DAV License Plates

Mar 13, 2005
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The Ma. State Dept of Disabled Veterans needs 3000 applicants to order DAV plates before the RMV will issue them.

The plates cost $40 and $28 of that will go to the directly to the Disabled American Veterans Service and Charitable Program. If the 3000 orders are not filled, the money will be returned to you.

To obtain an application call the Dept. of Disabled Veterans at 617-727-2974...

Ron Burgundy said:
That post doesn't make sense...

the plates are already free, so i'm not seeing why the RMV would need 3k applicants before they issue anymore.... [wink]

PAS Bronze Star No Fee N/A No Fee No Fee
PAS Distinguished Flying Cross No Fee N/A No Fee No Fee
PAS ExPOW No Fee N/A No Fee No Fee
PAS Gold Star Family No Fee N/A No Fee No Fee
PAS Legion of Valor No Fee N/A No Fee No Fee
PAS Medal of Honor No Fee N/A No Fee No Fee
PAS National Guard $50.00 $40.00 $90.00 $90.00
PAS Pearl Harbor Survivor No Fee N/A No Fee No Fee
PAS Purple Heart No Fee N/A No Fee No Fee
PAS Silver Star No Fee N/A No Fee No Fee
PAS Veteran $50.00 $40.00 $90.00 $90.00

Medical / Disability
PAS Disabled Veteran No Fee N/A No Fee No Fee
PAS Disabled $50.00 N/A $50.00 $50.00
PAS Emergency Vehicles No Fee N/A No Fee No Fee
PAS Medical Doctor $50.00 $40.00 $90.00 $90.00

The Ma. State Dept of Disabled Veterans needs 3000 applicants to order DAV plates before the RMV will issue them.

also, the Disable American Vets is a non-profit organization.


to my knowledge, there is no such thing as the "MA State Dept of Disabled Veterans".... -i could be wrong though.


the VA is just the VA...


*i smell a scam.... (hope i'm wrong though)
I got all the information from the DAV newspaper and already called the number. I'm a 100% DAV and get all sorts of letters and newspapers from the State DAV.

The DAV office that sends out all this stuff is seperate from the DAV office that handles the filings for compensation.. This DAV office is in the Ma State Veterans dept.

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I got all the information from the DAV newspaper and already called the number.

I'm a 100% DAV and get all sorts of letters and newspapers from the State DAV.
- this is where my confusion kicks in.

do you mean the DVA? as in Dept of Veterans Affairs?

The DAV office that sends out all this stuff is seperate from the DAV office that handles the filings for compensation..

I appologize as I'm not trying to discredit you or your information.

Q: is the regional / local Dept of Veterans Affairs (DVA) office trying to get a new license plate for Disabled Veterans (Ma**h***s)? to raise $$$ of course...

for example: Boston VA sent you some propaganda about these new license plates for service connected / disabled veterans in MA

This would explain the cost of the plates, as the Disabled Vet Plates (among others) are already free of charge from the RMV.


Q: is the regional / local Disabled American Veterans office trying to get a new license plate for Ma**h***s? this would not make sense because these plates are already free. that's what i posted before.

HOWEVER, if any agency is trying to raise money with yet, another plate, I could see RMV wanting a minimum cut to make it worth their while [rolleyes]. -they'd need to appoint a new division of "special new plates" to handle the "surge" in license plates [wink]
The Disabled American Veterans is completly seperate from the Dept of Veterans Affairs.

The National office of the Disabled American Veterans has a office in every State. The Office for Ma. is the one offering the plates.

The DAV PLATES ARE NOT FREE unless you lost a limb or some other part of your body..

I am a 100% percent Disabled American Veteran and even though I am a 100% percent Disabled Veteran from injuries incurred in Vietnam, I do not qualify for free DAV plates because I have all my limbs and other parts of my body.

If I wanted DAV plates I would have to pay $50 and the 100% of the money would go to the State.

The Disabled American Veterans has a agreement with the RMV that if they can get at least 3000 Disabled Veterans to pay $40.00 for their plates they will get $28.00 dollars of it for the back for DAV charites.

