Deval Patrick's Web Site



I copied this off Deval Patrick's Web Site. Three of his agenda items under this topic of "End Gang and Gun Violence" relate to legal gun sales. This should concern all of us.

End Gang and Gun Violence.

The resurgence of gang violence in Massachusetts must be stopped and will be in my administration. In addition to a renewed commitment to community policing, we will

restore the law enforcement, public health and community-based strategies that worked in the 1990s and support the Urban Violence Reduction Initiative undertaken by several urban mayors;

revive the coordination between state and local police and federal law enforcement throughout the region to attack illegal gun trafficking into Massachusetts at the source;

limit gun purchases in Massachusetts to one firearm per month;

ensure that private sellers such as those at gun shows are subjected to the same reviews and checks as licensed dealers;

require background checks of purchasers at gun shows and from private dealers;

strengthen the ability of prosecutors to protect witnesses of gang violence.
To ensure safe schools for students and teachers, we will renew our commitment to conflict resolution and peer mediation programs that help dramatically reduce violence in schools by offering peaceful alternatives to resolving disputes.
I hereby pledge that if this ass-hat gets elected (and G-d save the Commonwealth if he does), I will make a special effort to actually purchase one gun a month JUST BECAUSE...


Not even just that...I'll buy one in MA, then buy a long gun in NH and bring it back. F*&k him.
you know... I personally (for money reasons only) can't see myself buying more then one gun a month, BUT WHO THE HELL IS HE TO TELL ME THAT I CAN'T BUY MORE THEN ONE A MONTH! WHat if I go in and they are having a Great deal and I CAN afford it... or what if Im a collector and happen accross TWO of the guns that I happen to REALLY REALLY want... now I have to choose and let the other one go... NFW...

He needs to go down... I have to say that we have GOT to hope that Healey can pull this off... Mihos is out in my book now... Healey needs to win to at the very least, keep things unchanged.

WTF is that gonna do to stop gang violence... what a dumb F---

I have serious issues with any ass that thinks they have the right to tell law abiding people what they can and cant do simply because it will make him sleep better at night.
ensure that private sellers such as those at gun shows are subjected to the same reviews and checks as licensed dealers;

Called the Mass LTC and FID - DONE

require background checks of purchasers at gun shows and from private dealers;

Again LTC and FID - DONE

Of course, background checks are not what this asshat REALLY wants.
ensure that private sellers such as those at gun shows are subjected to the same reviews and checks as licensed dealers;

require background checks of purchasers at gun shows and from private dealers;

I am guessing that they mean that they want this done in other states, since MA already requires it.

Good luck with that!
I am guessing that they mean that they want this done in other states, since MA already requires it.

Good luck with that!

Not true.

Fed Law requires dealers (FFLs) in ALL STATES to run NICS on every purchase at gun shows.

This would mean that ALL purchases would have to go thru NICS, but since private parties can't access NICS (Feds wouldn't allow it), it would require ALL sales to go thru MA Dealers (like CA does for all handgun sales, even private party). Well if this were to happen, the MA Dealers could not transfer any guns not on EOPS List AND AG Regs compliant . . . thus most of our guns can't be resold inside MA. This serves another purpose for Deval, actually substantially reducing the number of guns in MA as they drain outside the state to sell them. Forget about inheriting guns from family, it won't be allowed in MA.

Still think that there is no difference between Deval and Healey??
Not true.

Fed Law requires dealers (FFLs) in ALL STATES to run NICS on every purchase at gun shows.


Not true.

The feds require that all dealers run NICS on every puchase regardless of location unless the state's license meets the criteria for exemption the check.

The part about Patrick's proposals totally destroying the gun market in the PRofMA, however, are right on the mark. That, of course, is the only real reason for them in the first place, since (major news flash for the reality-impaired!) criminals don't obey the law.

Picky, picky, picky! Ken is right but that doesn't apply here as our LTC doesn't qualify.
So the collector who finds consecutive numbered .45caliber whatevers can't buy them. This is absurd and a classic case of antis slowly nibbling away at our rights. Next it will be one every 60 days, then one a year, how about one gun is all you need? This would not violate 2nd amendment rights and I could see these scumbags trying it.

