Don't order any Inforce APL-C Holsters

Oct 17, 2017
Cambridge, MA
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I know Inforce APL-C's aren't exactly loved on this board, but thought I'd throw out this PSA. Looks like they are about to drop a new pistol light, and in doing so have cleared out all inventory of their existing APL-C lights from most major retailers. It almost looks like they pulled stock back or put stop orders on many places (Amazon, Brownells, Cheaper than Dirt, Optics Planet, etc). Best I've seen is a picture with the words "Discontinued" under it. Most other retailers don't even bring it up in a search anymore.

Only reason I mention this is because my buddy wanted to get one and bought a holster for it first, then went to buy the light and they are no where to be found. So maybe this will save people from buying useless holsters.
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