DOJ official says she was fired after opposing the restoration of Mel Gibson's gun rights

Does a misdemeanor domestic violence conviction carry a possible 2 year prison sentence?
Doesn't matter it's a specific pp trigger via lautenberg amendment. It could be 5 days max by state law but any "misdemeanor of domestic violence " is an auto full life federal DQ.
@clampett there have literally been cases where women have paid like a $200 fine for slapping their husband or something ( and no it wasn't the man reporting it it was just something that came out in the interview after an incident and then they ended up charging the woman for misdemeanor domestic assault) and then from that point onward she lost gun rights for the rest of her life.
Doesn't matter it's a specific pp trigger via lautenberg amendment. It could be 5 days max by state law but any "misdemeanor of domestic violence " is an auto full life federal DQ.
F' Frank Raleigh Lautenberg and the horse he rode in (and out) on.

Article is missing key info (surprise, surprise), particularly what offenses the other people that Oyer did not object to were convicted of. That would indicate whether she had a problem with Gibson, his offense, or the process. It's also telling how the un-named Justice Department source(s) are obvious hold-overs from the previous administration, at least in perspective.
F' Frank Raleigh Lautenberg and the horse he rode in (and out) on.

Article is missing key info (surprise, surprise), particularly what offenses the other people that Oyer did not object to were convicted of. That would indicate whether she had a problem with Gibson, his offense, or the process. It's also telling how the un-named Justice Department source(s) are obvious hold-overs from the previous administration, at least in perspective.
If i was king there would be a massive piss trough installed on lautenbergs grave. And wed even have enclosed restrooms for the ladies so they could sit down. Plumbing would deposit the piss right at the base of his grave.
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