Will preface by stating I have had nothing but problems with modern production S&W revolvers. Both 686's had to go back to S&W for extensive work, as did the 627, 640, 327 and so forth. Ultimately I got rid of each S&W revolver for various reasons. The older S&W revolvers are built to exquisite standards, but modern ones not so much. This is why I'm thrilled with the model 69 and 66-8...they feel and shoot like S&W's built 20 years ago.
Model 69:
In Fall 2016 I became enamored by the S&W Model 69 "combat magnum" chambered in 44 mag. The idea of shooting 44 mag through an L frame got me excited. Had Carl at Four Seasons order me one. Upon inspection everything looked kosher. Barrel was clocked properly. Cylinder gap was a snug 0.004" throughout. Lockup felt perfect. Trigger was very smooth, substantially better than most modern factory S&W builds. The model 69 has now seen just under 500 rds of 44 magnum. Everything from full power to light cowboy action loads. It's a bit on the snappy side but that's to be expected given only 37 oz. weight. The accuracy is phenomenal. On par or better than any 629. Perhaps this is due to the new 2 piece tensioned barrel design.
Model 66-8:
After having so much fun with the Model 69, I asked Carl to order me a 66-8 "combat magnum" chambered in 357. Sure enough, this one was built just a nicely as the Model 69, but the 66-8 is a bit more slender due to the K frame. The brushed stainless finish is more my style than the usual shiny stainless S&W finish. On first range trip I decided to compare my 686-6 (that had professional trigger job) to the new 66-8. Simply put: no contest. The model 66's bore sat lower in my hand and pointed more naturally. Perceived blast was also less, which I attribute again to the snug cylinder gap. After first range trip with the 66-8, the 686 went straight to consignment. The 66-8 is now at ~600 rds of flawless function. Accuracy is stellar. Now I can see why so many people are snobs about their old model 66's.
Anyone considering a new production 357 or 44 revolver should consider the Model 66-8/69, and this is coming from someone who has zero faith in most current S&W builds.
Pics for your viewing pleasure:
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