Emergency Drinking Water for Car

Math is Hard

FIFY....and yeah, it's not gonna happen. 197 atmospheres is approx 29k psi for those of you following along at home.

I appreciate the sanity check, but I looked at Android Unit Converter Ultimate app again, and it insists 20MPa == 197.3847Atm. If its off by a factor of 10, I guess I'm NASA-ready...

Oops, Google agrees with me. (Is that a T-shirt?)

But yeah, I wouldn't want to open a beverage bottle with either pressure in it.
For all of you guys running out to buy Esby stoves, note that there are two sizes of fuel tabs. You want the larger size; I'm not sure why anyone would want the smaller ones. You also want the tabs individually wrapped because they smell bad.

I have this kit and these tabs. The nice part about it is the stove comes with a small mesh bag. I stick a few tabs, two lighters, a couple Starbucks VIA packets and some paper towels (for post coffee cleanup) inside the cup and it's all self-contained. It fits in a BDU cargo pocket surprisingly well.
I appreciate the sanity check, but I looked at Android Unit Converter Ultimate app again, and it insists 20MPa == 197.3847Atm. If its off by a factor of 10, I guess I'm NASA-ready...

Oops, Google agrees with me. (Is that a T-shirt?)

But yeah, I wouldn't want to open a beverage bottle with either pressure in it.

Looks like I carried a 2 somewhere I shouldn't have. Double checking now, even in my slightly buzzed state, yields the same answer you got. Sorry.
Make sure you buy the good shit. You don't want to be stuck drinking walmart brand.

Meh. Bottled water is the most overpriced, overhyped product ever.

However, keep in mind that taste will get through the plastic somehow. I stored a bunch in old cat litter buckets and the water tastes like (fresh) cat litter smells. I don't mind it, but some might.
I keep a small hard sided cooler in the car and put waters in there. It seems to keep them from freezing solid. YMMV.
While storing water in your vehicle is admirable, I decided to store gatorade/powerade instead. If I'm stranded, now I have calories and electrolytes in addition to water to hydrate with, and no added storage space needs. Also, they have a lower freezing point than just water.

If I'm keeping something there for the 'what-if', calories + water trumps just water.
While storing water in your vehicle is admirable, I decided to store gatorade/powerade instead. If I'm stranded, now I have calories and electrolytes in addition to water to hydrate with, and no added storage space needs. Also, they have a lower freezing point than just water.

If I'm keeping something there for the 'what-if', calories + water trumps just water.

water and powdered juice packs.
I make sure to drink a lot of water right before I drive anywhere. That way, if I should get stranded, I can just pull a Bear Grylls and drink my pee.
While storing water in your vehicle is admirable, I decided to store gatorade/powerade instead. If I'm stranded, now I have calories and electrolytes in addition to water to hydrate with, and no added storage space needs. Also, they have a lower freezing point than just water.

If I'm keeping something there for the 'what-if', calories + water trumps just water.

Makes sense. It also makes me wonder how long a McDonald's Shamrock Shake will keep in my trunk.
How do you keep water from freezing in the car overnight in the winter? No big deal as long as the container doesn't rupture?

Vodka won't freeze. Jack.

so whats the answer for having water not freezing while stored in the winter (I'm in the case of Poland springs group)?

OE Jack nailed it. Pour out some water from the jug, add vodka to taste and cap it again.

I may check out in that blizzard, but I'm checking out in a good mood.
Well, I learned how not to keep water in the truck during winter today. We got in the truck and I was like "Why's there water all over the place"..... oh... I forgot to remove a stainless steel (Green Canteen) bottle and it burst:



There was 2 inches of space above the water line, but that didn't help. I was a bit surprised the bottom broke away from the rest of the bottle... I hadn't noticed before the bottom was a separate piece joined to the rest of it.
I keep a metal canteen and cup empty in my car with the plastic water bottles. If you need to melt ice, cut the bottle and put in metal cup. Heat over fire or place on top of engine under hood to melt.
I was a bit surprised the bottom broke away from the rest of the bottle... I hadn't noticed before the bottom was a separate piece joined to the rest of it.
Are you sure the bottom was a separate piece? They're usually stamped out from a single slug of aluminum. I'd bet it just cracked. That bottom edge is the weakest point of the metal. Pressure doesn't like angles.
Are you sure the bottom was a separate piece? They're usually stamped out from a single slug of aluminum. I'd bet it just cracked. That bottom edge is the weakest point of the metal. Pressure doesn't like angles.
The crack looks too perfect, straight and long, so I would say it is likely a separate piece.

I had a second bottle in there too, a different brand. This did not burst but the bottom changed shape.

Sent via Tapatalk on my Android phone. Good news; Tapatalk sucks less than it used to.
You can check out Mainstay emergency drinking water for car. Buy it from online. It'a very running product and I've been using it.
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