Dumbass move here


NES Member
Dec 9, 2012
Pelham, NH
Feedback: 53 / 1 / 0
Putting back together my AR10 pistol and I, like an idiot, put the pivot pin detent into the hole ahead of the spring. 🤦‍♂️ Now I'm trying to get the damned thing back out, but it's not cooperating. :mad: Any idears from the NES braintrust on how to get the facker OUT?? Tried tapping it against my bench (rubber mat between the lower and the bench), no joy. Tried using canned air to maybe push it a bit, no joy. Haven't tried using my air compressor to blow against it, since it will probably launch the thing into orbit. Or into the ceiling. I'll have to look for my 'spare' set of detents and springs. I suppose, I could just trim a replacement spring to offset the length of the detent inside and put in another.

Post up if you've done this before, and how you removed the F'king detent.

Bonus pics of the project (before it gets posted in my thread).
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I've already tried my strong (rare earth) magnet on this. No luck there.

I'll try the machine screw. Have to see IF I have any that are a small enough OD and right length to work there. Maybe a 4-40 tap will work. 🤔
Bang it on the bench harder. Toothpick dipped in superglue is probably the next thing I’d try. If you can’t get it out cut the spring short and put another detent in.
Hold it upside down and use a sewing pinto gently roll around the hole. The pin, if there is any movement will eventually fall out. Then you will have to update this thread to ask for help finding the detent. Beautiful gun.
Have you tried moving the pivot pin in and out to at least move it enough to remove the pin? With the pin out wouldn't you be able to bend the sewing pin to push it out from the pin bore interior. Then maybe the air compressor for some overkill before you throw it against the wall frustrated and see it on the bench. [wink]

Sorry about the wrong answers. Cut the spring and put a different detend in on top of the spring?
An AR10….pistol?
Yup... I also have an AR15 pistol with a 300 Blackout and 5.56 upper for it (both with about 10" barrels). Since I'm in NH, we can have AR pistols and NOT need to do the SBR thing like in the PRM.

I'll need to see IF I have any sewing needles around to try that with. I've already cut the spring, but getting the pivot pin in is being a bit of a biotch. Even using the clevis pin trick.

Using glue on a toothpick was a full fail (either super or hot).
Use your punch set and thin pliers to try to finagle it out if possible put it in a vice grip so you have two hands to do this with. I did something similar with my FAL and had to wiggle the thing free.
An AR10….pistol?
Solved the issue getting the pivot pin installed by trimming a bit more from the spring. Puff is back together again... :D
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12.5" Black Hole Weaponry barrel (IIRC, they did a name change some time after I bought the barrel. From what they told me, prior to purchase, it should do well out to at least 600 yards. Need to pick what to toss on top of it now for an optic.

This is my first shot at doing a 'battle worn' finish. Learned a few things doing it, so I can do it a bit differently next time. :D

BTW, "Puff" is a working name for it. Since it's a fricken DRAGON when you shoot it. Loud too. Compensator (or as some call it, a 'loudener') doesn't minimize that. [rofl2]
have a small vacuum? filter will catch it if it sucks it out

nm I hadn't read down the thread to see you'd solved it.

try a linear compensator to throw some of that noise downrange
Nah... I got the muzzle device at the same time as the handguard (same company) so that the lines match up. Besides, I try to get to the range where there's not a lot of other people there. Bonus points for helping clear out people's sinuses at the range. Both others around me and my own. [rofl2]
Did mine in 308 Winchester.

Got at least a couple more build I'm planning to hit starting before the end of this coming weekend. AR15 pistol with two uppers and rifle also with two uppers. Plus the raw lower for my AR10 rifle (308 win).
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