That's kind of the point. People don't wanna learn other triggers, etc... they want something that runs off more or less the same system and points the same
way. It's also a modular system, all the guns may have slightly different parts variations, etc, but they all pretty much come apart the same way.
I think in this case its more so about the fact that it's another CCW-oriented pistol in this size class. (There aren't that many.... Shield, XDs, LC9S, a few Kahr P9/PM9, etc. )
The other thing too is for people who do their own work in terms of replacing parts, etc... doesn't get super obnoxious to tear everything apart without fear. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to do basic repairs or keep the guns running, etc. If I wanna run out and get most parts for a Glock handgun, I can call up like 3 people (at least) that I know locally know that probably have a ton of Glock parts hanging around. Can't say the same thing for pretty much anything else.