Democrats Championing Gun Rights

Apr 24, 2006
Chelmsford MA
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I just saw a pig go flying by.....

From today's Globe:

Home / News / Nation
In key contests, Democrats championing gun rights
Candidates gain favor with NRA
By Susan Milligan
Globe Staff / July 14, 2010

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Democratic candidates in key states are embracing gun owners’ rights, winning favor from the National Rifle Association, a lobby that has long been the target of disdain from the party faithful.

In New Hampshire, Representative Paul Hodes, a Democratic Senate candidate, has an “A minus’’ NRA rating, potentially insulating him from progun rights attacks in a state that’s big on hunting and personal liberties.

Senate majority leader Harry Reid, in a bruising campaign for reelection in Nevada, has conservative activists buzzing because the NRA is considering endorsing his reelection.

read full story here.

Now if we could stop them from stealing us blind and spending like crazy we might really have something.
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I just saw a pig go flying by.....
Nah, I've been saying/seeing this for a while. The Democrat party has been looking for a way to soften their gun stance to get some undecideds and those who don't understand how horrible their socialist, pandering, bread and circus party is.

Heck, if they thought it would get them the permanent majority they needed, they'd adopt an anti-abortion stance tomorrow. They just understand that they need to remain pro-choice now to get a critical mass of useful idiots.

All of that said, the Republican party has been doing the same thing with "family values" and "compassionate conservatism". The trouble is that they don't have a hot button issue they can give on as easily as guns.

"We the People" need to wake the !@#$ up and remember that political parties are not here to help us. They are here to further their own power.
Its a big bandwagon now-a-days.
Which is a problem... We have two parties following the KGB's plan to destroy capitalism to the letter...

The debate in DC is not "socialism or not?" It is "save medicare/social security or create a new socialist agency?"

It's time to start recognizing the threat this garbage represents to our freedom regardless of who it comes from. The AARP is not our ally. They are just another greedy hand outstretched looking for their hand-out.

Medi-care is one of the main reasons for and engines of the disruption in our healthcare markets and thus its pricing. Social Security was a lie the day they created it (age of benefits designed to be greater than the average lifespan).

The New Deal was snake oil and now we are paying the price. Neither party will come out and say that today.
"We the People" need to wake the !@#$ up and remember that political parties are not here to help us. They are here to further their own power.

This. It is enormously dangerous to view political philosophy vs. single issue politics through a binary lens and conclude conservative, Republican ==> Pro-RKBA, and liberal, Democrat ==> Anit RKBA.

The list of Republicans who have set our cause back is long while there have some Democrats have stepped forward at key times to either block infringement or move the ball forward.
Peter Helmke, the president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said he is very frustrated with the behavior of many Democrats for either toeing the NRA line or remaining silent. “Part of it goes back to this myth that the Democrats lost Congress in ’94 because of guns,’’ said Helmke, a former GOP mayor and onetime Republican nominee for the Senate in Indiana. “It was maybe a few races. If it was an issue, how did Bill Clinton get reelected in ’96?’’ Helmke said of the president who signed the assault weapons ban.

Bill Clinton himself said that it was the gun control issue that cost the Democrats Congress in 1994. He also said that it cost Al Gore the Presidency in 2000. How did Bill Clinton win in 1996? He ran a better frigging campaign that Bob Dole and by then two years had passed and people were disillusioned with the Republicans again. No wonder Helmke is a "former" mayor and unsuccessful candidate.

Right now guns are a huge issue thanks to Heller, McDonald, the economy, and general unhappiness with the direction of the nation and the leadership of President Feckless. The Democrats haven't given up on their dream of gun control, they've merely put it on the back burner and will feign support for the Second Amendment. While Knuckle Dragger is right that not all Democrats are anti firearm and not all Republicans are pro, those are the positions of the leadership of each party. I don't know that Reid is that good on firearms issues, even if the NRA thinks he is. We know where Pelosi and Feckless stand on the issue.

Remember also that Democrats in other parts of the country are more conservative than Republicans are up here. Many of the current crop of Democrat Congresscritters got into office by running to the right of their Republican opponents. This won't last for a variety of reasons, so neither will the NRA support.
Nah, I've been saying/seeing this for a while. The Democrat party has been looking for a way to soften their gun stance to get some undecideds and those who don't understand how horrible their socialist, pandering, bread and circus party is.

Heck, if they thought it would get them the permanent majority they needed, they'd adopt an anti-abortion stance tomorrow. They just understand that they need to remain pro-choice now to get a critical mass of useful idiots.

All of that said, the Republican party has been doing the same thing with "family values" and "compassionate conservatism". The trouble is that they don't have a hot button issue they can give on as easily as guns.

"We the People" need to wake the !@#$ up and remember that political parties are not here to help us. They are here to further their own power.

They could suddenly embrace gay marriage....
We have two parties following the KGB's plan to destroy capitalism to the letter...
It's time to start recognizing the threat this garbage represents to our freedom regardless of who it comes from.

What's needed is a viable third party candidate who can draw favorable press from the media. [thinking]

Yeah, I know... [sad] I'm not gonna hold my breath waiting for this. [thinking]
There are some legitimate Pro-2A Democrats. Rep. Bill Nyman out of MA comes to mind. To me, they are finally realizing you want to get elected and your not from a moonbat stronghold, being anti-gun is the kiss of death. In the late 90's one of Rep. Stupak's sons committed suicide with a gun. Brady and the VPC thought they had gained a former pro-gun vote in the House. Stupak still kept being Pro-2A and signing in support of Heller and McDonald in their respected Amicus briefs.
I just saw a pig go flying by.....

From today's Globe:

read full story here.

Now if we could stop them from stealing us blind and spending like crazy we might really have something.

Its a wolf in a sheep's clothing. "We are all for your right to own firearms, its just such a damn shame that you are all on my suspected terrorist list and unfortunately don't meet the requirements for constitutional rights."

My problem with the Democrats extends far beyond gun control. In fact, gun control isn't the biggest problem that I have with them. Because Democrats, as a whole, endorse horrible and socialistic policies. Whereas Democrats, as a whole, are not necessarily against gun rights. It just happens that their horrible big government policies all lead to the inherent loss of rights, including gun rights. Which is where the problem is.

You can't win a fight with a snake by chopping off a small bit of its tail. It is the head that is in charge. In the same token, it is the root of the big government approach that leads to the restriction of individual rights. And, you'd be a fool to think that a democrat who claims that he supports one of those rights could possibly be serious, when at the top of the list are policies that diminish all rights, and they do trickle down to freedoms such as gun ownership.
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The concern is, while they are providing lots of lip service and campaign talk about Second Amendment rights, their voting records don't support that stance.

Have they really "Seen the Light" or are they saying anything that will save their job?
The concern is, while they are providing lots of lip service and campaign talk about Second Amendment rights, their voting records don't support that stance.

Have they really "Seen the Light" or are they saying anything that will save their job?

This is why, if a politician of either party claims to be supportive of gun owners and the Second Amendment I politely ask them to prove it.
When bleeding to death you say anything to save your life.

Dems are bleeding voters at an amazing pace, they know that November is going to messy.
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