first time applicant for license-

May 7, 2008
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i am looking for a little advice/pointers.

i am completing my course this week and will be applying for a class a...

a letter is required to accompany the actual application from what i understand on the city website.

i have no idea what to write...

anyone have advice?

i live in brockton, first of all... i also plan to hopefully hunt this season after complete the hunter safety course, provided that they issue me a license.

i have also recently joined a gun club and the NRA (i would like to compete at some point)

any and all help here would be appreciated.

Write whatever...If it's Brockton it's not going to matter.

Seriously though, Id write about why you need the license and about things that make you stand out as a citizen. Talk about your training, or planned training and really build upon your character. A lawyer can really help you along perfecting the paper. Seeing how Brockton is a RED town I wish you good luck, but don't be disappointed if your license is neutered.
Before everyone jumps in to tell you to read up and come back with your questions, I'll take a stab at it since I'm relatively new and haven't tired of answering questions yet.

1) First, Brockton. Sad to say, Brockton is a "red" town which means your chances of getting anything other than a "B" or possibly a restricted A license are practically nil. It's just the way it is. Move, or deal with it.

2) Like Fsorrent said, it doesn't matter what you write but, for sh@ts and giggles, go with ALP, or All Legal Purposes.

3) You'll be tempted to say, "yeah but that's just a net chat room, what do they know?" while in general, I'd say that's a good policy, in this case your running into knowledge based on experience.

4) Here's a collection of useful threads to get you going. Take it from here and then come back with very specific questions and you'll get a much better response.

Green towns and Red towns

Additional Requirments

Forum Acronyms
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wow- it does not look like i am going to get an unrestricted ltc.. i am going to try anyhow though, it can't hurt

should i include in this letter, my memberships and that i also want to hunt and compete?

the main reason in for protection purposes- but it seems in the thread about which color the towns are, that brockton doesn't seem to think there is a real problem... even though most recently, the guy across the street shot someone in broad daylight after running into him with a car... most of my neighbors have been burglarized... and there are some new gangs 'round these parts... :(

looks like i have a lot more homework to do
Trophygrl, if you're serious about wanting a no restrictions LTC, the best advice I can give you is "Contact a lawyer who specialized in gun law". There are three on this forum - Cross-X, Scrivener and jcohen (Jesse is not terribly active, though)".

PM incoming.
I really don't know why these red towns stop good citizens from protecting themselves. It makes me sick. You will never be granted your full constitutional right to protect yourself there.
i may actually retain a lawyer prior to application submittal, thanks to some great advice... this will also help me in making sure i have included good information in my letter to the police chief, i assume

i hate to have all of the firearms here that i can not personally transport or borrow without a class a.
should i include in this letter, my memberships and that i also want to hunt and compete?

My gut would say do not make it look for target and hunting at all. If you get any license with any restrictions you will always be able to target and hunt. It's the lowest common denominator. Make a good strong case for personal proctection. Get a lawyer, and let us know how you make out.
My gut would say do not make it look for target and hunting at all. If you get any license with any restrictions you will always be able to target and hunt. It's the lowest common denominator. Make a good strong case for personal proctection. Get a lawyer, and let us know how you make out.
thanks- i actually JUST fired out an email to a lawyer :)

i am not sure how to explain that i want it for protection purposes without making it seem as though the police are not doing a good job....

this is why i def. need help with this letter, and where a lawyer who is familiar with licensing will probably be key. :D
Your neighbors house being burglarized won't help. They'll just tell you to keep a shotgun in your house and you can get that w/ a class B. If you collect rent or handle a reasonable amount of money on the streets due to your job this may help. You can get a LTC class A for Business Purposes like they issue in New Bedford but that means you'd need a letter from your employer. The comment above about how hunting is the LCD because someone w/ a FID card can have a license for competitive shooting and hunting. Keep that out of your letter also. I'm not sure how much a lawyer would help in this sense but depending on how bad you want your LTC ALP its worth a shot.
I called the police once for a gang fight in front of my home that involved my neighbor. The police took 1 hour and 28 minutes to respond.

I demanded the Chief issue me a LTC, since his department couldn't get there to help. He issued it to me, but this isn't Brockton.

No, you don't want to tell them they aren't doing their job, they already know they can't respond in time. Like they say, when seconds count, police can be there in minutes.

BTW, I hope you took Dwarven1's advice and contacted one of the lawyers he suggested. Don't just ask ANY lawyer. You need one who specializes in FIREARMS law like the three mentioned. When Dwarven1 said Jesse Cohen wasn't very active, he meant here in the forum. He IS active as a firearms lawyer.

You got good advice from Raoul Duke, also a new person on our forum. Nice job Uncle Duke. +1 Reputation Point added.
By the way, does the grl at the end of your handle stand for "GIRL". I think that makes a big difference when you apply, at least in some towns.

Good luck, keep us informed.
yes- it does stand for girl :D the name came from a hunting joke :D

hopefully that will help me out, but you never know.

i did email a lawyer that was suggested and do agree that great advice has been posted :D

i am sort of stuck on the wording of this letter and the actualy content itself- i guess the whole letter- and i am usually good with these things.
This is a list and link to most of the Police Depts in Mass

I've been reviewing a lot of their policies, or trying to
I think I have checked about 150 link already

and altho it may seem a "good reason" to be issued LTC/ALP because one handles large amount of cash , most of the PD sites states that "handling large amount of cash is not a reason" for getting a LTC/ALP

Also, lots of Mass residents opinion is that you can't protect "money", you can only protect ones person.

NES member Vicpinto recently got LTC/ALP in a red town, read what he said he did here
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