extra heavy 9mm luger loads for ppc?

did not get powder yet, but here is how this 165gr bullet looks like seated to same 1.13" as stock 9mm luger.
it can be seated a tad higher also, but, for now I will try to go with stock dimensions. looks like it should fit 4gr of be-86, but, tbd.
so, no issues with loads of be-86, made a ladder from 4 to 5.2gr, by load data it 'seems' that it may be ok to go up to 6, but, well, will test what was made first, as i want them to remain subsonic from the 10.5" barrel. no issues with 5gr so far space wise, all fits fine. calculator suggest subsonic edge to be around 5gr load, will see how accurate it will be proven to be.

nasty seating ring remains, but the good thing - those 165gr bullets from capital cartridge seem to fit fine glock barrels and CZ barrels chambers with 0 issues, no matter what brass i use - as i got a mix of every possible stamps. it may be that extreme bullets only have that issue with sizing, what i got here does not seem to have any problems.

will test fire it all first, then may be will have to dremel the seating die a bit to try to reduce the ring.
Are the bullets on the right pulled after you seated and crimped? The photo is not very clear, just be careful that you are not over crimping the brass through the copper plating.
those were pulled out numerous times.

Here are loaded samples, well, not too great, not too horrible, like a Chernobyl. :)

they sit tight, but i tried to play with the seating die to make sure brass is almost a perfect cylinder, not too much crimp.
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Just tested once more and pulled it out.
Crimp ring is there, but not too deep and looks ok to me, not sure if it'll change anything drastically if I try to reduce it further. Not sure.

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