Dinesh D'Souza says recent riots and political unrest could lead to 'rise of citizen militias around the country'

What scares me is what would happen if the left wing nut cases managed to get into the white house and control of the military and issued orders to attack their ideologic opponents. You know the real reason why the founders were extremely skeptical of standing armies.

CNN just today said our military is worried Trump will order them to attack Biden. Or something. CNN = the minds of mad men.
Not only do you not have any idea why they have Israeli citizenship (try googling it) and not only are you a bigoted moron, but you don't even understand elementary school arithmetic or basic civics. 89% of Congress, huh? Senate AND Congress? [rofl]
Help me understand. If they got elected to the Israeli Knesset they would have to give up their American passports, so who are the bigoted morons, and why is it OK for one country but not the other?
Not only do you not have any idea why they have Israeli citizenship (try googling it) and not only are you a bigoted moron, but you don't even understand elementary school arithmetic or basic civics. 89% of Congress, huh? Senate AND Congress? [rofl]
It was not % in the article. It was 89 total with a lot of them now deceased.
Not only do you not have any idea why they have Israeli citizenship (try googling it) and not only are you a bigoted moron, but you don't even understand elementary school arithmetic or basic civics. 89% of Congress, huh? Senate AND Congress? [rofl]

Where did you immigrate from? I have a vague idea it might be Russia but not sure.

So here we are, a couple of immigrants debating the merits of the views of another immigrant, Dinesh D'Souza.

I like Dinesh but it's a safe bet he has no love for pre-1965 America.

Which is Climbnsink's point.
Help me understand. If they got elected to the Israeli Knesset they would have to give up their American passports, so who are the bigoted morons, and why is it OK for one country but not the other?
They don't have Israeli passports. Or dual citizenship. Why on Earth would they apply for Israeli citizenship?? Take off the tinfoil hat.

I like Dinesh but it's a safe bet he has no love for pre-1965 America.

Which is Climbnsink's point.
I guess you haven't listened to Dinesh either.

Climbnsink has no point. He's just another anti-Semitic moron. Does it bother you that he doesn't think you're an American because you're an immigrant?
I like Dinesh but it's a safe bet he has no love for pre-1965 America.

Which is Climbnsink's point.
I guess I don't understand your point here.

As a child I heard many first hand accounts of how great this country was from people who immigrated well before 1965. Also heard the stories from their children who recalled intense patriotism in their immigrant parents, many of whom experienced some pretty bad bigotry as early 20th century immigrants.

Besides your math being wrong go through your “list” of dual Israel citizens and look at some of the names.

Does Bernie Sanders seem like he is a fan of Israel? Also that website looks like it was designed and written by my 8 year old nephew.

My grandmother is an immigrant from Germany and is far more American than a majority of the people I encounter in a daily basis. The idea that immigrants are incapable of being “American” is one of the most foolish statements I’ve read.

The country was founded on the idea of immigrants coming here and assimilating and adding to our country. Dinesh isn’t telling “us” how to live our lives. He is expressing his opinions which is wholly American.
The country was founded on the idea of immigrants coming here and assimilating and adding to our country. Dinesh isn’t telling “us” how to live our lives. He is expressing his opinions which is wholly American.
No it was not. That is a lie spread by whoever it is that is genociding America(and Europe) with immigration. I know the next complaint, sorry friends open immigration is genocide and has been the ruin of many countries. Melting pot is a myth and has never happened anywhere. Diversity + Proximity = War. Everytime, everywhere and the people smarter than you that wrote your textbooks know it, and intentionally blinded you to it.
Ummm. . . .

You realize that every Jew that goes to Israel is conferred citizenship based on Law of Return, right? So any Jewish Congresscritter automatically becomes dual-citizened if they visit The Holy Land - a veritable hotspot of activity in the last 40 years. So not a real shock, eh?

And that's on theGoogle.

Oh, except for Hyman Roth. Roth was a pimp and they wanted nothing to do with him. So they sent him back and he was shot in the Miami airport. ;)

It was not % in the article. It was 89 total with a lot of them now deceased.

