Check out my latest build guys, let me know what you think!!
Gen4 Glock 19, Titanium Blue cerakote frame, Shimmering Aluminum cerakote slide, Truglo TFX night sights, Agency TiN mid-line fluted barrel with crown cut muzzle, Tungsten guide rod assembly with TiN face plate, TiN extended controls and pin kit, Zev Fulcrom drop-in trigger system, Inforce APLc rail light. It shoots very well. Put 400rds of Blazer brass through it without one hiccup, including rapid fire mag dumps. LOVE LOVE LOVE this one!!
Gen4 Glock 19, Titanium Blue cerakote frame, Shimmering Aluminum cerakote slide, Truglo TFX night sights, Agency TiN mid-line fluted barrel with crown cut muzzle, Tungsten guide rod assembly with TiN face plate, TiN extended controls and pin kit, Zev Fulcrom drop-in trigger system, Inforce APLc rail light. It shoots very well. Put 400rds of Blazer brass through it without one hiccup, including rapid fire mag dumps. LOVE LOVE LOVE this one!!