WTS CZ Scorpion 9mm EVO3 S1 16" Carbine and Accessories - $850


NES Member
Dec 10, 2006
Mt. Sunapee, NH
Feedback: 106 / 0 / 0
CZ Scorpion 9mm EVO3 S1 16" Carbine. 2016 manufacture. `Low round count. Has factory CZ fixed sights and QD sling points.

Also includes the following - all as pictured - click for full image:

- 3 NIW Magpul 35 round magazines
- 1 New LULA magazine loader
- 1 factory 30 round magazine
- 1 New 36' Tekmat cleaning mat with parts diagram
- 1 New wide QD black sling

$850 FTF in West Central NH to a qualified long term NES >+5 feedback member who is a 21+ resident with NH DL and P&R license. Anyone else, will meet at a NH FFL for transfer at your expense. Sorry, shipping has gotten to be too much hassle & $$$.

Only interested trades are a Ruger #3 in .223 or a CZ 75D PCR + some cash..

All laws followed. Thanks for looking.

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