The ultimate goal in the "grand plan" is, no one allowed to own any firearm except for the police and military. Once piece at a time.
He needs to go down... I have to say that we have GOT to hope that Healey can pull this off... Mihos is out in my book now... Healey needs to win to at the very least, keep things unchanged.

Mihos could very well be the spoiler that puts Patrick in office.
The ultimate goal in the "grand plan" is, no one allowed to own any firearm except for the police and military. Once piece at a time.

Let us not lose sight of the real agenda.... don't kid yourself otherwise.
This is what I just emailed to his office:

First of if he plans to be this anti gun the word is already getting out, we are sure not going to vote for him.

And there are more then 175K gun owners in Mass if you think he will limit the # of firearms I buy a month he is out of his mind, I am a legal gun owner in mass and when you can limit how much beer someone can buy in one month then try to play that with firearms and if you want to limit gang violence make the law hard on person who don't have a permit.

By adding more gun laws you don't stop a gang member from getting a gun they don't get a permit, or go into a gun shop the only thing more gun laws will do is make us move from a Nazi state like Mass. And I would be the first to sell my house and move if he thinks I would stand for it. I right now would never vote for him and you just lost 175K votes from his statement above Heley just got my vote.

Helps to have picked up a firearm before you want to talk about firearm laws, I was a marine for 7 yrs and worked government security in federal building after that so I know what it means to use a firearm to save a life does he???

Don't think so with that sliver spoon in his mouth.

Chrisy Mihos is a pissed off republican. He does have some very good points.

However, as mentioned he could steal enough votes from Healy to put
Duval in the seat.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOO be careful about getting sucked in, do not vote for
Mihos, it is a vote for DUKE DUVAL>>>>>>>>

Why not just abandon the house, I don't know that laws about that, but wouldn't cause more problems since there is no longer any taxes being pulled from the property and no one else can occupy the residence.

Not a problem, the town seizes and sells the house for the taxes unpaid. If abandoned, the town keeps all the money (or perhaps the difference has to be sent to the Secretary of State).

Either way, the town/state makes out if you abandon the property and you end up with nothing. Walking away from $300-600K is not that easy for many of us to do, nor a smart thing either.
Either way, the town/state makes out if you abandon the property and you end up with nothing. Walking away from $300-600K is not that easy for many of us to do, nor a smart thing either.
Just what Patrick needs to fund the social programs that'll be rolling down the pike.
Would it be wrong to wish Deval gets into a head on crash with a loaded dumptruck going 60 MPH ?

I wonder if this Socialist pig has actually looked at WHO is comitting all these crimes involving guns.If he did,how could he possibly come to the conclusion that limiting law abiding citizens access to firearms is the answer ?

Unfortunately,I think this socialist retard will get elected only because of the white guilt that has inflicted so many people throughout this state.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a bumpersticker on a Prius that says:

"Vote for Deval,or you're a racist"
The ultimate goal in the "grand plan" is, no one allowed to own any firearm except for the police and military. Once piece at a time.

So, all in all, we should prepare ourselves to live in a Nazi/Socialist state if Patrick gets an affirmitive nod from the voters?
Do we have the power collectively to ride his butt like a messy diaper should any of his grand schemes become law?
How about 10,000 disenfranchised gunowners coming into the City and plugging it up tighter than a bull's butt at fly time if the new governor tries to make it tougher for us than it already is?

Just thinkin'..........that's all.
Greg, it's all about "CONTROL", not about guns. Deval isn't stupid enough to believe the drivel he espouses, but the sheeple are!

Cledus, when Ch. 180 was passed we held 3 rallies and I attended 2 of them (Carver and Boston). IIRC at Carver we had a few hundred gun owners and in Boston we might have had 5-600 at most. NO WAY IN HELL that we'd ever get 10K gun owners to get off their fat asses and do anything all together at the same time, not in MA anyway . . . no matter how bad it got! Keep in mind that we only have ~20K that are even members of GOAL in MA.
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