CSCE question

Jun 5, 2010
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It's been about a year since I got my tech license. I remember getting my CSCE when I passed my test but I don't really remember what the cert looked like.

I'm asking because last night on the Quincy 2m repeater, we had a guy trying to check in on the traffic net. He gave his callsign and it WAS NOT a FCC issued callsign. He claimed that he took his tech test on Monday and got his callsign the same fact...they gave it to him right after they graded his test. So, yeah...some flags up there when we heard that. I started wondering though, maybe he was looking at his CSCE and was using the "serial number" of that thinking it was his callsign.

Anyone know what the serialization looks like on the CSCE?
If you are talking about the reg # is 10 digits. There is also a file # looks like 11 digits, lots of leading zeros.
As far as i know and what I have experienced you do not get your lic # on the day of your test. Mine took a couple weeks.
On the back of teh paper they gave me the day of the test there are some temp #s listed kz1zzz/KT for tech
Yeah...this guy was using LN9DEC.

As you see...this is NOT a FCC license for the US. We called him on it and he got a bit defensive and said that "things must have changed"

I want to give the guy the benefit of the doubt. But then he went full retard and started swearing at the guy who called him out.

I'm going to record the net tonight and see if the idiot comes back. I got a bunch of it last night...but want to see how idiotic this guy gets.
Yeah...this guy was using LN9DEC.

As you see...this is NOT a FCC license for the US. We called him on it and he got a bit defensive and said that "things must have changed"

I want to give the guy the benefit of the doubt. But then he went full retard and started swearing at the guy who called him out.

I'm going to record the net tonight and see if the idiot comes back. I got a bunch of it last night...but want to see how idiotic this guy gets.

That's pretty hysterical... haven't heard someone do that before. At least he could have gotten creative and went N0CAL . [laugh]

Probably just an illegal op or a tinfoiler thinking he can use a ham radio. I didn't even realize they gave out temps on the spot, I thought you had to at least wait until the callsign appeared in the FCC database. Back when I got licensed in 1994 there was nothing like that, you actually had to wait and get the thing in the mail which took like a month or so.

ETA: Not that there's any way to verify it, but how much you want to bet hte guy is running a baofeng puxwing shitcom 900 deluxe edition job? The gear is everywhere now wouldn't surprise me if he got it in a tinfoiler prepper pack. I think a year or two ago I even saw guys selling them at gun shows.

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That's pretty hysterical... haven't heard someone do that before. At least he could have gotten creative and went N0CAL . [laugh]

Probably just an illegal op or a tinfoiler thinking he can use a ham radio. I didn't even realize they gave out temps on the spot, I thought you had to at least wait until the callsign appeared in the FCC database. Back when I got licensed in 1994 there was nothing like that, you actually had to wait and get the thing in the mail which took like a month or so.

ETA: Not that there's any way to verify it, but how much you want to bet hte guy is running a baofeng puxwing shitcom 900 deluxe edition job? The gear is everywhere now wouldn't surprise me if he got it in a tinfoiler prepper pack. I think a year or two ago I even saw guys selling them at gun shows.


lol...we didn't bother telling him how we knew it was bogus. Why help him out? FYI...LN is for Norway...and he sure as hell did not have a Norwegian accent. Chelsea rat all the way!

Hell, I wish I knew what VE he used to get his "license" so fast. I'll send ALL my friends there!!!

The guy running the net is reporting him to the FCC for all the good that will do. Unless it gets REALLY bad, they won't do shit.

And yeah...not taking you up on the bet on the Baofeng gear. Gotta give him credit for at least figuring out how to use Chirp! No way in hell he programmed the radio by hand! That is doing a Rubic's Cube blindfolded behind your back level of difficult!
On the back of teh paper they gave me the day of the test there are some temp #s listed kz1zzz/KT for tech

Not a call sign simply examples, and I do not know why they put the one for Techs in there -- unless they are saying it is OK to transmits as call/KT once the newly issued call sign appeared in the ULS and before you have the paper in hand. Novice licensees, which might have been another reason for /KT have long since cycled out by now.

If however you are upgrading, and you are not requesting a new sequential call, then you may append the suffix to your current call and use your new privilages right away after issuance of a CSCE indicating successful completion of the requirements.

Moving up to general call/AG
Moving to extra call/AE
I got my tech about a month ago on a saturday. Callsign arrived via email at 1am next sat morning.
I actually heard the tail end of that exchange.... his rant was pretty sad. they do not give callsigns on the day of the test
as a matter of fact.... I heard a guy early AM yesterday (say 6am) on the Worcester machine calling for someone repeatedly then blasting music through the repeater on and off for 20 minutes. Sounded like the same guy's voice..... maybe just a coincidence, and im still pretty new but ive never heard anyone act like an ass untill this weekend.
Not a call sign simply examples, and I do not know why they put the one for Techs in there -- unless they are saying it is OK to transmits as call/KT once the newly issued call sign appeared in the ULS and before you have the paper in hand. Novice licensees, which might have been another reason for /KT have long since cycled out by now.

If however you are upgrading, and you are not requesting a new sequential call, then you may append the suffix to your current call and use your new privilages right away after issuance of a CSCE indicating successful completion of the requirements.

Moving up to general call/AG
Moving to extra call/AE
Not sure what it is for but it does say temporary call signs with all three levels listed, each with a different suffix. Never saw it before. i went looking through my stuff when the question appeared here

Edit: Looked at it again and the suffix is for a temporary upgrade as you stated. I just skimmed over it the first time. Thanks for the clarification
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as a matter of fact.... I heard a guy early AM yesterday (say 6am) on the Worcester machine calling for someone repeatedly then blasting music through the repeater on and off for 20 minutes. Sounded like the same guy's voice..... maybe just a coincidence, and im still pretty new but ive never heard anyone act like an ass untill this weekend.

It seems this will be an on-going and increasing problem. As drgrant notes, the "baofeng puxwing shitcom 900 deluxe edition" are so cheap that just about anyone can afford one. Add to that, the ability to scan public safety and you grab the attention of the law avoiding types.

I've also been hearing some rumors of area repeaters being overrun at times by non-licensed operators. Apparently, they have enough knowledge to program a repeater but not get legal.

A challenge for the fox hunters, I suppose.
We have been lucky to avoid this for the most part in my area. Hams can't encrypt or otherwise obfuscate, but on my net we are careful to refer to frequencies to which we might QSY by either their repeater call signs (or geographic names) or the functional names they have been given, such as "NBEMS," for simplex. There is only so much that can be done, and interacting with trolls only gives them what they want. Nets should have backup repeaters and simplex frequencies to which to QSY.
We have been lucky to avoid this for the most part in my area. Hams can't encrypt or otherwise obfuscate, but on my net we are careful to refer to frequencies to which we might QSY by either their repeater call signs (or geographic names) or the functional names they have been given, such as "NBEMS," for simplex. There is only so much that can be done, and interacting with trolls only gives them what they want. Nets should have backup repeaters and simplex frequencies to which to QSY.

That is really a good point. May have to raise that with the NTS section manager if it becomes problematic.
Someone here (Dr. G?) had a great idea for trolling a troll. Actually what it does is make the troll think he's having no effect. If you're talking with a buddy who's in on it, when the troll starts, use your cell phones and continue the conversation on the radio and phones. He'll think his jamming isn't working for some reason and (hopefully) give up, or better yet, start debugging his rig[laugh]
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