Democratic governors fear gun reform moment has passed.

I remember when I was a kid in Virginia. It was the Bible Belt and if you weren't in some sort of Baptist oriented religion you might as well be a heretic. Even Catholic people got odd looks, but they were like, we're cool with them.

So this product called Dungeons & Dragons came out. You know, the one with dice and people playing wizards. The religious people were already against it, but nothing they said had any traction. Well, this kid thought he was Psychopath, the Wizard and chopped up 2 kids in the woods and used them to try to summon an ogre or some stupidity.

They went nutz. Within days the original, "this product is evil" crowd started chanting that it caused this kid to go nutz and to ban the product and even got some bigger stores to take some stuff off the shelves. In reality the few hobby stores that had it didn't have any intention of taking it off the shelves because they thought these people were nutz and rightly so.

What really happened? Dungeons & Dragons was a pocket phenomenon, that is until everyone and their brother started talking about it. Now people wanted to find out what was really up and it suddenly became cool to play it. We were part of the rebellious metal generation so if the straights didn't like it then we were into it. The game went from selling a couple of books to selling out. Suddenly retailers had it on their shelves and basically the whole thing backfired.

So my point is, if you tell everyone that they are surrounded by gun toting psychopaths, ready at a moments notice to break down your door and start shooting them, do you try and have them get rid of the 88 million guns or do you do the logical thing and arm yourself accordingly? Yea, the latter is the call.

So what we had was some awesome fear mongering with Biden giving us some of the weakest solutions ever and people who normally never fired a gun in their life armed themselves. Now once you've purchased a gun you don't want to suddenly hear that over $600 purchase is suddenly going to be taken away from you, leaving you once again defenseless. Suddenly you're defending your rights.

What does this all add up to? 7,000 people standing on the lawn in Albany.

Sure, we have the NY SAFE act so a wound has been inflicted and the fight has been brought to the table. The reality is that back-up arrived and now you're seeing these unconstitutional laws being shot down. Which is in turn only solidifying the masses to the idea that Pro 2A is the winning side.

I think when this is all over we'll see assaults on existing legislation that will say, "that lost in NY, it's time we make that happen here."

The thing we have to remember is that it's not over. It's just begun.

That's a great analogy. I've seen that exact thing happening. People coming out of the woodwork after the Sandy Hook thing asking questions, saying " I need to get a gun" - etc.

I've even heard people say " I need to get an AR before they ban them" - and I've read a number of accounts of people in gun stores saying the same thing.

I think you're pretty right on with your assessment. The gun-banners going nuts has turned a whole bunch of people into gun owners.

The thing we need to do is give them reasons to stay gun owners - and make them realize WHY they need to defend their rights.
That's a great analogy. I've seen that exact thing happening. People coming out of the woodwork after the Sandy Hook thing asking questions, saying " I need to get a gun" - etc.

I've even heard people say " I need to get an AR before they ban them" - and I've read a number of accounts of people in gun stores saying the same thing.

I think you're pretty right on with your assessment. The gun-banners going nuts has turned a whole bunch of people into gun owners.

The thing we need to do is give them reasons to stay gun owners - and make them realize WHY they need to defend their rights.

The problem we, in MA, face now is that there are multiple provisions in multiple bills that will ban the guns those people just bought.
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