Does and Don'ts when handling a pistol at a gun shop??

Permit out
Check every gun to make sure it is indeed safe
finger out of the trigger guard, never pointing it at anyone
I hand the gun back with the slide held open, or the cylinder open
If you have to put it down on the counter use the pads that are usually there. If no soft spots hand it back to the salesperson.

Great start...

I know where the firearm is pointed has been addressed. A lot of people seem to have a bad habit of rolling or turning the gun sideways to "check it out." They do this without even realizing that it may be pointing at the person standing right next to them or across the room. I have seen, more than a few times over the years at the shops. I have also seen individuals do this with a loaded firearm while on the range because of a malfunction or some other reason. I am sure others have experienced this as well.

Just be aware of it. Thanks for asking your questions. You are smart to do so.
good stuff here...

- No spinning the barrels of those round guns like you're playing Russian roulette
- No looking down the barrel to check the rifling like Elmer Fud. I know it sound stupid but I've seen it done many times. You should inspect used firearms but ask first and then dissemble if at all possible.
- No consultations or money borrowing with unlicensed individuals in the store--that smells like a straw purchase and you should be denied

Do take your time and dry fire if given permission. Check your grip coverage and finger distance.
If inspecting a revolver for purchase, be sure to swing the cyclinder shut like in the movies. I hear the dealers just love that. :D


Don't be an idiot. Someone asked for advice, and here you are making stupid jokes. Suppose that someone didn't realize that ":D" meant "I'm being an assmuppet and making a poor joke" and took your advice. Bet you'd feel real proud of yourself.

Don't be an idiot. Someone asked for advice, and here you are making stupid jokes. Suppose that someone didn't realize that ":D" meant "I'm being an assmuppet and making a poor joke" and took your advice. Bet you'd feel real proud of yourself.

assmuppet is my new most favorite insult. I thank you!
- No consultations or money borrowing with unlicensed individuals in the store--that smells like a straw purchase and you should be denied

I'd amend this a bit by suggesting that even if the other person IS licensed, you shouldn't be discussing borrowing money, etc, inside the store with that other person, even if your intentions are 110% legal, it can come off in a bad way with the dealer. Remember that a "straw purchase" covers a lot more ground than what one would think.

This happens all the time up at the Kittery Trading Post. There are so many rifles and shotguns outside the employee's control, that I've had a firearm pointed me several times. It also bugs me as I have no idea if that person is just careless or uncaring. Either way, it makes for an unsafe shooter.

Good advise here so far. Not that you would do this, but don't be one of those people that just pull out thier loaded CCW to compare it to a gun they are handling. I've seen this happen a few times and even seen Carl throw someone out of his store for doing it. It's dangerous and makes everyone there very uncomfortable. If you do want to compare, bring it along unloaded in a case and ask if you can compare it side by side.

Me too on this one. I always point the gun (usually a rifle in this case) at the ceiling at an angle to ensure that I'm not pointing at anyone. It's so simple to do, yet scores of morons can't seem to follow this simple concept.
assmuppet is my new most favorite insult. I thank you!

Well, the Marines here prefer "asshat", so here is one:

Don't be an idiot. Someone asked for advice, and here you are making stupid jokes. Suppose that someone didn't realize that ":D" meant "I'm being an assmuppet and making a poor joke" and took your advice. Bet you'd feel real proud of yourself.

Lighten up. If someone was stupid enough to NOT know that swinging the cylinder shut was not the proper thing to do with a revolver, then that person shouldn't be buying a gun. I personally don't think the original poster is that much of an idiot that I have to dumb it down for him. In any case, my post did serve the purpose of pointing out one protocol that has been missed in all the other threads. You don't have to act like an arrogant ass about it.
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