DC Gun Ruling Poll

haha they say it is "a major loss" to the city... oh no!! The capital of our country which is supposed to stand up for our rights actually has to let people there have ALL of those rights! [rofl]

The DC mayor seems like an idiot... he thinks that the gun ban helps reduce gun violence in DC....

"I am strongly opposed to the Court's decision," he said. "District residents deserve every protection afforded to them under District law. I will instruct my attorney general and the solicitor general to explore every legal option that will uphold the city's gun ban."

How about allowing the people to protect themselves? Or would he like to have an officer detail every resident 24/7?

Preliminary D.C. police statistics show that 267 gun-involved robberies and assaults were reported during the first six weeks of 2007, compared with 181 in the same period in 2006, Mendelson said.

"This situation will likely worsen if the court's decision is not overturned," he said. "Guns are too commonplace, already."

Or maybe the gun law simply doesn't work?

"This ruling is frightening in its scope," Mendelson said. "It has national implications with regard to gun control statutes across the county. It's the first time that a federal court has said that the Second Amendment restricts or prohibits gun control."

Translation: we're scared that the government might let people use their rights and think for themselves instead of having the government oppress them.

Anyone else think that soon would be a good time to try something like this in MA?

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basically shows to me that the laws are not working... its' march and already over 400 illegal guns, last year they too over 2000... didnt impact the crime rate either...

Law is not working.

Lets see how long this lasts.
One day the massses will realize that gun control doesn't work and is a bad thing... my only hope is that it doesn't happen too late. DC has a total ban, how much more gun control can you get? These nut jobs need to realzie that gun control is for law abiding citizens, not criminals. Criminals are not effected by the law.

If DC issued shall issue carry permits tomorrow I'd be willing to bet half the thugs in the city would move to NY, Chicago, Boston, etc. within a year and crime there would go way down in DC. THen Mumbles and the like will tell us how crime is skyrocketing and we need a total ban, after all it worked in DC...
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