CZ 455


NES Member
Jun 8, 2011
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I'm in the market for a .17 cal rifle and this one seems pretty awesome knowing that you can change to .22lr and .22mag, but I can't seem to find info online for a place to buy them in MA. Does anyone have experience with the rifle? Have a rough idea of price in .17 and know a dealer that has some?

Thanks in advance.
I'm planning on buying the .22 version once I get into a club. This kind of rifle you can buy anywhere, NH in person, online shipped to any FFL, etc.

.17 and .22 mag are so expensive I'll probably just stick with .22.
Which 455 are you looking for? I have the VPT in .22 lr and like it a lot, but I had to buy it out of state and have it shipped to a local dealer. If I recall correctly, I got it from Bud's in KY.
I'm not exactly sure of the differences. I am mostly looking for something to shoot .17, but thought it'd be great if I could shoot .22 out of it as well.

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I want the Varmint model with the heavy barrel. I guess .17 would be ok since it's a bolt gun, it's not like you'll be using that much ammo.
Kittery trading post stocks various cz 22 variations, you can call to see if they have what your looking for in stock.
I have a 452 varmint in 17 hm2. Got it on gunbroker shipped to my lgs (because he couldn't get one). Put a rifle basix trigger in it. Love it. Too bad eley stopped making the hm2. I know you want a hmr. There was a 455 for sale at the Foxboro show last month. Two barrels, .22 and hmr if I recall. Think he wanted $450 for it. Probably be at the next show if you look for it...
Check out Kittery Trading, you can see them all side by side. I got my CZ 455 there last fall and they drove it over the border for me. Little savings there lol. Anyway, I love it.

Smooth, beautiful and accurate as hell.

edit: yoDave'd it also.

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455 American here. I was never a huge 22 fan until a got it, but wanted a 22 for cheap shooting. Incredible 22, really accurate and is a pleasure to shoot, now my goto rifle.
Thanks for all the input everyone. I will have to look into going to kittery to check them out in person, but I'm pretty set on the .17 varmint for chuck hunting on the farm.

If I buy at kittery, do I have to have it shipped to a FFL in mass?

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Thanks for all the input everyone. I will have to look into going to kittery to check them out in person, but I'm pretty set on the .17 varmint for chuck hunting on the farm.

If I buy at kittery, do I have to have it shipped to a FFL in mass?

No, since it's a long gun. But I looked up the price at Kittery and it seems to be retail. Why not just order one from Buds, where I think it's like $70 less? Just pay the transfer fee.
Finally picked up one of these and while it came with a scope, I'm looking to upgrade soon. What do you all recommend for shooting .17HMR at 100/150 yards predominantly.

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Take a look at the Mueller APV or APT scope. (post #13 of this thread) I've got an APV on a Savage 22, decent scope for the money. If you look for threads on 22LR scopes, most of those recommendations will work fine with a 17.
That's what I use on my 455 in .22 magnum. Solid scope for the money.

Take a look at the Mueller APV or APT scope. (post #13 of this thread) I've got an APV on a Savage 22, decent scope for the money. If you look for threads on 22LR scopes, most of those recommendations will work fine with a 17.
I went with Savage BSEV for a .17 HMR. I added some swivel posts, a Harris swivel bench rest pod with a locking lever, a latigo sling and quick release swivels and a Simmons pro target with a BDC specifically for the .17HMR. I can pop the pod off and re-attach the sling to just the rifle. It's set to be a tight carry (pull the sling one way) and a sling support (preset length by pulling the other way). The accuracy is great on a very calm day. Hitting white marbles on a 50 yard berm or baseballs at the hundred is, well, boring. Because of the barracuda stock, the barrel is completely free floating. The accu-trigger I have set light.

I went with Savage BSEV for a .17 HMR. I added some swivel posts, a Harris swivel bench rest pod with a locking lever, a latigo sling and quick release swivels and a Simmons pro target with a BDC specifically for the .17HMR. I can pop the pod off and re-attach the sling to just the rifle. It's set to be a tight carry (pull the sling one way) and a sling support (preset length by pulling the other way). The accuracy is great on a very calm day. Hitting white marbles on a 50 yard berm or baseballs at the hundred is, well, boring. Because of the barracuda stock, the barrel is completely free floating. The accu-trigger I have set light.

Nice, can you tell me the model of bipod? I've been holding off getting one because I'm not sure what fits. I also want be able to go between sling and bipod easily.
Take a look at the Mueller APV or APT scope. (post #13 of this thread) I've got an APV on a Savage 22, decent scope for the money. If you look for threads on 22LR scopes, most of those recommendations will work fine with a 17.

I have the Mueller APT on my Sig 522, it's an amazing scope for the money - even has Adjustable Objective, which is nice for shorter ranges.

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