Filthy 5.56

Jan 1, 2006
North Shore
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So I picked up a case of 900 rounds of 5.56 XM193 (American Eagle) today at a LGS. 30 boxes of three ten round stripper clips. I don't need stripper clips so I started opening the boxes and putting the ammo in ammo cans. The second box I opened was full of decomposed cardboard powder, dead ants, and what seemed like melted glue or ink. There was actually a gritty film on many of the cases that would certainly impede them from chambering smoothly. About every fourth or fifth box was the same. This stuff looked like surplus ammo but was sold as new. I was a little disappointed. Since I had opened all of the boxes, I can not in good conscience try to return this stuff. My questions are:
1. Might I expect any problems?
2. Should I try to clean it?
3. Is it safe to put it (live ammo) into my vibratory case cleaner?

All of this led me to rethink how clean ammo needs to be? see here:

Has anyone else had issues with gross ammo?

If it is new ammo and you still have the boxes, etc. take some pictures and send them off to the mfr. See what they have to say about it.
I can not in good conscience try to return this stuff. Uhhhh....why???????? Someone sold you crap, and your conscience bothers you? I'm sure I have some dogshit ammo around that you might be interested in.[rofl]
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EddieCoyle has said you can vibe clean the live stuff in other threads. EC, you readin this?

I don't tumble off the lube until after I've completed the cartridge. I'll load ~600 rounds of .223 and then toss it in the tumbler for 30-60 minutes. Comes out fine.
I don't tumble off the lube until after I've completed the cartridge. I'll load ~600 rounds of .223 and then toss it in the tumbler for 30-60 minutes. Comes out fine.

Ive never done this myself, but I think I might give it a try next time. Ive read that here a couple times and, iirc, thats the way the manufacturers do it also.
I can not in good conscience try to return this stuff. Uhhhh....why???????? Someone sold you crap, and your conscience bothers you? I'm sure I have some dogshit ammo around that you might be interested in.[rofl]

I don't know if its crap yet, thats the point of this thread. And "Uhhhh...." the reason why I can't return them is because I bought them boxed and on stripper clips. They are now loose in an ammo box.

I'm going to throw them in my vibratory cleaner and see what happens.

I don't know if its crap yet, thats the point of this thread. And "Uhhhh...." the reason why I can't return them is because I bought them boxed and on stripper clips. They are now loose in an ammo box.

I'm going to throw them in my vibratory cleaner and see what happens.


Why would you take them off of the stripper clips?
Long answer: I don't use stripper clips and I can store ammo more efficiently loose. I also use 10 round P-Mags when shooting from a bench and I have trouble loading the P-Mag from strippers.

Short answer: I don't want my ammo on stripper clips.


Take pictures of the issues and send them off to federal with lot number.
What's the headstamp.
Take pictures of the issues and send them off to federal with lot number.
What's the headstamp.


And make sure you bring up safety blah blah blah... I'll bet they throw a box of ammo your way for the trouble. I contacted Remington about one round out of a box of 50 that would not fit into the cylinder of my 357. They had me send them the one round and sent me another full box.
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