Deputies arrest man who reportedly had plans to shoot up Washington music festival

Lame, “ Made no statement to the deputies”

We will have to follow this one
"Witnesses say they saw the man, later identified as 31-year-old Jonathan R. Moody, inhale an unknown gas from a balloon, load two 9mm pistols from the trunk of his car and tuck both weapons inside his waistband. Moody then allegedly asked people what time the concert ended and where people would be exiting the venue."

Just plain luck the guy was a dull knife and he outed himself. Let’s see if the posted a manifesto online, had been picked up and released a dozen times for threats of violence, etc.

I’m leaning towards saying, yeah, those new gun laws did the trick - we don’t need any more new gun laws.
I'm going to the Austin City Limits festival in October. Not gonna lie, bullshit like this is in the back of my mind😡
Yeah - can you imagine seeing something like this in the parking lot? About all you can do is wait for the guy to walk away, try to find some security and hope they are competent enough to radio armed LE with a description. And then leave ASAP.

The good news is the school of fish defense makes it unlikely you will be taken by the sharks. I wouldn’t be there if I wasn’t able to run, duck & cover due to physical limitations or others that will slow you down.
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