And at least one resignation. Al Franken was listed. Date of article is June 18. Franken was out in Jan 18.

Hold on. BARNEY FRANK???? That's 2013! How old is this guy's list???? I wonder if it's just a list of people who have travelled to Israel during their tenure in Congress.

My wife wasn't naturalized until 2004 and she holds her Jamaican Citizenship too.
My grandparents were born in Finland & Sicily.
Does this mean they weren't/aren't on our side?

Shut up foreigner!
If I were to move to Japan, learn the language, get citizenship paperwork, then write 15 books telling the Japanese how to live and run their country would I be Japanese? And if you say yes I would be Japanese in those circumstances, should the rest of the country hold me and my opinions in high esteem?
My wife wasn't naturalized until 2004 and she holds her Jamaican Citizenship too.
If I can be Japanese then anyone can be an American. If not it is just paperwork.
What I wrote in this thread was clear and honest. You are trying to play SJW gotcha games with an empty deck. I will be more long winded in an attempt to help those capable of understanding. If I were to move to Japan, learn the language, get citizenship paperwork, then write 15 books telling the Japanese how to live and run their country would I be Japanese? And if you say yes I would be Japanese in those circumstances, should the rest of the country hold me and my opinions in high esteem?
Uh, our entire country is immigrants, exc of course Native Americans. Are you saying you have to be born here? How many generations?
Climbnsink has no point. He's just another anti-Semitic moron. Does it bother you that he doesn't think you're an American because you're an immigrant?

No, it doesn't bother me because it's true. My ancestors did not advance the frontier, fight the French, fight the British, fight a brutal civil war or pull Europe out of its own stinking mess...twice. I am a paper American just as climbnsink says. So are you.

Dinesh is a super smart guy with a lot to say that I agree with but he still sees white nationalists in his cornflakes the way you see Nazis in yours. Now that very likely has something to do with the fact he was born in Bombay.

Only in the former Anglo countries do newcomers feel entitled to lecture the indigenous population. Why is that?
Only in the former Anglo countries do newcomers feel entitled to lecture the indigenous population. Why is that?

An immigrant should embrace their new country, not try to change it into a facsimile of the country they left.

As a member of the so-called "indigenous population" of the United States insofar as all of my known ancestors arrived before the Revolution, which makes me the descendant of immigrants to the continent but not a descendant of immigrants to the country, I do not perceive that Dinesh is lecturing me in the sense of him moralizing on his own about how he thinks I ought to think or act. All I see is an enthusiastic and patriotic citizen and a conservative who knows how to take progressives and liberals to task for their distortions and faithfully represent the founding principles of his adopted nation. Maybe I might disagree with something here or there. I don't recall it, but it's likely that there is something. I just don't see how the fact that he is naturalized is supposed to factor in to how I feel about him if all he's really doing is what he feels he can to preserve the nation rather than try to change it to match his own vision. Now if we were talking about some immigrant who was contradicting, rather than promoting, the principles that the nation was founded on, someone going on about how America is fundamentally evil and needs to be torn down and replaced, then I would have the opposite view. An immigrant should embrace their new country, not try to change it into a facsimile of the country they left.
Uh, our entire country is immigrants, exc of course Native Americans. Are you saying you have to be born here? How many generations?
If your parents didn't emigrate from a small subset of European countries 100+ years ago you are an American in paper only. There are some great paper Americans, but masses of them is the death of the country and ones that write books telling Americans how America should be are grifters that need to go back. This may sting but paperwork is just paperwork, it means nothing and can be changed.
An immigrant should embrace their new country, not try to change it into a facsimile of the country they left.

