Democratic New Jersey governor states intent to further restrict carry


NES Member
Jun 23, 2013
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DispositionMatrix said: With Christie Out, New NJ Governor Moves to Up Restrictions on Handgun Carry
Newly-installed Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy announced plans last week to reverse a policy of outgoing Gov. Chris Christie that allowed more people to carry guns legally in New Jersey.
Murphy’s move would short-circuit a regulation from the Christie-era that allows a local police chief reviewing handgun carry permit applications to consider evidence of nonspecific “serious threats” as part of the strict “may-issue” process for granting a permit. The Republican had established the guideline last March, sparking a row with state Democrats over the slight relaxation on how the Garden State issues permits.
Grewal said his office would move to tighten the rules as soon as possible, contending, “private citizens should not be able to carry weapons based on mere generalized fear.”
There is probably a bill for him to sign in this mess:

New Jersey Democrats have 20 gun restriction bills awaiting next governor
Lol douchebag makes it sound like its easy to get a permit there. So he moves to take it from "pretty much impossible" to "100% impossible".

The guy who had literally been kidnapped and had active and acknowledged death threats was still denied. It took a lawsuit for him to finally get one. So yeah, I don’t see this changing anything. Nobody gets one already.
continually attacking law abiding citizens and doing nothing against the criminals. This back door gun control and laws to make everyone a felon are continuous attacks to make the second amendment null and void. . This should be illegal and these politicians should be jailed.
how did they traded that donut muncher for a D? Christie was as blue Rino as they come, even banned the bump stocks right after MA.
It's New Jersey, did we really expect anything else. They need to keep the illegal vote and the gravy train running. I would expect to see lawsuits coming etc.. at least I hope so.
Ha ha ha!

“New Jersey cannot, and must not, become part of the race to the bottom on handgun carry that we are seeing across the country,” said Murphy.

That's f***ing hilarious! I'm pretty sure they just hit the bottom, or are approaching at warp speed.
how did they traded that donut muncher for a D? Christie was as blue Rino as they come, even banned the bump stocks right after MA.

They got a democrat the same way we here in Mass might; because there are some folks who a single issue voters and when the RINO governor makes them sad - they claim they are better off voting for a “real” democrat instead of a republican who is liberal on some issues

Then they are surprised when the democrat goes full retard
Hey ! It's not like you need to carry in N.J. Places like Camden and Newark are among some of the safest cities in America. And because there is so little crime in N.J. the democrats can focus on the real problem, citizens carrying guns.
how did they traded that donut muncher for a D? Christie was as blue Rino as they come, even banned the bump stocks right after MA.
NJ also has term limits for the gubernatorial office. Christie Creme couldn't run this time, but he can run again in the future..
The AG's office under Christie issued guidance on how the law was interpreted that loosened the restrictions on a sheriffs' ability to issue carry permits. From what I understand, the only part of the whole state that really changed at all was Sussex and Morris counties, both already R strongholds (and where Christie lives, western Morris Co.). Not a lot of permits issued, since the law itself didn't change.

So really, it's just that now the new guy just wants to put that baby genie back in the bottle.

Christie administration loosens tough N.J. gun permit, transport laws

Murphy reverses Christie's move to let more people carry guns in N.J.
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