FID Fee Change Effective 7/12/11 for Minors

Len-2A Training

NES Life Member
NES Member
Feb 26, 2005
Feedback: 75 / 1 / 0
This was passed and signed into law with an emergency preamble which means it takes effect IMMEDIATELY (today, 7/12/2011).

SECTION 93. Section 129B of chapter 140 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after clause (9B), as so appearing, the following clause:-

(9C) Except as provided in clause (9B), the fee for an application for a firearm identification card for any person under the age of 18 shall be $25, which shall be payable to the licensing authority and shall not be prorated or refunded in the case of revocation or denial. The licensing authority shall retain 50 per cent of the fee and the remaining portion shall be deposited into the General Fund. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, licensing authorities shall deposit quarterly that portion of the firearm identification card application fee which is to be deposited into the General Fund, not later than January 1, April 1, July 1 and October
1 of each year
I just applied today, and gave my $100 check...Looks like I'll have to give the PD a call. Thank you for the heads up!
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I'll answer your last question tomorrow. I got the voicemail of my issuing officer when I called tonight. I have my fingerprint/photo appoinment tomorrow, and I can find out whether or not she knew...

Any links to .gov citing the change if they put up a stink?
Yeah, but they'll be looking to raise the over 18 FID fee to $150 to recoup all that loot. What a pessimist I am, huh?
Yeah, but they'll be looking to raise the over 18 FID fee to $150 to recoup all that loot. What a pessimist I am, huh?

No, you're a realist. That would be exactly the move expected by the ma**h*** legislature.[wink]
PInch me....I'm dreaming....or have I passed into some alternate, slightly less screwed up, universe?

What's next? decriminalizing posession of spent cartridges?

Thanks for the post....I wonder if the .gov botherd to tell the local PDs?

I'm guessing that this was buried in the Budget Bill that they passed (just like the jump to $100 back in 2004) and that is the ONLY reason that it passed.

No,of course the PDs weren't notified. They will probably be notified in a few months time . . . as is typical. EOPS is fast on memos being sent out with specious information on them, but to expect them to send out a quick notice on something like this . . . you must be joking! [laugh] [rofl]

And for anyone who has or does pay $100 when they should pay $25, good luck getting the money back. My bets are that it will never happen. When my chief overcharged my Wife some years ago, I made enough stink to stop him from continuing to do that, but we never got the money back and there really is no good mechanism to do so.

ETA: As soon as I got notification, I forwarded it to my chief and licensing officer. I also told one of my good friends who is a local PO (he's a gunny too) . . . just after he got thru with a MV stop at CVS while I was waiting for my Wife to pick out a card there.
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Is this bill retroactive? Cause if so the state owes me 75$ lol[rofl]. resevied the F.I.D. last november on my 17th birthday. by far my best gift of all . it was actualy because of the long nerves wait for it that i found NES[grin]
Retroactive??? [rofl] [laugh2] [laugh]

That's a real knee-slapper.

Gov't does not ever return money, don't you know that?

Direct answer: No, the fee changed as of today. If you paid yesterday it was $100. Today officially it is $25. However, I expect tons of folks end up paying $100 as the PDs will insist that they know nothing about this . . . I'm sure that no official notice will be sent for quite a while.
It was buried in the budget:
Also in the budget was a provision for refunding the $25 fee for appealing a traffic violation, if you won the case. Currently, you lose the fee, even if you win your appeal. I believe this one was killed, however.

Where can we find something to print out to bring with us to the police dept when applying for an FID?
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I went in this morning for my interveiw (put in application yesterday, first day of fee change) She knew nothing about it, but insisted that if in fact it was changed I would only pay the $25. (She was calling somebody who would know later today) Hopefully some body can give me something to send to her proving that we in fact only have to pay $25.
Not to pile more work onto GOAL, but could they be a conduit for getting the info to the local PDs, if the .gov will be less-than-speedy?

Otherwise, can the members of local clubs that are represented here get the info to the Club bosses, to send out emails to members so that any members that are cops, or know them, can get the word out that way?

I know that it's kind of a Midnight Ride of Revere, Dawes, Prescott, et al, but it might be a more efficient way than waiting for the "officail" notification.

Just a thought.

ETA: LenS - do you have a link to the changed language, so that intersted [strike]troublemakers[/strike] citizens can drop the notice of the change at the local PD?
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Not to pile more work onto GOAL, but could they be a conduit for getting the info to the local PDs, if the .gov will be less-than-speedy?

Otherwise, can the members of local clubs that are represented here get the info to the Club bosses, to send out emails to members so that any members that are cops, or know them, can get the word out that way?

I know that it's kind of a Midnight Ride of Revere, Dawes, Prescott, et al, but it might be a more efficient way than waiting for the "officail" notification.

Just a thought.

ETA: LenS - do you have a link to the changed language, so that intersted [strike]troublemakers[/strike] citizens can drop the notice of the change at the local PD?

PDs are NOT going to believe GOAL (they are more likely to believe what Jon Rosenthal/Brady Bunch tell them than GOAL). They will wait for an official announcement . . . which probably won't arrive for weeks or months. It's in the best interest of the state and local towns to collect more money, not less and like I said before, good luck getting a refund. Small claims lawsuit will cost you most of that $75 and that is not counting lost work time. NOTHING on MCOPA's website . . . I just looked . . . again no surprise.

Start emailing police departments.
Remind them that ignorance of the law is not a defense.

Please point out what penalty there is against a city/town, PD, state for such ignorance or failure to follow the law.

Here's a clue . . . they aren't like "citizens" who can be successfully prosecuted. Thus they are impervious to ignoring a law they wish to ignore (or not timely notifying of a change).


To those asking, sorry I don't have any more info. It is buried in the budget bill which is likely 1000+ pages of various law changes. One would have to find it, search it, print that portion, PROVE that it is part of the new law, then PROVE to the PD that it indeed takes effect the moment that it was signed (find the law on emergency preambles and print that). LOTS of effort to save that money, but might be worth it for those effected.

I got a "thank you" response from my chief this AM for giving him the heads-up. If you have a good relationship with your local chief, they might believe you . . . but most here are scared out of their skin by the mere sight of their chief so that isn't too likely.
One thing I forgot to mention was that the reduced fee was not on the list she had to choose from on the computer application. The other reductions were there (Mace, LEO, etc) but no minor reduction as of yet.
One thing I forgot to mention was that the reduced fee was not on the list she had to choose from on the computer application. The other reductions were there (Mace, LEO, etc) but no minor reduction as of yet.

It's not going to show up on MIRCS probably for a month or so. Apparently CJIS is working on this and will try to help local PDs who query them on how to deal with this . . . of course if they don't ask for that help . . .
Just got a voicemail from my issuing officer. She called the main firearm office (I forgot how she put it) and they confirmed the fee reduction and I will only be paying $25 for my FID card. Thank you to LenS you saved me $75 that will be put towards my first gun purchase!
pakman, glad to help out and happy that your LO was willing to put the extra effort in to do the right thing.

Enjoy your new hobby!
Just got a voicemail from my issuing officer. She called the main firearm office (I forgot how she put it) and they confirmed the fee reduction and I will only be paying $25 for my FID card. Thank you to LenS you saved me $75 that will be put towards my first gun purchase!

Not sound like a Statist, but take a few bucks of that, and go GREEN, here, and join GOAL if you're not already a member.....
I took my grandson to Mass Firearms School for his basic safety course tonight. I didn't sit in, but he said the instructor made no mention of fees or changes.
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