FEG hi-power clone questions


NES Member
Aug 7, 2008
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I've got my eye on a FEG 9mm... Salesman said its a Hungarian hi-power clone but isn't an exact copy. Hi-power magazines will fit in it so its close enough IMO. Does anybody haveany good info on these Hungarian pistols? The price is good according to gunbroker but if the pistol is junk, I'd pass.
The DA FEGs are not Hi-Powers at all, actually very similar to S&W 59s internally. Not bad pistols, but nothing from a hi-power will interchange, I'm actually surprised the magazines will.
The P9R and P9RK are not Hi-Power clones, they're a separate S&Wish DA design.

The PJK-9HP is just about a complete Hi-Power clone. Hi-Power mags work, many other parts do as well.

I think they're both pretty good guns, and factory pre-ban mags aren't too hard to find. I'd call $300 reasonable, maybe more with some standard-capacity mags included.
Only the older pjk-9hp's are part for part clones....I'm not sure when it changed but the newer ones have a few unique internals
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