Coyotes in Raynham, MA

Last night a bunch of them were howling from the woods somewhere behind me. It was loud and annoying at 11:30PM.
I probably shouldn't have used the word "approached". If I see a coyote nearby, I'm moving away from it. I meant if the coyote comes at us, appears hostile and won't retreat. There's only a very fine line of a few seconds between a wild animal that is 10 feet away and advancing and one that is now attacking.

It is very, very, very rare that a coyote attacks a person. It has happened, but it is very rare. Your dog? Yes. Your cat? Absolutely. A person? Once or twice in MA over the last 10 years. I think police and EPOs might be rather skeptical if someone said they were attacked by a coyote, but had no injuries.
I find it ironic that this is a forum for gun owners and I am reading about someone defending their wife and pets with a golf club. I understand why, but it made me laugh, none the less. Gotta love Massachusetts.

My Sam Snead loft wedge is now painted tactical black and I've attached a bayonet lug. But I ain't messin' with the grip.

Am I the only one who is happy to see the Coyotes eating the Canada geese and their eggs? Since their arrival three of fours years ago, our soccer fields are free of goose poop.
More proof positive that in Mass, "We get the Government we deserve and deserve the Government that we get".
Until the people here start vocally standing up to the Socialist thugs who have run it for the last 50 years and stop voting for ANYTHING that ever vaguey resembles a Democrat for any position anywhere, it will continue to be the heart of Communist expansion in America.
More proof positive that in Mass, "We get the Government we deserve and deserve the Government that we get".
Until the people here start vocally standing up to the Socialist thugs who have run it for the last 50 years and stop voting for ANYTHING that ever vaguey resembles a Democrat for any position anywhere, it will continue to be the heart of Communist expansion in America.

I just knew those damn coyotes were Democrats. [rofl]
More proof positive that in Mass, "We get the Government we deserve and deserve the Government that we get".
Until the people here start vocally standing up to the Socialist thugs who have run it for the last 50 years and stop voting for ANYTHING that ever vaguey resembles a Democrat for any position anywhere, it will continue to be the heart of Communist expansion in America.

If you don't vote for Dems in MA, most positions would go unfilled! [thinking] [rolleyes]

And if you only vote for REAL Reps or Inds in MA, then NO positions would be filled! [rolleyes]

Not to say that either solution is a bad thing. [devil]
Am I the only one who is happy to see the Coyotes eating the Canada geese and their eggs? Since their arrival three of fours years ago, our soccer fields are free of goose poop.

Yes, that is the natural state of the world and it should be encouraged. But as Geese going without predators is not advisable, so is letting coyotes (coydogs here in the east actually) go unmanaged is not advisable. There shouldn't be a panic killing like the Raynham police chief is seemingly advocating any more than PETA should be put in charge of game management.
My neighbor has seen tracks and fresh kill from coyotes in his backyard. I have a stout dog (65 pounds, part pit), but I brought out the scoped DPMS LR308 just in case...
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