Field Op Gear Essentials/Non-Essentails - Whats in YOUR ILBE (or Seabag)?

Apr 4, 2013
Holler Region of Eastern Kentucky
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USMCR POG Motor Tuh Wrecker Mech here...wondering what you guys like(d) to bring to the field for maybe a mid length stay. I'm gearing up for an overseas field op in a friendly AO that shares a border with a not friendly and just got me thinking I should ask what you guys like to take to the field with you...essentials, comfort items, just for haha's...etc., exclude the obvious like a deck of cards, issued poncho liner (best gear item hands down) and hand lotion (for dry/cracked skin of course.)

Favourie Pogey bait (snacks, munchies) not sourceable from MRE's

Items/ideas to make your tent the envy of the FOB (seems like every good idea gets shut down by the staff and shiny's, but it's always fun while it lasts)

Ways to stay in shape using items off the wreckers or 7 tons or that can be found on any FOB.

Ways to stay more comfortable in any clime and place aside from standard CIF gear.

Tac-items, because POG's gonna POG (I don't have much room for ridiculous shit due to the nature of my drop pouch/flak is full of all the most commonly used tools for hasty repairs on convoys)...but may be able to recommend some things to my FOBBIT brethren/Motor Tuh Sloberators (operators.)


This is meant to be a fun thread to see what kinda eff'd up stuff you guys have brought to the field/wished you had (aside from a nice warm apple pie). Feel free to roast the POG, as I know you ground pounders can only wish to have kept your tents in one spot for more than 3 hours at a time and have earned the right given the level of misery you guys typically acheive...cue CrazyMJB and the other 03's/crayon eaters.
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TRX for working out I guess if you won't have a gym.

You're a POG, aren't you supposed to know all this? What else do they teach you in MCT/MOS school?

I once brought an entire seabag of canned and packaged food on a 2 week field op so I wouldn't have to eat MREs, perks of being in a mounted unit. In something I might have to ruck? I wouldn't bring shit other than what's on the packing list (and I'd probably thin that out actually) along with a headlamp and extra batteries and baby wipes. 550 cord and a poncho is a must if you are going to be out in the field and wont' have tents to stay in. REAL bug spray (100% deet), maybe a bug net depending where you are going. If it's going to be hot and you won't have access to a PX I'd bring a couple tubs of gatorade or other electrolyte powder. When I'm drinking 3+ gallons a day I'll put 1 scoop per gallon jug. Somewhere cold, a jet boil is nice to have along with a gatorade bottle to piss in in the middle of the night when it's too cold to get out of your tent.

TRX for working out I guess if you won't have a gym.

You're a POG, aren't you supposed to know all this? What else do they teach you in MCT/MOS school?

I once brought an entire seabag of canned and packaged food on a 2 week field op so I wouldn't have to eat MREs, perks of being in a mounted unit. In something I might have to ruck? I wouldn't bring shit other than what's on the packing list (and I'd probably thin that out actually) along with a headlamp and extra batteries and baby wipes. 550 cord and a poncho is a must if you are going to be out in the field and wont' have tents to stay in. REAL bug spray (100% deet), maybe a bug net depending where you are going. If it's going to be hot and you won't have access to a PX I'd bring a couple tubs of gatorade or other electrolyte powder. When I'm drinking 3+ gallons a day I'll put 1 scoop per gallon jug. Somewhere cold, a jet boil is nice to have along with a gatorade bottle to piss in in the middle of the night when it's too cold to get out of your tent.


You left out the crayons.

I know, I hate Starbucks too, but these little packets of instant coffee are perfect to keep on hand in your ruck, they're tiny and each one makes a damn good cup of coffee when you need it, or when you need to raise someone's morale with a hot cup of joe. Indispensable. Good titanium coffee cup if you don't carry a canteen cup on your belt. Thermo tabs and a fire starter. Can you tell how much I like coffee on a cold morning.

Under Armour Balaclava- keeps your head/face warm at night if you get to rack out or you're sitting in an LP/OP freezing waiting for the fun to start. Also keeps the bugs out of your ears if you're sleeping on the ground. Had a spider living in my ear drum for a bit, no fun listening to him scratch all around all night and make me want to stick an ice pick in there from the itch while I was trying to concentrate. Little prick.

Haji Rag (shermagh). Great neck warmer, head wrap, face cloth, towel, cold wrap when soaked in water, pressure bandage etc etc

At least two Drive On Rags (same for above but US Issue OD Green), best thing going.

Extra wool socks in zip lock baggies. Feels great to wash your feet and be able to put on clean, warm socks. Foot powder too.

Large sized bath wipes from REI. Carry a couple packages of them.

Pre-workout pills. Easy and quick energy, high in caffeine.

Lots of Slim Jims and Skittles. Small, easy to pack, and delicious.

Large size bags of Jerkey, they're flat and fit perfectly in the back of your ruck where the water bladder goes. Can fit 3-4 large bags of it in there with the bladder.

Handful of foam ear plugs.

Good pair of Oakleys. Plenty of eye drops depending on where you're going.

If you can, find out exactly what AO you'll be in and get A recent topographical map of the area, a good compass and a protractor. Cover the map with laminate to waterproof it and allow the use of a wax pencil on it. Study the map before you get there. Map out where your PB will be, where the potential enemy may come from (you said you're bordering an unfriendly country so at least you'll have some idea where the forward line is and the final defensive line as well. Map out some E/E routes. Try to pinpoint from the topography where a couple of good LZ's may be for extraction or CASEVAC and mark them, as well as some terrain features where you can make a stand if needed with high ground and plenty of natural cover.

Pick up an orange marking panel for the birds, and a strobe as well.

Dont count on technology. Plan old school just in case.

And since you're Motor T, bring a couple spare tire gauges and Armor All. [smile]
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I think you're overestimating how "in the shit" he's gonna be


Ya I'm sure I was, but was enjoying the planning/thoughts as though it was me going. Always good to have contingencies in place. Zombies, N. Koreans and all...Don't know how much foot mobile training these Motor T guys get once they're out of Boot. I'm old, things have changed a bit I'm sure.
Ya I'm sure I was, but was enjoying the planning/thoughts as though it was me going. Always good to have contingencies in place. Zombies, N. Koreans and all...Don't know how much foot mobile training these Motor T guys get once they're out of Boot. I'm old, things have changed a bit I'm sure.

Not much aside from basic land nav. If we can't get there by truck, we probably can't find it. This is a NATO exercise, not so much to shake our fist at the non-friendly nation as it is to show our support to our allies in the region by our presence for the joint training. I'll explain more when I get back.

This is absolutely a just for fun post, but you've covered a few important bases I've already learned about with the Gatorade bottle and the Starbucks instant...the 'iced coffee' version is fantastic when mixed with two packets of the current MRE instant, ftr. I never bother with 'hot' in the field, and only use ration heaters if I'm ready to rack out and want one for the to box of my sleeping system.

I just bought a new headlight, but that's just as helpful for my billet as wrecker mech as it would be for COG duty or just mulling around tent city.

Good call on the balaclava and the haji rag...might just come in handy on the cold nights...and...keep...spiders out​ of my ears...ugh...that sounds like a nightmare!

I'm definitely on board with jerky, Clif bars and some chocolate for quick energy, but pre workout is probably not a great idea for me, personally...I'll probably draw a little too much attention if my eyeballs are sweating.

The actual gear list is ridiculous...two pairs of boots, ok, no...they allow for an ILBE, a seabag, AND an assault pack...but I'll be damned if I take more than an ILBE and assault pack. I think I can cut the list down pretty good, but will also be bringing my own toolbox/tools.
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