As a member of the so-called "indigenous population" of the United States insofar as all of my known ancestors arrived before the Revolution, which makes me the descendant of immigrants to the continent but not a descendant of immigrants to the country, I do not perceive that Dinesh is lecturing me in the sense of him moralizing on his own about how he thinks I ought to think or act. All I see is an enthusiastic and patriotic citizen and a conservative who knows how to take progressives and liberals to task for their distortions and faithfully represent the founding principles of his adopted nation. Maybe I might disagree with something here or there. I don't recall it, but it's likely that there is something. I just don't see how the fact that he is naturalized is supposed to factor in to how I feel about him if all he's really doing is what he feels he can to preserve the nation rather than try to change it to match his own vision. Now if we were talking about some immigrant who was contradicting, rather than promoting, the principles that the nation was founded on, someone going on about how America is fundamentally evil and needs to be torn down and replaced, then I would have the opposite view. An immigrant should embrace their new country, not try to change it into a facsimile of the country they left.

I understand. Dinesh is perhaps a poor example as he is such an enthusiastic supporter of traditional American values.

How do you feel about being lectured by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? How about Ilhan Omar?
No, it doesn't bother me because it's true. My ancestors did not advance the frontier, fight the French, fight the British, fight a brutal civil war or pull Europe out of its own stinking mess...twice.
I couldn't care less what your ancestors did, that's irrelevant. What's important are your personal values and how they align with the core cultural values of the society you live in. Bernie Sanders might have ancestors that came over on the Mayflower for all I care, he's still an un-American old commie who doesn't appreciate traditional American values that this could try was built upon the way that I, an immigrant, do.
I couldn't care less what your ancestors did, that's irrelevant. What's important are your personal values and how they align with the core cultural values of the society you live in. Bernie Sanders might have ancestors that came over on the Mayflower for all I care, he's still an un-American old commie who doesn't appreciate traditional American values that this could try was built upon the way that I, an immigrant, do.

👍 Respect for slamming Bernie.
I understand. Dinesh is perhaps a poor example as he is such an enthusiastic supporter of traditional American values.

How do you feel about being lectured by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? How about Ilhan Omar?

Ilhan Omar is the poster child of immigrants who utterly fail to embrace their new home. Is AOC an immigrant? If so, another example.
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Uh, our entire country is immigrants, exc of course Native Americans. Are you saying you have to be born here? How many generations?

Uhhh, even they were immigrants. No one ORIGINATED here. Damned Russkies and Chinese is what they are! ;)

All I know is that now I can tell Boris his opinions are meaningless. F him and his shovel-AK!

What is next around here? Return to the Gold Standard???

Best is the "don't you dare come into our country and lecture us" theory. As IF Americans don't go AROUND THE ENTIRE WORLD lecturing everyone else on how things should be done. [rofl] [rofl] [rofl] They hypocrisy is so thick you need a machete in here. (Oh, he's an immigrant as well. Maybe a Bowie???)
My last word on D'Souza's bona fides comes from Lincoln's famous speech of July 4, 1858:

We are now a mighty nation, we are thirty—or about thirty millions of people, and we own and inhabit about one-fifteenth part of the dry land of the whole earth. We run our memory back over the pages of history for about eighty-two years and we discover that we were then a very small people in point of numbers, vastly inferior to what we are now, with a vastly less extent of country,—with vastly less of everything we deem desirable among men,—we look upon the change as exceedingly advantageous to us and to our posterity, and we fix upon something that happened away back, as in some way or other being connected with this rise of prosperity. We find a race of men living in that day whom we claim as our fathers and grandfathers; they were iron men, they fought for the principle that they were contending for; and we understood that by what they then did it has followed that the degree of prosperity that we now enjoy has come to us. We hold this annual celebration to remind ourselves of all the good done in this process of time of how it was done and who did it, and how we are historically connected with it; and we go from these meetings in better humor with ourselves—we feel more attached the one to the other and more firmly bound to the country we inhabit. In every way we are better men in the age, and race, and country in which we live for these celebrations. But after we have done all this we have not yet reached the whole. There is something else connected with it.

