CT Permit Frustrations

30 seconds with google gave me the SPD's web site.
30 seconds on the web site gave me this email address ldepalma@southingtonpolice.org

this tells me that their email name format is first initial last name.
So now you know anyones' email

write an email to the officer who does permits
cc the chief
cc the first selectman/mayor

ask specifically why its been 7 months rather than the STATUTORIALLY MANDATED 8 weeks.
tell them you are preparing a lawsuit.

then follow up with the mayor in 2 days if you don't get a response or a response that says "sorry, its out of our hands"

the pd HAS the discretion to issue ON THE SPOT if they can confirm your identity without prints.

Don't know if this has been posted yet (and I apologise if it has been) but anyone who is fighting the long delays or is uncomfortable with the "extra" requirements should also call the Board of Firearms Permit Examiners and file an appeal to start the appeal process. Ideally one should file an appeal the minute the locals go past the eight week deadline. The board is apparently getting fed up with the locals over some of the stuff the locals have been doing. The board need to be made aware of which towns are ignoring the permit issuing statute.

Board of Firearms Permit Examiners
505 Hudson Street
5th floor
Hartford, CT 06106

Toll Free: 1-800-996-7078

In addition there is some good information including a break down of the time limit requirements that the locals are under over at the CCDL.us website.

Statutorily mandated time periods for obtaining Permit to Carry in Connecticut

I understand the frustration on the long delays and extra requirements the locals like to put people though. Back in 2007-2008 New Haven Police Department took 177 days (roughly 25 weeks) to issue me a temporary permit. Still irritates me to this day how long it took and the extremely invasive form they wanted signed and notarized. The locals are no longer allowed to deny someone for not providing the "extra" requirements the locals love to ask for.
sbhaven - for most contacting teh BFPE is a theoretically savvy, but impractical way to expedite things. Most PDs don't intend to delay you anywhere near as long as it would take to get a hearing with the BFPE. . If you take the BFPE path it may take you 2 months to get on their calendar. Then your hearing date will most likely be 10 months in the future.

So while its theoretically possible to use the BFPE route, thats typically not a practical approach. I'm not saying you shouldn't start the process with them, but just don't count on them for any relief. I would run both processes concurrently. You can always write a letter to the BFPE telling them you got your permit, directing them to remove you from the agenda.

The PDs know they can ignore the time limits because there are no teeth in the law, i.e. they will not be penalized for lack of compliance. It will take a civil suit by a citizen that cost the PD money before they (collectively) feel the law has any meaning.
Even in my town, Essex, the previous resident trooper told me that he pays no attention to that law. Practically speaking most permits were done in 2 to 3 weeks when he was here. But he said that if he got a crush of permit apps at the same time he had a spike in his normal police work, he felt no obligation to get them done in time. And this was from a Trooper who was very pistol permit friendly. To him it was just about prioritizing work load.

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sbhaven - for most contacting teh BFPE is a theoretically savvy, but impractical way to expedite things. Most PDs don't intend to delay you anywhere near as long as it would take to get a hearing with the BFPE. . If you take the BFPE path it may take you 2 months to get on their calendar. Then your hearing date will most likely be 10 months in the future.

Agreed it may seem pointless. But at least the BFPE would be aware of what the local issuing authorities are doing if they suddenly start getting a large number of appeals all with the same issues from one town. One can always retract the appeal once the permit is issued. And it gives the emotional value of at least your doing something and not sitting on your hands doing nothing while you wait.

The no teeth issue is a major problem and as you indicate the main reason why the locals ignore the statutes. When I went for my permit I was at a loss as to what to do when the NHPD jogged past the state mandated 8 week period. I called the NHPD weekly, called the SP Special Licensing and Firearms guys and even the BFPE trying to find a way to kick the NHPD into gear and issue the permit. And kept copious notes during the whole affair. Now days though there is much more information out there (the links I pointed to) to help people who apply to fight the system. Wished there was something like that back when I applied it would have saved a lot of frustration. However, most people, including my self at the time, don't want to rock the boat so to speak and will simply wait it out.

As you say, its probably going to either take someone suing the locals over the long delays and extra requirements or a change in the statute by the politicians. And as far left as this state is, it will probably be a good long while (if ever) before the legislature would get around to modify the law to include some kind of punishment for bypassing the language of the statue. I also wonder if we got a 2A supportive AG into office if that would help.
30 seconds with google gave me the SPD's web site.
30 seconds on the web site gave me this email address ldepalma@southingtonpolice.org

this tells me that their email name format is first initial last name.
So now you know anyones' email

write an email to the officer who does permits
cc the chief
cc the first selectman/mayor

ask specifically why its been 7 months rather than the STATUTORIALLY MANDATED 8 weeks.
tell them you are preparing a lawsuit.

then follow up with the mayor in 2 days if you don't get a response or a response that says "sorry, its out of our hands"

the pd HAS the discretion to issue ON THE SPOT if they can confirm your identity without prints.


I just wrote everyone a "nice" email. Hopefully I'll get a response. Hopefully.
what the mail said is more important than the fact that you wrote the mail.

A letter that says "please check into my permit" does nothing

A letter that says "I gave it to you on this date, I followed up on this date. By statute it should be done by this date. You are X months beyond the statute and are now in violation of CT law. I have filed for a hearing with the board of firearm permit examiners. I have spoken with a civil rights lawyer and will be filing for a CIVIL (that means $$$$) suit by X date unless I either receive my permit or am denied for cause.

good day

mail it certified, return receipt requested.
send carbo copies to the mayor, head of the town coundil, etc.
remind them that in times like this money is tight and you'd hate to cost the town thousands.