If you don't believe me call them at 617-727-2974 that's the Main Office of the Ma., Disabled American Veterans.

So are you saying DAV is trying to get a new series of plates for DAV members that is separate from the free plates that are for disabled veterans (pictured below)?


To be completely clear, you're not talking about ^^^those plates, right?
Yes that's what I'm saying.. They do not have a wheel chair on them, they have the Disabled American Veterans Crest on it..
The Disabled American Veterans has a agreement with the RMV that if they can get at least 3000 Disabled Veterans to pay $40.00 for their plates they will get $28.00 dollars of it for the back for DAV charites.

If you don't believe me call them at 617-727-2974 that's the Main Office of the Ma., Disabled American Veterans.


i beleive you.

thanks for posting the update and a link.

i guess it just seemed unclear.

*now, on this same token, this makes me sick! so MA is (once again) basically taking money of our Veteran's pockets "just because"


i hope it doesn't go through. this state needs to stop digging peoples pockets [angry2]
I agree that any one who is a Disabled Veteran should get a plate free. But since it looks that never going to happen, I would rather pay the $40.00 and have the $28.00 go to the DAV charities for homeless Vets and other worth while things ..
I agree that any one who is a Disabled Veteran should get a plate free. But since it looks that never going to happen, I would rather pay the $40.00 and have the $28.00 go to the DAV charities for homeless Vets and other worth while things ..

Anyone who is a disabled vet can get a free plate from MA, then they could write a check to DAV for the full $40.00. I'm referring to the current MA Disabled Veteran plates, not the proposed DAV ones.
I'm rated at 40% disabled by the VA. I can't get a free plate.

i'm going to ask around about this tomorrow, as long as i remember to [laugh]

here is the way I'm understanding it.

OP, like you are "X" amount % service connected through the VA.

even if it's up to 100% service connected, it does NOT automatically mean you are "disabled" like someone who got blown up and lost a limb.

-so, with that known, the DAV is now trying to get cheaper license plates for service connected veterans who are receiving VA disability...

here is my issue now: outside of certain awards like the bronze star, purple heart, medal of honor, gold star families, -you will now have yet, ANOTHER plate for people to feel entitled to, that will raise revenue for the DAV and the RMV.

-it's scamish if you ask me. 40% VA is NOT disabled... i know people who are still in the military who have 40% + disability. for example:

10% hearing loss
10% knee pain
10% back pain
10% shoulder pain
I'm rated at 40% disabled by the VA. I can't get a free plate.

I could be wrong, but as I understand it, the disability percentage isn't the issue. It's the percentage that is service connected. As an example, at one point in the past I was rated at 10% disabled by the VA, but it was 100% service connected. As long as your disability is at least 60% service connected, and the disability meets certain criteria, you rate plates. That's just how I understand it, though, and I haven't heavily researched it.
Anyone who is a disabled vet can get a free plate from MA, then they could write a check to DAV for the full $40.00. I'm referring to the current MA Disabled Veteran plates, not the proposed DAV ones.

Not everyone can get one.

Read here, it's easy to find out the proper answer to questions sometimes.

Unfortunately Chet , the US Navy got rid of me in 2002 with 19 yrs , 10 months total service time. That was with a service connected knee injury.

[thinking]sorry to hear that. i'm assuming you were active duty? anywho, not to take this off-topic, you could have a. finished out your 20 & retired or b. are still eligible to collect a pro-rated retirement at age 60 (if reserve)...

at least i hope so...
Not everyone can get one.

Read here, it's easy to find out the proper answer to questions sometimes.


That's the source I was using from page 1 of this thread (and how I got the plate image). Like I said, my PEB findings for my medical discharge rated me at 10% disability, but it stated the disability was 100% service connected. Bugs1000 said he was 100% disabled but couldn't get plates because he didn't lose a limb. Hankster said he couldn't get plates because he was rated at 40%. Based on the website I was getting my info from (the same one you posted the link for), neither of those circumstances alone disqualifies someone from getting the plates, at least not as I read it.
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