We have besides these men—descended by blood from our ancestors—among us perhaps half our people who are not descendants at all of these men, they are men who come from Europe—German, Irish, French and Scandinavian—men that have come from Europe themselves, or whose ancestors have come hither and settled here, finding themselves our equals in all things. If they look back through this history to trace their connection with those days by blood, they find they have none, they cannot carry themselves back into that glorious epoch and make themselves feel that they are part of us, but when they look through that old Declaration of Independence they find that those old men say that 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,' and then they feel that that moral sentiment taught in that day evidences their relation to those men, that it is the father of all moral principle in them, and that they have a right to claim it as though they were blood of the blood, and flesh of the flesh, of the men who wrote that Declaration, and so they are. That is the electric cord in that Declaration that links the hearts of Patriotic and liberty-loving men together, that will link those patriotic hearts as long as the love of freedom exists in the minds of men throughout the world.

All men who embrace the Founding principles and live by them have the same claim to be called Americans as anyone whose ancestors came on the Mayflower. In fact, by proportion vastly more naturalized Americans have a better knowledge, a better understanding of what America means, and a better record of practicing American principles than do citizens who happened to be born here. Now merely passing the citizenship test and mouthing the words doesn't count - George Soros will never be an American. Nor does mere "birthright" citizenship count - if it did, George Floyd, Jacob Blake, and the gangsters in Chicago and LA would be more "American" than the parents of Ted Cruz and Nikki Haley. Antifa goons would be better Americans than the small business owners whose livelihoods they torched. Such is the idiocy of nativism. And couple of posters in this thread have exposed their idiocy quite clearly.

Back to the original point of the OP: For most of its history (including the Colonial era) American society did not have a special caste of professional law enforcers who held a legal monopoly on the use of force against criminals; and we did just fine for nearly all that time. As our society urbanized and became atomized, in the sense that people no long knew, much less had bonds of trust with, their neighbors, the old system of having the men of the community volunteer as its defenders became inadequate in those places, and after several twists and turns towards Statism and bureaucratic tyranny we ended up with the police monopoly on force we have today, as our primary institution of law enforcement. But over time, in the natural evolution of bureaucracies and privileged castes with special powers, the institution of professional police has become corrupted in parts. But when that institution becomes sufficiently corrupt or powerless to fulfill its function, the community will step up to defend itself as in the old days. We have seen how the police have abandoned law enforcement and taken sides to protect rioters, arsonists and murderers. In places where the police have become totally corrupt (such as the Battle of Athens, TN) they will become enemies of the people. But the people will not be denied justice as long as this is America. The blue-dominated cities which are burning now are thoroughly, morally corrupt - not only the Dem politicians and bureaucrats, but the people who vote for them. And this corruption is more widespread than you think - I saw it driving through Peterborough yesterday. America has a severe infection of moral corruption. But it is not everywhere, and the immune system still has a good chance to eradicate it.

We still have four boxes available to us: the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box. In some places, folks are on the fourth box, but most of America is still on the second. Everything depends on November 3rd. If America is stolen from us on Election Day, well I can't write here what may or should happen.
No it was not. That is a lie spread by whoever it is that is genociding America(and Europe) with immigration. I know the next complaint, sorry friends open immigration is genocide and has been the ruin of many countries. Melting pot is a myth and has never happened anywhere. Diversity + Proximity = War. Everytime, everywhere and the people smarter than you that wrote your textbooks know it, and intentionally blinded you to it.

So now your moving the goalposts.

Who said anything about open immigration? You want to discuss being selective about who we allow into the country and to become citizens I’m all for it.

Your argument was that only naturalized citizens have valid opinions. Several people in here blew holes in that argument.
So now your moving the goalposts.

Who said anything about open immigration? You want to discuss being selective about who we allow into the country and to become citizens I’m all for it.

Your argument was that only naturalized citizens have valid opinions. Several people in here blew holes in that argument.
Not naturalized they are paper Americans. Heritage Americans are the only ones with valid opinions on America. And yes we should be selective in who we let in. Not moving goalposts strayed onto other things.
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