The threat of a financial burden will get their attention.
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no luck on the email, no response... what a f'n surprise! I think they are almost purposely not responding. Is it so hard to even write an email back?! I cc'd important parties as well, and nothing. You know, the BFBE... i never talked with. I called the DPS and the lady said she couldn't help, but she could give me the number to them. I was so frustrated i didn't even call them. Would it really do any good?
Told you. Get a lawyer.
Get money.
Teach a lesson.

It's that simple. Since they are in violation of the law, they will ultimately be paying for your trouble.

I'd like to, but I don't have the funds to get my lawyer involved. How much did it cost you to have your lawyer call? If it's cheap, I may have to think about it.
Prior to fully involving a lawyer. Call your lawyer and ask him how much it would cost simply to have him call and inquire about it. Often that is enough to get them moving because now they see you aren't screwing around. I went through this back in 1987 or 88 and I already had my lawyer on retainer for an unrelated thing.
no luck on the email, no response... what a f'n surprise! I think they are almost purposely not responding. Is it so hard to even write an email back?! I cc'd important parties as well, and nothing. You know, the BFBE... i never talked with. I called the DPS and the lady said she couldn't help, but she could give me the number to them. I was so frustrated i didn't even call them. Would it really do any good?

There's no luck here. The next step is to follow up with the mayor and let him know you have not heard from the PD. You can call and ask to speak with him. If he is not available then make an appointment with his secretary right then and there. If she asks what its regarding say it simply is regarding some personal business you have with the town and you will not discuss it with her.

This will not cost you any money. Do this. Call now.

In fact, as I write this, don't even try to speak with him on the phone. Just cann and make an appointment now for a fact to face meeting.
Then go back to the email you sent to the PD and reforward the letter to the police chief (so he can see the original letter you sent to whatever LEO handles pistol permits). Tell them that you have a meeting with the mayor on X date to discuss the PDs lack of responsiveness and their total disregard for CT statutes. Invite them to attend the meeting so you can discuss the holdup.

Bring copies of the relevant statutes with you to the meeting. Bring enough copies for everyone.


p.s. who did you send the email to in the PD? Some officer or the chief?

p.p.s PM me with your phone number if you'd like to talk. I'm a NRA pistol instructor and have helped student in situations like this.
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hey ejewels, I was with you at the SPD on March 28 and I too am still awaiting my local permit. Am sending out letter today to Chief Daly with copy to chairman of the Police Commissioners. Will see if that gets some response. It is unfortunate that the local PD deems these requests for permits as such a task so as to be this unresponsive to the citizens of Southington. Please post update if and when you get yours, and I will do the same.
hey ejewels, I was with you at the SPD on March 28 and I too am still awaiting my local permit. Am sending out letter today to Chief Daly with copy to chairman of the Police Commissioners. Will see if that gets some response. It is unfortunate that the local PD deems these requests for permits as such a task so as to be this unresponsive to the citizens of Southington. Please post update if and when you get yours, and I will do the same.

You were there? This is all so ridiculous. Please let me know if you've heard anything. Did you ever actually talk to Sgt. Perry? What did he say if so?

I know you've gotten some good advice so far, so I hope everything is going well. For what it's worth, I agree with LenS. After 5 weeks, I stopped in to see my 1st Selectman. After making one phone call, he called me later in the week to let me know the State finally sent it to him...
ejewels, you've been given a LOT of good advice here. Remember, these people work FOR you and they are expected to perform properly and comply with the regulations.....just as you have to. If it were YOU that was dragging his feet to comply with some demand from the local PD, you'd already be served with a contempt citation or fined and in Dutch.

A lot of towns in CT have been deluged with applications and the clerks there have not been able to keep up with the demand for action. A lot of them have piles of apps that have to be processed and they're just sitting under a paperweight for when the clerk decided she/he has time to process them. That's too bad. We all have demands made upon us today and have to perform or lose our jobs. Those clerks have to process all apps within 8 weeks according to the regulation.

I would not hesitate one second more and I'd march into your town manager's office or mayor's office and present him with a list of contacts and times and explain your total frustration with the SPD. If you don't have super accurate dates of your calls or letters, don't worry about that. Just estimate them. It's been way too long for this to be playing out like this. It almost sounds like they lost the apps and they won't own up to it. It does happen. The CSP lost my fingerprints and app for my Maadi registration. I was pissed. When I confronted them about it in person, the woman there immediately took care of me and apologized. If I had not asked about it I'd never had received it.

So, go to your town's mayor or manager and respectfully ask them to intervene for you if you haven't already done so. If they won't or give you some lame excuse, I'd go to my lawyer and ask how much it would cost for him to write a letter in your behalf demanding action. It won't cost you much at all. Most of the time a letter on a lawyer's letterhead is all you need to get some attention.

Please update us on your predicament!

Hello all, I did finally get the permit mid Octoberish. I ended up going down there and lucked out by talking to the Chiefs secretary and she hooked me up. got it signed that day and had me come and pick it up. She said the officer in charge is known for slacking on them. I'm actually trying to sell a gun now, as I purchased 2. I keep on trying to post something on the classifieds but i get a "not allowed to post" message :(
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