My first selectman (well, woman in this case) signed the temporary state pistol permit my town issued me. I'd have to go back and check to see who actually signed my C&R app.
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My first selectman (well, woman in this case) signed the temporary state pistol permit my town issued me. I'd have to go back and check to see who actually signed my C&R app.
Yep. Every town in CT with a resident trooper, the 1st Selectman is the CLEO.
OK, now having seen this posted a few times puzzles me . . .
Is there a CT law that requires a LE sign-off on a C&R FFL application?
The application itself only requires that you give a copy to the CLEO (and put the name of the CLEO on the form) and requires no action on their part. Even in bass-ackwards MA that is the way it is done.
My tip for ffl signups: tell them you want to sell at gun shows (thats what they want right?) and put your office hrs at 3-5am on sunday. You'll never see a ATF agent -- I never did, over 20+ yrs of kitchen table dealing.
Thats actually not good advice anymore.
Despite what the media says about the gun show loop hole, the ATF will NOT give you a FFL if you sell primarily at gun shows. In fact, once you have an FFL you CAN'T legally sell at gun shows. A licensee can only transact the sale of firearms at the address on the license.
Its crazy.
The part about office hours, I agree with.
You better check the laws again. Some years ago BATFE issued a ruling/clarification that allows any Dealer FFL to sell at any gun show in the same state as his licensed premises.
If this weren't the case, there would be no gun shows as nobody's licensed premises is the Big E, Marlboro Trade Center, etc.!!
Can you find that ruling? I was running a class recently and 2 attendees wanted to purchase guns from me at the class. I called my local ATF branch and they told me that I can only sell firearms at the location listed on my license. So we all went back to my shop and I did the transfer.
I am not surprised I got bad information from the ATF. Jesus. That's what I get for going to "the source".
I don't doubt you are right. I'd just like some documentation.
This notice applies to activities permitted at bona fide gun shows, as defined in Title 27 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 478.100. Federal firearms licensees (“FFLs” or “Dealers”) may only sell firearms at gun shows within the State in which their licensed premises is located.
Len - thanks for that. Very helpful.
David -
It gets even better. Congress, in their annual appropriations bill for ATF funding has since 2004 prohibited the ATF from revoking a license for "lack of business activity"
My buddy just got a call about his permit, they said they need to come to his house for a few questions..Said it should only take 10min or so...
Thought that was weird.. Maybe its the norm now there???