ATF doing exactly what you say the system will prevent, over and over again with impunity.
This ignores of course the very reality of losing your job once you're arrested, the ridiculous legal hurdles that will take months to actually clean your record and the lawyer/court fees.
Just look at the Goldberg case. It took him years just to get his guns back even after being cleared.
I am also confused on buying a long gun. At the beginning of the act in Section 1, subsection c it states,
(c) On and after April 1, 2014, no person may purchase or receive any long gun unless such person holds a valid long gun eligibility certificate issued pursuant to section 2 of this act, a valid permit to carry a pistol or revolver issued pursuant to subsection (b) of section 29-28, as amended by this act, a valid permit to sell at retail a pistol or revolver issued pursuant to subsection (a) of section 29-28 or a valid eligibility certificate for a pistol or revolver issued pursuant to section 29-36f, as amended by this act, or is a federal marshal, parole officer or peace officer.
So on or after April 1st 2014 (next year) you need the long gun certificate or pistol permit. That implies that until then its status quo and a pistol permit or current hunting license will be all you need to avoid the 2 week wait when buying from a dealer. That's not that part I'm confused about.
What I am confused about is the private sale which is addressed in the next part, subsection d, I guess. It is long and rambling and written in inane political legalize with the clear intent to confuse and confound gun owners and sellers. The way I read it, as of the passage date of this BS (4/4/13) everyone has to go through a backround check, even private sales. However, I have called the CT SLFU three times and been told by three different people that for now private sales don't need anything additional from what they did before this law. In my case I hold a C&R FFL and I want to buy a C&R SKS and they all said no problem, just buy it, have it shipped to your house and record it in your bound book, just like before, that's it. They said the new background requirements go into effect later (one said specifically July 1st this year). They were all very nice and polite and seemed to dislike this new law almost as much as we do but I still think they are wrong and we all know, even if you have a written response from the SLFU (which I am trying to get via e-mail) you are still in hot water if they are wrong and you end up breaking the law.
There is more if you read on in the Act that just gets even more confusing. Any thoughts on what the real deal is here for private sales of legal long guns (not assault rifles)?
Part of that for you is that a C&R is a form of FFL, so it wouldn't be a private transfer in that case. Honestly, this is part of why I'm going to go get my AR lower from Arizona in person rather than having it shipped out to me, don't want to run into any hassle about it (parents bought it for me in December, notarized Bill of Sale/Transfer dated in January). Going to comply and register it so I can have all the features I want on it.
Part of that for you is that a C&R is a form of FFL, so it wouldn't be a private transfer in that case. Honestly, this is part of why I'm going to go get my AR lower from Arizona in person rather than having it shipped out to me, don't want to run into any hassle about it (parents bought it for me in December, notarized Bill of Sale/Transfer dated in January). Going to comply and register it so I can have all the features I want on it.